Portland Observer, August 25, 1985, Page 7 Child support payments decline sharply Middle income families need financial planning Middle income families now face some o f the same kinds of Financial questions that used to face only the wealthy. This means more people than ever are using the services of Fi­ nancial planners, points out Alice Mills Morrow, Oregon State Univer­ sity Extension family economics spe­ cialist. Complex tax laws, hanking de­ regulation and a greater variety of saving and investment options arc leading more middle income families to seek Financial planning advice, she notes Family assets have increased also, particularly in families where both partners are employed. That’s why Morrow, with Jane Metners, OSU instructor in family re­ source management, has written a new publication called “ Financial Planners. Do You Need One?" which has just been published by the OSU Extension Service. The circular includes information about the costs o f using a financial planner and what the consumer can expect the planner to do. It also in­ cludes information about the educa­ tion and certification of people work­ ing in the field and some guidance about how to select a planner. "Financial planners are generalists who take a broad view o f your finan­ cial situation and design an overall strategy to help you meet your finan­ cial objectives,” the specialist ex­ plains. This means that those consulting planners "need to determine their own goals and objectives so the plan can be developed How well the plan works depends upon the action ol the consumer implementing the plan," she points out. Copies o f the new publicaton, which costs 50 cents, are available through county offices ol the OSl Extension Service or bv mail from the OSU Bulletin Clark, Oregon Stale University, Corvallis 97331 When ordering by mail, include 25 cents to cover postage and handling I he average child support pay­ ment to Black and W lute mothers de dined significantly in real terms from 1978 to 1983, according to a report from the Commerce Departm ent's Census Bureau The average received by Black women in 1983 was 26 percent below the amount reported in 1978 alter ad­ justing for inflation — $1.470 versus $1,980. Payments to white women declined by 13 percent, from $2.840 to $2.480 According to an April 1984 survey, the average child support payment to Black women from 1981 to 1983 • About h a lf o f the 2.3 m illion Black mothers o f children with no father present had 1983 incomes be low tile poverty level. Only 30 percent ot them had ever been aw aided sup port payments, and the average pav inenl was $1,160 • About 240,000 Black and 650, (MO white women with incomes below ihe poverty level were due payments, about 60 percent o f whom received some payment in 1983 • O f the 2.6 m illio n Black and 14.3 m illio n white women evei divorced or currently separated, 6 pei cent and IS percent had ever been dropped bv 18 percent ($1,800 to $1 ,4’ tl) after adjusting tor in fla tio n, while pavnients to white women showed in> significant change fro m 1 4 'x io 1981, however, payments to w hile mothers fe ll by 16 percent ($2.840 to $2.390) w hile those to Black mothers d id not change sig­ nificantly. Here ire oihei findings from the survey: • I he proportion o f Black women ilia! had been awarded child support pavnients as ot 1984 was about half that ot whites 14 |ierccnt compared wiih h7 percent. aw aided alimony payments. • Twenty six percent ot Black and 39 percent of white ever-divorced women were awarded a property settlement in 1983 I he survev was sponsored by the Commerce Department and tlie O l lice o f (. Inld Support Enforcement, Department ot Health and Human Serv ices. Copies o l ( hild Support and A ll morn /95T, Senes P-23, N o. 141, arc available Irom the Superintendent o f D ocum ents, U.S. G overnm ent P rinting O ffice, Washington, D C . 21MO2. Researchers say: Salt could be reduced in hotdogs, baked goods Corned beef, hotdogs, and baked goods could be made with less salt, still taste as good, and help people cut the salt in their diets. That’s the outlook o f U.S. Department o f Ag­ riculture scientists who, after a two- year study, have developed new formulas for lower salt in processed foods. Food technologists R ichard C. W h itin g and Eugene J. Guy o f U S D A ’ s A g ric u ltu ra l Research Service worked to see how much the table salt, or sodium chloride, con­ tent could be reduced and still pro­ tect the safety and quality o f proc­ essed foods. These foods are the source o f over 30 percent o f an Am erican’ s intake o f sodium. N u­ tritio n a l and medical research have linked high levels o f sodium in diets to high blood pressure and other health problems. M any brands o f corned beef, hotdogs, and processed meats could be made w ith 20 to 25 percent less table salt, according to W h itin g ’ s fin d in g s at the agency’ s Eastern Research C enter, P h ila d elph ia. Lower-salt hotdogs compared well with conventional hotdogs in flavor, texture, and shelf life, Whiting said. Recipes fo r com m ercial and homemade leavened breads could call for 50 percent less salt w ithout sacrificing quality, Guy said. A 50- pcrcent reduction could decrease the average consumer's salt intake '-'i to one gram a day. Studies confirmed that proper re­ frigeration is more im portant than salt in retarding the growth o f m i­ crobes that cause spoilage and food poisoning, Whiting said. California turkey talk The new Two-Week Turkey Diet features fixxls that taste good, dishes (hat are versatile and menu plans Shat the whole family can follow, diet­ ers and non-dieters alike. Each day’s menu presents a new turkey dish, tuch as Ginger Turkey Stir-Fry, Flor­ entine Stuffed Turkey Breast or Tur­ le y Albondigas Soup According to the California Turkey Breast or Tur­ key Albondigas Soup. According to the C a lifo rn ia Turkey Industry Board's nutritionist, dieters can lose from two to four pounds in 14 days, »be amount recommended for good health. A copy may be obtained by lending $1.00 to cover postage and bundling to: DIET, C alifornia Turkey Industry Board, P.O. Box 3329, Mo­ desto, C A 95353-3329. Please allow ¿ to 8 weeks for delivery Lean Ground Beef u 4 t)‘, Or L a rg e r. Not To Exceed 23 Fat C o nten t ■ ■ ■ ™ ■ I U n se a so n a b ly W arm W ea th e r & In c re a s e d P ro d u c tio n Has A llo w e d T h is O u ts ta n d in g V a lu e ' Save $1.60 Lb. Wi Russet Potatoes U.S. Num ber 1 Save Up To 60e P ric e s E ffe c tiv e 8/28 T h ru 9 /3 /8 5 A t A ll S a fe w a y s In The V ic in i­ ty O r O r i g i n a t i n g P u b lic a t io n . Lim ited To R e tail Q u a n titie s . No S a le s To D ealers. 1(1 Lb C IU Bag U P ro c h I I C O II Whole Fryers Plump Tender fije l! l% l l * U W L I 1 Save Up To 59 P ound Fresh Mushrooms OREGON GROWN Save Up To 40 P ound Look in ‘This Week'' for 79' Coupon For 32-oz. Thick Rich Heinz Ketchup 8 /2 8 /8 5 2-Pound Tillamook Cheese Med C h e d d e r, C o lb y or M o n te re y Jack Save Up To $2.1 0 Ea. Seneca Apple Juice Regular Or N atural Or Sw eetened Grape Juice 12-0unce Frozen Cans Save Up To SI 38 On 2 Family Brownie Mix B etty C ro c k e r 21 5 -0 u n c e Box Save Up To 80 SAFEWAY