ADVERTISEMENTS FOR BIDS CfTV OF SALEM OREGON O f P A R I M I NT O f P U B I 1C WORKS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES INVITATION TO BID FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PEDESTRIAN CONCOURSE AT WALLACE MARINE SPORTS FIELDS S Salem Oregrvi 97301 at a sealed envelope plerrty marked BID ON DEVELOPMENT OF PEDES TRIAN CONCOURSE AT WALLACE MARINE SPORTS FIELDS, and the name and addrea* of the tvddor A »vety bond lyehav s (hack or lertthed check of the tm kk« made [leyafSe Io the City of Salem in the amount of ten percent 110% I of the bid must accompany ear h tvd as security Bid security of all save the three lowest twkkirs wt* tie returned foanwmg the bid opervng a) tvd securay wt* be re hxxkxl (avvi execution of the contract by the successful tvrkkx MENTAL HEALTH 34 hour per week (possible full time). Re­ ferral and placements into residential pro­ gram for C M I adults, service planning, residential provider support and liaison with A F S , S S I, and Dammasch State Hospital. Experience w ith C M I adults entitlement programs and residential pro­ viders required. Masters degree in Mental Health or allied service field, or B.A. + tw o years experience. Salary range $15,173 $18,743. Call to request an application: No tvd will tie rer atved or considerivi by the Cay of Salem unless the tvd oontaeie a statement tiy the tvrklei die provxkons of ORS 775 360 shell tie nduded n he contract Contractor s Prequatifir atxin AiiplKatirvis must be sutxmrted to the City Ptvrhaang S n iev w v 11340 20th Street S E Salem OR 973021 for « v o v a l on or before September 10. 1986 whx h ■ at least five working day* pnor to the schecUed tvd openeig date Upon approval the txdder wS receive a vakd propose for tvdrkng purpose* No hxl » v * twi nverved iv <« wrVxrxt 1mm any txrkler «yho doe* not tiave an « M o v e d (xmjualrfK atxxi « V « atxxi on hie with the City Putchesxig Super e rr PRECXJALIFICATION CLASS ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVE OtL RAMONA HUDSON City Ret ixtkw BID NO M B BID OPENING September 18. 1986 2398871 Closing date: until filled. Contingent positon MENTAL HEALTH CENTER Part time (80%) FT El Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practi- txxier to do medication management for the chronically mentally ill population. Minimum qualifications: Two years psy­ chiatric nursing experience, a P M H N P certification, and prescriptive privileges. Salary $19,200 $22,400. Closing date: September 16, 1985 Call for application: 2398871 W OMENS SHELTER JOBS Magazine 1483 N E Killingswortb Portland. OR 97211 (503)288-0033 Page 2, JOBS, September 4, 1985 H a lf-tim e childcare, h alf-tim e case m a n a g e m e n t. Hours and salary negotiable Resumes to: West Hotel 127 N W . 6th Portland. OR 97209