■ / ; --y •• I • -i.- HMM JOBS Classified CITY OF PORTLAND A cco un ting Assistant $1,227 month to start Apply by September 26, 1986 Senior Engineer W a te r $3,069 month to start Apply by October 4, 1986 Surveying A id e I $1 ,'i08 month to start Apply by September 16. 1986 All positions include City paid benefits RESUMES W ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED Apply to Portland Civil Service 1220 S .W . Fifth Avenue, First Floor Portland, OR 97204 or Urban League 10 N. Russell Portland, OR 31221 SPIRITUALIST Free Readings by Phone Let Paul tell all — You need not say anything. Call n o w . 1904)62»9123 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES R V s For Less! Kom forts, King of the Road and Sun raders. LOWEST prices around. O cean W a y RV McMinnville Call (503) 434 6606 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Price W ar! Deluxe flashing arrow sign, $297 com piete Lighted no arrow $263 Nonlighted, $199 W arranty. Finest built in America Guaranteed never undersold. Factory: 1-800-423-0163 LIVESTOCK/CATTLE Springs Beefm asters for Sale 30 Spring calving cow s 30 half Beef- master cow s w ith calves 75 bulls — November delivery Route 2. Box BOA Adnan, OR 97901 (503)339 3772 WASHINGTON COUNTY Clerical / Secretarial W ashington County invites qualified candidates to apply for the following positions: Clerk. $998 $1213/mo Associate Clerk, $1100 $1338 mo Secretary 1, $1048 $1274/mo Secretary 2, $1156 $1406 mo Please submit County application form (resumes NOT accepted) by September 13, 1986 to W ashington C ounty Personnel 150 N First Ave., Room B-2 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Equal Opportunity Employer VEHICLE INSPECTION Units Supervisor $1,825 $2,334 M o n th ly This position is with the Dept of Environ mental Quality in Portland and is responsi ble for providing administrative direction and supervision of assigned vehicle in ­ spection centers and licensed fleet opera fions in the Tri County area To (Juahfy you must have equivalent to two years of steadily increasing responsi bility in supervisory or staff level work which includes analyzing and interpreting inspection maintenance program laws, rules and regulations, and analyzing poli cies and procedures b developing and implem enting improvements to work procedures Call D EQ Personnel at 229-5382 by Sept 11 1986 to obtain an application and announcement Equal Opportunity Employer MENTAL HEALTH Crisis Team M em b e r For C M H C serving chronically mentally ill adult out patient population Strong crisis intervention skills and involuntary commitment experience preferred IICPI Master's degree in mental health field or B A plus two years experience required Full time, excellent benefits Som e on call Pick up application at 310 N.E. Oregon Portland Salary $ 17,860 $22.060 per annum Closing date September 14, 1986 Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer FUND DEVELOPER FOR THE Council for P ro s titu tio n Alternative-. The Council for Prostitution Alt is announcing an otxrning for a I veloper Funds currently coor.l- augm ent services to people • leave the life of prositution Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S Expert, posal writing, mass mailing- ' ‘ I events STARTING DATE Septi- t ■ (approximately) SALARY: Contract up to $5 (XM ENDING DATE December 15 t If interested, please subn ' re­ experience in development of f strategies to: Susan H unter. Program C oordi, 4815 NE 7th Avenue Portland. OR 97211 PLEASE'NO PHONE ( Ai POSITIONS OPENING AFC Trainers Taking applications for two p, Adult Foster Care Provide working with chronically m ,- . sons Experience and edu, ,n ferred Contact Eve W hitson. 239 8H/1 or pick up appli, ations at 720 N.E Union Affirm ative Action Equal ( )pportunity I inph ■, PLANT MAINTENANCE Technician I Unified Sew erage Agency $10 4 3 /h r Performs mechan i and repair of wastewater treat,’ • and pumping stations equip,’ ■ I > resp exp in industrial plant m i ’ maint., pipefitting or related r • ■ trades affording exp with ■ tools, mechanical measuring and trouble shooting a w mechanical problems Age,, tions required, resumes NOT , Apply by Septemtier 13. 1986 t W ashington C o u nty P e r s o n , • 150 N First Ave Room H Hillsboro OR 97124 I qualOppurtuniti im p; JOBS, September 4 1966 P •«