ADVERTISEMENTS FOR BIDS INVITATION FOR BIDS : » (» 0 1 MIRO lit e a k i» ! ' F lO C ItU ,m ill tkt soil» 1 C m r OF PORTLAND Word Processing Operator I S flrtn i I * » for tty, . rv,w v»rvv, of nk«-T,vW m ntiyxig ayabvn» gi n u n * iy y y y $1,404 month to start tywr will ty, ,i* nrvart by It*» M MR a ,ar»yrwt fry tty. ho rn e t of dry um ant» Aikktyyv» aeta of rto c u rw it» r or Urban League 10 N Russell Portland, OR 97227 nw y Ire ecquxod for »1C each which a not refurvlebla D o cum ent» m ia t b a ' ratur. ,ed to M A P m g o o d condition w ithin ten rta yi after brd opening data ai ryrlar to racatva refund of dryrart A M A P repraaantativa wili conduct a tour of the job »ite« on W edne sday S r,»,v ,V an » ,986 Iritnraatnrt partya Vvyrlrl meet at the M AP M antananca O ff* a at 10 00 a m for a pre bid txxifmg prior to the »rta vivaetigalayi PirRarH are ylantthad a t foRow» A M ILLSDA LE TERRACE. 8775 S W B PEACEFUL V ILLA , 4826 S E Clinton C D E K U M C O U R T N E 77th Et Oakum The !ry ‘ 2Bth Avenue Ariavex* tn tiuaalm n» raaarl during the couree of th a m eeting that are not «tarlifrad in the S p a, rfy aty xis wr« tie an aw w ad tiy artnervla end p ro w le d to a l (ken holder» of record A m y ,m u m of 2 0 % M B E [la d y rpatron in th e a ia c u tio n o f t h a protect a a H A P raquvam ant arvt the methrvta the tyddar pmpaaae n ronxkytng wnh th a req u irem en t a »ub|ect to H A P review end approval prior to in itiatin g th e oontract Nr, bal * * he imaMtarert onlnati a r, r » ,ipenmit try B«l Set unty n ttie form of rarttfied check c aahrer » check or a ire ty bond payatka to the Houamg Au thrvrty of Portland m an am oun t equal to 10% of the bid to be forfeited as hired and lv|u.dated d am ag e» »houkl Indite, neglect or ,e fu » e to enter into a contra, t and p r o w te surtabta bond to the faithful p erfo rm an ce o f w ork n tho event the contract a awerrterl to the tadrtar N o bidder m ay w ith d ra w a birt after th e hou r set for the o p e n in g th ereo f until after the Uyer, of evty IflOl days from the tad opening T h e M ousing A u th o rity o f P o rtlan d m ay r»|ect any bid n o t in co m p lia n c e w ith all presr ntierl b id d in g p ro cedures an d req u irem ent» a n d m ay reiect any or all brd» and w a iv e all inform alities if m the lu d g m eo t o f H A P it tc . e S ENGINEER Traffic Analyst ♦2.283 to $2.751/mo. Resp. for assigned transportation plan­ ning projects and programs w ithin the dept. of Land Use and Transportation; analyzes transportation networks, pre pares technical studies and reports; coor dinates and reviews work of subordinate planners, provides County and regional transportation planning coordination. Req. college level training in civil engi neenng, transportation planning or relat ed fields w ith coursework in com puter modeling and network simulation; Resp exp in traffic analysis, traduate level training pref. County application forms required, resumes NOT accepted Apply by September 20, 1986 to Washington County Personnel 150 N. First Ave., Room B 2 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Equal Oportunity Employer is in the pohkr »itereat to do so O u a e tw a regertfcng tty» [mya, 1 lhorkd be t*rerd ed to Hay Kuykrmtlak at 283 4802 LEGAL ADVOCATE Part Tima 120 Hrs /W k .I H O U S IN G A U T H O R IT Y OF P O R T L A N D o n r y ( ■ « irtrvH Director Paralegal to assist in operating housin( hotline, and client advocacy and land lord-tenant cases Specific experience ir housing advocacy required $542 00 ♦ D O E Send resume to Carla Mustall Legal Aid Service 310 S W 4th, Room 900 JOBS Magazine 1463 N.E. Killingaworth Portland. OR 97211 (503)288 0033 Page 2, JOBS, September 11, 1965 Portland, OR 97204 by Sept 23. 1986 H'omen, Minorities and Handicapped encouraged to apply.