Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 28, 1985, Page 6, Image 6

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    Page 6, Portland Observer, August 28, 1985
Joe "Heun" Keller, Entertainment Editor
End of Summer Jamm
Monday, Sept. 2nd (Labor Day). Irving Park will be the site for the Rfth
Annual End of Summer Jamm and Picnic This year’« festival will feature
a variety of Portland s finest musical group«, singers. rappers and dancers
The End of the Summer Jamm is tfie last outside event before tfie school
year begins TT»e lineup of music will feature CoverBoy a new up coming
¿piece band with a young and fresh sound, tfie Rirt Band under the direc
tion of Randy Smith; CleanCut and the CleanCut band, a 1 0 piece group
with four lead vocalists and a 6 piece band; and the forever lasting Velvet.
w4to have been around for over a decade, along with high energy vocals of
the Strawberry Gamblers Along with the live bands, the day will also fee
ture deco by tfie Chaz. Larry Boll and other D J s The day of entertainment
w d begin about 3 00 p m . lasting until 8 00 p m
The public is also invited to the sporting event connectd with the End of
Summer Jam m The Third Annual King’s Ransom Tennis Tournament will
take place at the Irving Park tennis courts beginning Aug 31 and continuing
through Labor Day. when tfie finals will be played See you at Irving Park,
N.E. 7th and Fremont
In Salem
Hot Wax '85"
Saturday. August 31st. tfie public is invited to tfie Grayson Inn (formerly
Cofieeum Holiday Inn) to take part in Hot Wax 86, featuring J W Friday and
the Musical Technicians Hot Wax 86 is a dance and record spin that will
feature music from some of the hottest recording artists Tickets for this
eveng are $6 00 in advance and can be purchased at the House of Sound
records. Waves hair Design. Ja Bell’s Beauty Supplies and Cason’s Fine
s; $6 00 at the door One must be 21 or over to attend
Ebony features DePriest/Rawls
James DePrlast. conductor of the Oregon Symphony, along with the
fabulous singer Lou Rawls, are both featured in September issue of / bom
DePriest Is being recognized along with other Blacks who are struggling
to keep Black image in the symphonies across the United States Rawls lias
a chance to let you see lire personal side of himself He reveals his lifestyle
behind the man and his music. Read September edition of Ebony for the
complete stones
Harry Belafonte in Concert
H arry B elafo n te. a p orfo rm er acclaim ed by audiences all over the
world, brings his brand new stage show com plete w ith live orchestra
and singers to the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall for tw o shows only.
Friday. September 6. 1986 at 7 00 and 10 00 p m International singer Letta
Mbulu will be M r Belafonte « featured guest artist Tickets are on sale
now at the Civic Auditorium Box Office. G I Joes. Jean Machine. Meier
& Frank. Stevens ft Son To charge by phone call 248 4496 in Portland
Harry Belafonte. a celebrated recording artist, concert singer, movie
Broadway and television star and producer, is also a ranking statesman
In the hum an rights struggle He co produced the film Beat S tre e t’
and the soundtrack album from the film w h ich recently turned gold
M r. B e la fo n te ’s role in the org anization of U SA for A frica is w idely
recognized. Ha is also one of the 46 artists w ho took part in the record
Ing of "W e Are The W orld" in January M r Belafonte is presently Vico
President/Artist Spokesman for USA for Africa
Harry Belafonte captivates audiences w ith the richness and depth of
his dynam ic p erform ances His ability throughout the years to break
concert attendance records started in 1966 in Lewisohn Stadium . New
York City. He appeared there before 26.000 people, breaking a 39 year
Standing record He is the only artist to perform at N ew York's famed
Palace Theatre for a precedent setting 14 weeks, and he appeared solo
there without the aid of backup acts
Tickets to see Harry Belafonte w ith his special guest are only $14 50
and 119 SO (plus 25 cents city users fee) and are now on sale
?4K C o n c e rts P reserif
Lou Rawls
Lou Rawls plays Portland
In 1966 Lou s / ««■ /i ) H urlin' 1 hmit received Gram m y nominations
for best Rhythm und Blues recording solo vocal performance Lou won
his first Grammy in 1967 for best R & B vocal performance on Dead End
Slrwt The song was also nominated for best R 8 B recording
A Grammy nomination for tour Hood Hung Ih About Io End) followed
in 1969. and in 1971. Lou won the Grammy for best R & B performance
for Natural Man
Moving on to 1976 when Lou signed w ith Philadelphia International
Records, he began an association w ith tw o masters of record produc
tion. Kenny Gam ble and Leon H uff Lou then received tw o G ram m y
nominations for I ou 'll Sever / mil t Another ! ove / ike Shnel and Groovy
/»■(</>/<• You 'll ,Never / md w ent on to become a Gold and Platinum selling
record in 1977
Lou came into the 80s releasing more hit songs such as H hen the Night
( i m i , It md Ih ncalh \h If ing\ and others Lou is also the force behind
Lou Rawls Parade of Stars teleth on and an honorary chairm an for
U NC F Lou will be appearing on Sept 8th at the Civic Auditorium
S I I’ I I
MONDAY. SI I’ l l M B ! K 2
(No Reserved Seating)
I ’< <st Times Weekilavs fs pm Weekends ft I .abor I Xiv 1 pin
Fashion show slated
Executive W om en International Portland Chapter, w ill host a fund
raising dinner fashion show at 6 00 p m . Septem ber 18 1985, at the
Westin Benson Hotel Tfie Towne Shop, on West Burnside, is providing
the fashions Tickets are $20 00 each and can be reserved by calling Jo
Barker 248 910C
Door prizes and a grand prize
tw o round trip airline tickets
com plim ents of I V I Travel will
be given away
Proceeds from the fashion show
will go to Executive W omen Inter
n a tio n a l’s Business Career De
velopm ent Program, which pro
vides scholarships to high school
seniors w ho have exhibited out
standing business leadership po
m agi« VSsra«
A note of thanks
The Black Employees Telecom
m unications Association (BETA)
of Pacific N orthw est Boll hosted
its second annual m em bership
drive. August 18th at Geneva s
C o cktail Lounge w ith a Sunday
Co chairman of the Black Unit
ed Front, Ron Herndon delivered a
message which emphasized unity
and touched the hearts of every
one present
J o e tte Johnson and Aleshia
Lock, w h o appeared in the Port
land production of Ain't Misbe
b avin .’ provided groat entertain
ment They were accompanied by
Janis S croggins on keyboards
while performing songs written by
Fats Waller
Tom and Gracye Kennedy, pro
prietors of Geneva's, opened their
doors at a special hour to acconi
modate BETA, whose guests also
enjoyed an im pressive array of
food Alvin M anus, owner of the
Flower King Florist, contributed
fresh long stem carnations for the
females in attendance
The event was a success in that
BETA enrolled 12 now mem bers
and received an ad dition al 10
6oz Gei
Now only
N o w only
N o w only
w ith Sp»»< irti GtiflM
_W _.IV E limo co
Calvin W alker
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Civic Auditorium
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A u fh o r i/e d
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Office 287 2042
3716 N.E. Union Ave.