Page 4, Portland Observer, September 4,1906 METROPOLITAN 3 PCC schedules dance workshop (Left to righ t) — Helen S toll, Bob Nelson end Herb D uberry respond to questions about their plans to take the message of prostitution and drug dealing in N.E. Portlend to other parts of the city not affected by the problem. (Photo Richard J B ro w n ) Prostitution, drugs give city bad name by Nathaniel Scott city a irp o rt. Nelson said if necessary the group will lake its campaign to the West H ills, Northwest Portland, and boycott the Oregonian newspaper too. "The problem is not visible to all the neighborhoods," Nelson added "W e arc looking for in p u t." According to Neighborhood Rescue Inc., prostitution is taking over the city o f Portland Prostitutes can be seen hawking their wares from downtown to 82nd Ase., the Hollywood district, Northeast Portland and other areas ol the city, loo. Res John W. Garhngton, pastor of Marantha C hurch, 1222 N l skid more, said he observed a prostitute turning a trick in the parking lot on the church grounds. Nelson said, "W hen tricks are turned in church par king lots, that’s very, very offensive." Nelson said the problem exists be cause we hase a " n o risk justice sys tern. There are no penalties assessed for these crimes, and mans others, so Portland has become an ’ open cits lor "C hasing whores from one neigh­ borhood to another is not an accept­ able s o lu tio n ," the Neighborhood Rescue Inc. said at a press conference last week Boh Nelson, chairman of the N orth­ east coalition, Res. Herb Duberry and Helen R S toll, called the press con­ ference to express h o rro r over the C ity’ s influx o f prostitutes and drugs. "P ro s titu tio n is a cancer growing throughout the c o m m u n ity ," Stoll said, as the group outlined plans fo r dealing with the situation. Nelson said i f necessary, Neigh borhood Rescue Inc. will set up picket lines at P ortland’ s International A ir port to get attention. "T h e entire city and county must tell the C ity C ouncil, C ounty Com missioners, the district attorney and the judges; the police and the sheriff's department that now is the time to act,” NeLson said In addition to demonstrating at the BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL 25% OFF " i I of any Perm, Haircut, J New Relaxers or Mani- i cure services, PLUS J one FREE 8-oz. bottle j of Professional Sham - 1 poo with any services, j — — .J Call Darlene Loving or G w en Hutton at 282-8110 for an appointm ent today! c rim e '." Nelson added. "W e no long er live in the most livable city ." "N o w is the time to a d , " Nelson sard " I bat has to be the message e propose toask the support ot the re­ ligious com m unity; to take the mes sage to service clubs, trade and busi ness organizations, to the health de­ partment and ask that whores and Johns be detained lor blood tests to r AIDS " I t must become an issue with our organizations," Nelson main tamed "P ro s titu tio n really attests the economic development in the Northeast " Res Dtlberrs said Neighborhood Rescue hie w ill be putting up jsoslei all over the city " I have seen the police talking with prostitutes and drug dealers," Res Duberry said " I have three children Ms six seal old daughter at a soun. age is able to recognize the dilleience in the was prostitutes dress " Neighborhood Rescue Ins intends to light lire with lire I lies recognize that some ol their ladies, like calling for AIDS testing, are drastic However Nelson said. "W e ate not orneiv |\-o pie, we .lie nisi disgusted an d tiled He added. " I f they (tin- prostitutes] would move ovei to the Wext side, it (prostitution) would stop " Sloll added that a lot ol die customers are business men who live m die West and N o rlli west areas ol Nelson concluded. "W e illa v picket the justice eenlei and the courthouse, lix t." ( )ne business enterprise, the lade I ree M otel, 1919 Nl Hansosk. is already cooperating with N eighbor­ hood Rescue, Ins Susie Dieter, the resident manager, said, "W e d o n 't need die prostitution business I don't want their money " I he question is. one unidentified source wanted Io know, dix-s Portland have the " g ills " to lake the city out ol the "g rip s " ol prostitutes, pimps and drug dealers'' A special fall dance w orkshop at Portland ( ommunity College Sylvania ( a in pus featuring ballet, dunharn jazz and contem porary dance starts September 9, and runs through Sep tember 19. ( lasses designed fo r the interm edi­ ate level dancer feature instruction trom professional dancers, featuring Benny Bell, to give students a fresh in ­ sight into style, technique and pre­ sentation. Diana I oVerso teaches the ballet each day trom 1(1 to 11 TO a.m. Six.- re­ cently won a W illam ette Week "W illie " award lor her role as Anita in "W est Side S to ry " and she has per­ formed as a soloist w ith The C in cin ­ nati Ballet, Ballet I testa, C ity Ballet and has danced with the Joffrcy Ballet and Portland Opera. The dunharn jazz, to be taught by Benny Bell from 11:30 a.m. to I p.m. each day is ethnic-style jazz with vigor ous w ork-out using isolations and strong leg work. Bell recently taught the Reed College Dance W orkshop, directs his own company in Portland and has taught th ro u g h o u t the U n ite d States and Europe. I he contemporary dance group meets trom I TO to 1 p.m Instructor ( arolynne Kast brings performance background from the Merle 1 ister Dance ( onipany in New Y ork (T ty, Has Aiea Dance ( oahtion in Sail I rancisco and training with the Gra ham School in New York ( its to the l'( ( d.issrcxiin Ml sections inn Monday through I hursdas tor two weeks and are held at the l ‘( ( Sylvania ( ampus, 12000 S W 49th Avenue in the dance studio H I B’ i Workshop lees lor all three classes is $90. two classes dailv and one class $40 Pre registration is advised, but registrations will be taken at the dixir il pace permits ( all the PC ( ( oiii m iin i’ v Service-sal 29T X | m < for regis­ tration or inlormation. f ■■■:.■> Auffror .’ ad ¿entfh i Su/,, C I * H | A l» A . PRESENTED BY SWAP A SHOP ASSOCIATION OE THE NORTHWEST HUNDREDS OF EXHIBITORS • BIG BIG SAVINGS IXV.V «X It s a Flea Market. Liquidation Sale, Antique Show. Arts & Crafts Festival and Bazaar — ALL ROLLED INTO ONE — DISCOUNT TICKET (re g u la r 2 50 a d m is s io n ! O M COUPON P f« AOMlSSrON ■ «OS n S KM'» » »RH • 4 ■ • bobbye, 287-5145,. 282-5406 Election procedures questioned by PCC Portland C om m unity College is considering legal action against Yam- bill County following the defeat o f its $1 5 m illio n levy request there in the Aug I I election I lx-measure was ap­ proved by voters in M ultnom ah, Washington and Clackamas coun­ ties, bin was defeated in Columbia and Yamhill counties I he Yatnhill election was conducted by mail. PCC was not notified the Y am hill vote would be hehl bv m ail, and says il w ould have used a different strategy i f il had known how the election would he mn. The new vote-by-mail law approved by the 1985 l egislature requires the county clerk to notify districts 40 days before an election in which mail ballot is to be used. The new law was not signed by G ov. Vic Atiyeh u n til July 13 and notification o f vote-by-mail for the Aug. 13 election w ould have had to be given by July 3. I he PCC Board o f Directors has asked college adm inistrators to ex­ plore the possibility o f legal action. I he Board is expected to address this issue at its Sept. 9 meeting. Last year Weight Watchers Quick Start Program helped mil­ lions ol people lose millions ol pounds faster than ever before Shaking a can of cream ed soup can help keep out lumps Flying fish can glide at speeds up to 30 miles an hour for as much as a quarter of a mile t This year, the Weight Watchers Improved Quick Start Program made it easier by adding delicious menu plans that helped make losing weight much simpler So. come join the Weight Watchers Improved Quick Start Program i All Now and Rejoining M on ito rs Please Com e 20 Minutes Early) N OR TH EAST PO R TLAN D A tasty w ay to extend hamburger meat is to add one grated raw potato per pound of meat. All doors ara open to courtesy." —Thomas Fuller DON T MISS THIS CHANCE TO BUY BELOW WHOLESALE FOR THE PRICE OF For information. contact It Works. Its Proven. Ife Quick S tart Weight Watchers fla rg a in O Need artists and crafts people Quitter, dollmaker, jewelry maker, etc. 4023 N. Vancouver Portland. OR 97217 O ffice 287 2042 PORTLAND COLISEUM • CONVENTION CENTER to o Works of Art Fine Arts & Crafts I Serve« (Across from Rubensteins Furniture) Bo« WANTED A «AON St Ow»»r A » S O N Crr' I ad Texte» .