ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS S i C TIO N I INVITATION FOR BIDS ADVERTISEMENT M E C H A N IC A L ELECTRICAL P LU M B IN G FOR THE C O N S T R U C T IO N OF S E C AU SEY AVENUE M E D IA N IS L A N D R E M O V A L PROJECT C L A C K A M A S C O U N T Y OREGO N Seeled txdt w * tie rwserved until Septerntxx 6 1985 2 00 P M Sealed bids for health and safety construction at three 13» nondwallmg buildings will tie received by the Housing Authority of Portland lH A P l at HB10 N Woolsey Avenue Portland Oregon 97203 until 2 00 p m PDT Tuesday ft-to tm 8 1985 FoMow*»g a sfxxt xiterval the txds w« he opened arxl read akxxl Bxkfcxs may afterxt the txd operxng at the office of the Clackam as C ounty D evelopm ent Agency 902 Abernathy Road Oregon City Oregon 97046 and pubhcty reed aloud immediately thereafter htt tlie Conatruction of site work including gradirig streets s*Jew<*iks wall and handrarfmg and storm No f*ts will lie received or . «* entered a her tfvrt time The S E Causey Avenue Median Istarxt removal Project corwsts of removmy approximately 843 l f of existing curb and gutter 190 s y of concrete pave merit removal subgrade preparation arxl 913 s y of nrwv concrete pavement (Yawings arxl Specifxatxxis mctudaig txddwig doc uments arxl ixxxtrtxxis of the agreemer ts may be exanxned at the folowwig offices 1 Clackamas County Development Agerx y 902 Abernathy Road Oregrxi City Oregon 97046 2 Wilsey b Ham 521 S W 11th .Portland Oregon 9/206 3 Contractor s Managem ent Association. 3933 N E Union Portland Oregon 97212 4 N W Plan Center, 901 S W Oak. Suite 208 Portland. Oregon 97214 5 Cixwtructxx, Data Plan Center 925 N W 12th Avenue Prxtlarxl Oregon 97208 6 Natxxial Busines League 8939 N E Grand Avenue »4 Portland Oregrxi 97211 7. Builders Exchange Coop , 1125 S W Madison Ave Portland Oregon 97214 Briefly the work consists of but is not limited to Mechanical Electrical Plumbing conatruction which mt kxles the msteMatxxi of three dust snx>ke collecting systems construction o f pamt spray booth tw o fire sprinkler systems arxl rough < aqwx’try IY ix h x x try»- bidders may obCem