Portland Observer, August 28, 1985, Page 9 United Church of Christ nds to Falwell by Hans Holznagel l eaders o f the 1.7 m illion member United Church o f Christ, responding to the Rev. Jerry Falwell's comments on apartheid in South A fric a , de­ scribed the M o ra l M a jo rity leader's pout ions as “ appalling," "insensitive” and "dangerous," The United Church leaders also re­ iterated their support for Bishop Dcs mond T u tu , the Anglican Bishop o f South A fric a , whom M r Fallw ell called a " p h o n y " and who w a s c riti­ cized by the U.S. Government for re­ fusing to join a meeting between South African clerics and the country’ s pres ident, P W. Botha M r. Falwell made his comments in press conferences this week after he completed a five-day “ fa c t-fin d in g " tnp to South Africa, which iiKluded a meeting with Mr. Botha. " In his recent trip to South Africa, Jerry Falwell has shown a dangerous, even a smug, self-righteousness that has played into the hands o f the Botha government," said the Rev. Dr. Avery D. Post, president o f the U nited Church o f Christ. " H e gives no evi­ dence that he perceives the demonic character o f apartheid. His selective observations betray an atrophy o f con­ science and compassion. “ In his visit to South Africa at this time, we have the specter o f a religious leader providing m oral, and by in fe r­ ence, theological support to the apart heid system. This is a shocking msensi tiv ity to what many o f us believe are the imperatives o f a just G od: to be present with people who have been in bondage and whose h u m a n ity has been violated. A news report o f M r. F a lw e ll's comments on his South A fric a n visit quoted him as saying, “ I have yet to fin d one person — black, colored, w hite o r In d ia n — who wants d is ­ in v e s tm e n t." H ow ever, the U nited C hurch o f C h ris t's General Synod, its highest deliberative body, heard a different story this summer in a speech by the Rev. A lla n Boesak, a Black South African who is president o f the Work! Alliance o f Reformed Churches and is an outspoken opponent o f apartheid Both Boesak and the South African Council o f Churches, to which hr helonvs srtoke nubliclv in f a v o r o f divestm ent fo r the firs t tim e this summer 30 pieces of Krugerrands "M o s t Americans w o n 't listen to Jerry Falw ell’ s siren song to sell out our belief in human rights for 30 pieces o f Krugerrands," said John Buchan­ an. chairman o f the 150,000-mem her citizens organization People For the American Way, atacking M oral Ma jo rity leader Jerry Falw ell's support for the government o f South A frica. On August 18, Rev. Falwell said he w ill urge "m illio n s o f C hristians to r A L LE N T E M P L E C M E C H U R C H C orner of 8th and S kid m o re Sunday School 9 30am Sundav W orship 11 00am Christian Y outh Fellowship 6 00pm (second and fo u rth Sundays) E lo n z a J E d w ard s (P a s to r) A P u b lic S e r v ic e o f t h e Portland Observer Albina Ministerial Alliance 284 6023 Tuesday Bibl« Band Thursday Choir Hahaarsal 84 N E K illin g s w o rth • 281 0499 " A warm spirit of fellowship always" J * -4- a Sunday Sunday School Morning ~ The Ark of Safety Churdi of God In Christ Worship YPW W Evanoahstic Worship Tuesday Friday 7 30 p m 7 00pm 9 15am t l 15a m 6 30p m 8 00 p m Noon Day Prayer the BiWc Friday •follou’ pCQfC U’ltb TheP* wS<* t , Opm all men. fc holiness u’ithoul u’bicb ¿ w S nw . 9 « .m man shall sec Ibe Cord A Iff* Financial combat of apartheid C H IC A G O — M obilization o f the invested financial power o f 13 national and international agencies o f the U nit­ ed Methodist Church against apartheid racial policies in S outh A fric a was mapped in August. The proposals, developed at a con­ sultation called by the denomination's chief fiscal arm , are directed toward U.S. banks and co rporations doing business in South Africa. The suggest­ ed steps stop short o f advocating wide­ spread total divestment o f companies doing business in South A fric a , but say such a move should be considered as one step in a blend o f several strat­ egies. Investments o f the agencies repre­ sented here total approximately $2 b il­ lion, an undetermined ainoutn o f it in companies d o ing business in South A frica, the recommendations now go to the in d ivid u a l units fo r consider­ ation. buy Krugerrands," the South A frican gold coin. Buchanan was a Republican C o n ­ gressman from Alabam a, fro m 1 9 6 5 through 1981 serving on the Subcom­ mittee on A frica o f (he House C o m ­ mittee on Foreign A ffa irs He visited South A fric a in 1982, meeting w ith governmental, religious, and human rights leaders. Buchanan is also an o r­ dained Southern Baptist minister YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT Send notice o f your church activities and events to Religion Editor. Portland Observer P O B o x ) 137 Portland O P 97208 KMDAM HAA* MBUAMU» Keeping a roof looking tip top requires the fascia and soffit to be in good condition. The antenna of a male wasp has 13 joints. Coating food with flour can be easier if you use a hour-filled salt shaker. The top selling juice in American restaurants is orange juice. b u s in e s s w it h S o u th A fr ic a American State Bank AN INDEPENDENT BANK Head Office 2737 N. E Union Portend, Oregon 97212 Constructive engagement denounced A lte r 13 days in South A fric a , a United Methodist superintendent has called fo r the resignation o f Chester Crocker, architect o f the Reagan A d ­ m in is tra tio n 's p olicy o f "c o n s tru c ­ tive engagement." The Rev R. Kandy Day, superin­ tendent o l M e tro p o lita n New Y ork churches, said, " W ith South A frica's experiencing the worst tu rm o il in its h isto ry, M r C ro c k e r's destructive, demonic policy puts a muzzle on the U.S. government when we should he leading the international community in condemning and dism antling the re pugnant racist policy o f a p a rth e id ." M r. Crocker is assistant secretary o f state in charge o f the Bureau o f A fr i­ can Affairs Mr. Day was one o f seven members o f the New Y ork Annual Conference who visited South A frica Aug 3 - 16 In the g roup were fo u r whites and three Blacks. " I f white South Africans were dying at the rate that Blacks are, the State Department would drop constructive engagement in fa v o r o f som ething more effective,” M r Day commented Responding to the w hite co n te n ­ tion that economic sanctions and d i­ vestment would harm Blacks, M r. Day said m ore than 50 percent o f the Blacks in S outh A fric a are unem ployed and have little hope o f jobs. "T hey are already h u rtin g ," he said. The g roup toured Soweto, the large Black township outside Johan­ nesburg, guided by a Methodist m in ­ ister. “ The com m unity was very tense,” said the Rev Linda Thomas, co-pastor o f M e m o ria l U n ite d M ethodist Church in White Plains, N Y. " I t was just like on the covers o f Tim e and Newsweek — an armored vehicle, lots o f w hite arm ed soldiers arresting a young Black man and k ic k in g the Black m a n ," she added. " It 's almost as though white South A frica has begun a war on Black peo­ p le ," said Ms. T homas. "C le a rly it ’ s a patriarchal, m ilitaristic society that has done its best to separate Blacks from whites Blacks live in townships that arc virtual concentration camps,” she said. The visitors also spent two evenings with Afrikaners, native South Africans o f E uropean descent. One evening was with students from the University o f the Orange Free State and the other w ith tw o u n ive rsity professors, a Dutch Reformed minister and a w o­ man children’s worker. " S p iritu a lly , psychologically and emotionally they have been inculcated with the idea they're a superior race," said Ms. Thomas. "W hen the church says th a t, it's d iffic u lt fo r people to follow their own leanings." Meeting M o rn in g Star B aptist C hurch is h o lding C h ris tia n W omen Against Crime on Thursday, September 5, at 7:30 p.m. in the Education Building Christian Women Against Crime is an organization’ s C hristian view o f justice. The discussion topic w ill be Issues on C o m m u n ity and the l aw: Problems and Solutions to Problems. For more in fo rm a tio n, contact A l­ berta Phillips, 281-3388, after 4 p.m . THE MOUNT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH N E FirstJ t S c h u y le r • 284 1954 John H J ach w n Minute» M N M l) 9 30 A M Church School 11 00 A M Conyreyatronai W ,sn ians H S.HiWon» A e (4 " i *i lb » 1' » »SM NE U nion zar s z M Ä t Z NE IS lh 15 N M o rris St 287 4532 Z4S 0 Ä J 0 ANN B WITTE A tto rn e y a t Law 5315 N Vetx.oover Ave 4624 N E 9th 281 1838 (9Q3Ö490EB5 NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO? HAVE A PROBLEM?CALL WINGS OF LOVE 281 9642 Rev Mayes P erfo rm ance C o ntrol A u to Service C enter ZBW NE U nion X > ' 7 * •••«■». «■•*•**» » liri i n -< 9 * a f r 284 3332 819 K ilhnyaw* >rd St <&03j28B « 1 4 T H E O T H E R S ID E E X E C U T IV f C U S T O M T a ilo rin g In te rn n tio n n l RESTAURANT M e n W o m e n C h ild re n IS NO» OF» N Wf«>M Milk S* t»d Rs • » •*