Portland Observer, September 4, 1986, Page 3 A photographer's journal o f Nicaragua Richard J brown, photographer fo r the Portland Observer, spent seven weeks in Nicaragua learning about and meeting its people His photographs will appear here as a weekly feature □ tirin g m y stay at the co o perative Ernesto Acuna, for th ree days w e w e re in a h ig h s ta te o f a le rt be cause A m eric an b a c k e d co u nter re v o lu tio n a ry fo rc e s (C o n tra s ) w e re s p o tted only a fe w k ilo m e ters aw ay W om en also defend the c o o p e ra tiv e The w o m a n on th e rig h t is a bngadisla. v o lu n te e r in N ic a ra g u a s lite ra c y c a m p a ig n She w a s am o n g 1 600 young poo pie w h o had given up their studies for tw o years to tea ch campesmos (p e a s a n ts ) to re ad an d w r ite C a lle d th e se co n d w a r o f lib era tion, the literacy cam paign brought the illiteracy rate d o w n from over 50 percent in 1979 to about 12 per cent in )980 and th e w o rk is con tinuing I w as aw ed w ith the dedi catio n and c o m m itm e n t of these young people w h e n I learned that 800 hngadisias had been killed, kid napped or fo rced to leave by the Contras (Photo Richard J Brow n! A rb itra to r hears te s tim o n y in Police T-shirt in cid e n t EDITORIAL/COMMENTARY '• I ■« GiveFossid National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peopl« 284 772£ Family planning essential SUNSHINE BARREL A Public Service of the Portland () b \r r v t r » by Jerry Harrier I asi week an arbitrator heard testi­ mony from the City o f Portland and the Police Union regarding the tiring ol two policemen, Richard A Monlee, 46. and Paul A Wickersham, 11, tor selling the infam ous “ D o n ’ t Choke T in , S m o ke ’ I n t" I shirts Montee and W'iekerham were tired b\ Mayor Bud Clark on the recommendation ol Police Chief Penny Harrington The T-shirts were sold by the two policemen hi the I raining Division at the Justice ( enter and at l ast Pre cinct on A p ril 26, the day of I loyd D Stevenson’ s funeral Stevenson, I I , was a Black man who was killed when police applied the carotid or "sleeper” hold on him A lthough a P ublic In quest Jury ruled that Stevenson's death was the result ol negligence, sev eral days later a M ultnom ah ( ounty (irand Jury tailed to indict anv ol the officers involved in Stevenson's death. During the four days ol hearings. A rb itra to r Paul H anlon listened to testimony fro m C hief Penny Har nngton, M ayor Bud C lark, M u lin o mah County D istrict Attorney Michael Schrunk, former I S Attor ncy fo r Oregon Sidney I c /a k , and Dwight fo rd , a Black policeman, who all testified that the selling o l the I shirts was serious enough to justify the firin g o f Montee and Wickersham I he attorney fo r Montee and W icker sham tried to convince the a rbitrator the selling o l the T-shirts wasn’ t as serious as the opossum incident, there­ fore, the to officers should not have been tired. Several officers who bought the T-shirts also testified that they protest the ban on the sleeper hold. Schrunk said his office received letters from the White community and many were outraged over the T-shirts episode. However, Herb Cawthornc, President o f the Portland Urban I eague, testified that while the I -shirt incident was a blow to efforts to calm the community after Stevenson’s death, it was not as serious as the opossum dumping by officers I he arbitrator w ill rule sometime in October on the fate ol the two ol iuyi tes and 4, Still abortions in die nest I itle \ is the mainstay ol our n.i lion's ongoing commitment to prevent unintended pregnanes and thus iedii>. the need lo r abortion. Vet lit lc \ is being held hostage bv sonic m em bci. ol ( inigrevs who lead the anti aboiii.m movement in this countiv How can those opposed to aboinoii attempt to destroy a program that pic vents abortion 1 W hat is then la lio n ale ’ W here is then compas ion ’ J leal ly, their misguided morality has over come then common sense I he people of this state should fc oulraled bv such callousnes O rc o 'ii receives $1.459,697 ol Id le \ tin .! distributed among county health de partments, Planned Parenthood and other coinuuily agencies, to deliver essential contraceptive service, to M .<»»> low and marginal income wi men and sexually active teenagers ea, h year It Id le \ is not renewed, we estimate tliat die loss ol this monev will directly result in 9,DtX) unwarned pi seat alone \ bi/arre as .ill dns seems, we have witnessed a steads increase in anti a b o ition activities Despite public 'I 'ii poll documenting dial 91 \in e i ic an per 'pie lav or • 'iai .keption, and despite the use ot contraception bv virtually all married couples ot all religious persuasions, at- t.ic k • on conception and Binding lor contraceptive programs continue ( onsider the pain and suffering dial w ould be inflicted on Americans should couples be forced to give up practicing birth control as the tar tiglil- •viih element demands I heir goal of no birth control and no abortion repre a d oom sday plot lor die Amer lean laniilv • ’ J . A Z Roof Coating Edi h e , ■ „ ■ ■ 1 , » • ’ a S’S'-''' Let me make a new roof out of your old roof. As Low As door Is a SCREEN DOOR STORM DOOR SECURITY DOOR ENI • 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE • • WORK GUARANTEED • K BIS« ■'t 'N I S t ' - . . • . i - • ... «a • -• • • /. * ' I also rebuild chimneys, repair gutters and downspouts. Financing Available * • , > 20°° a Sq. Call 287-8474 \ « • f ficen. S • c ALLIED DOOR CO. 246-1575 », * • Affordable high-quality doors with deadbolt locks from FREE ESTIMAI F i f "Keep out the cold ... and the crooks!’ ' V.V. \ • • • • • is my Business ( a rn e ( lark is the ( oordmator o f la m ilv P la n n in g A dvo cates o f O re con. a lobbying organization dedicated to p tib lu education, lobbying and sup­ p o rt • 'I t arrtils Planning in Oregon. . V ■ Security Storm Doors .1» k k k • • • • r-. , ' • .V . ■ « . '¿ W ' kt • ' W ' W » '.» ■ . : t * i ' ' 'a nmmp * * ’IT » "•*'*'*•*: • . •; - •'r ?