Page 6, Portland Observer, September 4, 1965 Pizza... I FCC 1985-86 season features multi-cultural drama by Robert L o t hum K u h , red tom ato sauce. H u i, siz­ zling sausage. Gobs o f stringy mozzar­ ella cheese, these are tra d itio n a l in ­ gredients fo r one o f A m erica’s favor­ ite fixxls — pizza. Whether you’ re 6 or 60, after work or play, what could he heller than good, old-lavhtoncd pizza? The an­ swer is great, newfungled pizza Make it with case using spaghetti sauce and a macaroni ’ ’crust". You’ll turn a well- loved hut a ll-to o -fa rn ilia r dish into something new and exciting! Simply toss cooked macaroni with an egg/m ilk mixture and spread into a pizza pan. fo p with cooked sausage, onion, and garlic, spaghetti sauce, and shredded mozzarella cheese Hake and cut into wedge-shaped slices to serve. I he recipe serves six, but you might want to make more, because everyone w ill be asking for seconds may be thirds or fourths. Portland's multi-cultural arts center is asking for renewed community sup­ port as it takes on responsibility for producing fo u r plays during its 19m K6 season. In the past, popular plays like ( hit dren o f a Lesser (io d and Master Harold and the Hoys played to sellout crowds at the Interstate Firehouse C ultural ( enter Hut they were pro duced by outside organizations This year, fo r the first time in its successful three year history, the I K ( is putting itself on the line by accepting the expense and responsibility o f play production. "W e feel this is a big step, a growing up, o f s o rts ," said Gary O ’ Brien, IFCC artistic director. The H5-K6 season promises a co n tin ­ uation o f the IFC C ’s unique program o f in u lti-cu ltu ra l drama K icking o ff the season will be Division Street, from October 3 to November 2 Hilled as a "h ila rio u s farce about melting pot America,’ ’ the play brings '60s ideal ism face to face with the cynical 'HOs Characters include a Serbian chef who prints a radical paper at night, a former Black m ilita n t who joins the police force and lias a sex change oper­ ation, a former radical threatened by the women's movement who disguises himsell as an old man so women won’t demand too much fro m him, and a Black landlady who keeps alive the memory o f M a rtin Luther King and the March on Washington. "B a s ic a lly ," said O 'B rie n , " it 's a play that says America has lost a lot of its ideals and now it's tune to get some o f them back." T he next play, The Resurrection o f la d y Lester, by Black playwright and Yale drama graduate Oyam O, runs from January 16 to February 22. I his play is based on the legend o f the great sax player Lester Young, and features a live jazz band on stage and a charac­ ter who plays Y oung’ s good friend. Billie Holliday. "The racism he was subject to Is not the main focus o f the play but it is certainly one o f them ," said O'Brien "O n e reason that I'm hoping to pull it o ff is that Portland has a real depth o f jazz musicians and Ians." Sound and Heauty, two my sterious one-act plays, w ill feature an Asian American cast and drama “ steeped in the tra d itio n o f Japanese th e a te r," from A pril 3 Io May 10 Staring Hack, the final play o f the season, with a cast ot disabled, hearing impaired and sight impaired actors, is scheduled to run from June 19 to July 19 Susan Nussbaum, the playwright, was disabled in a car accident. Staring Hack is this season’s install ment in the IF C C ’s continuing effort to provide drama by and fo r the d r abled, said O ’ Brien. The IFC C is like ly the only theater in Portland where such a play will be offered, he said Ihe IF ( ( is wheelchair accessible, and Friday and Sunday performances ot all plays w ill be signed In order to build up a repeat audience, said O 'B rien, season tickets are being ot fered at a discount ol up to 22 per cent. Call 243-7930 for more infor mat ion. Allow extra time to Portland Airport Patrons o f Portland International Airport (P D X) should allow extra time for trips to PDX in the next few weeks. I he brief delays are a result o f the widening and repaving o f A irp o rt Way, the roadway leading in to and away from P D X . D uring the con­ struction project, one lane o f A irp o rt Way remains open at all times. How ever, during peak tra ffic times, be­ tween 5:30 and 7:30 a.m . and 5:00 and 7:00 p in ., patrons should allow ten extra minutes for both entering and exiting 0 k * airport. A new revenue control system is also being installed at the entrances o f the short- and long-term parking lots at PDX. M otor vehicle drivers should follow the signs to the open entrances ot O k * parking lots. A irp o rt patrons w ill enjoy the full benefits o f the roadway construction by early September Revenue control system installation is expected to be completed by November. Meanwhile, extra time should be allowed for trip to PDX Chuck Roast H f t