Page 4, Portland Observer, August 28, 1966 METROPOLITAN Project Return brings “truant officers“ back to Portland Schools " T ru a n t O ffic e r s ," in a ctive in recent years because o f financial cut­ backs, return to Portland with a new title w hen the school year sta rts Sept. 3. " P ro je c t R e tu rn " — developed jointly by the Portland School District and C ity o f P o rtla n d ’ s P olice B u­ reau and Y outh Service Center A d ­ m in is tra tio n — was described by S upl. M a tth e w P rophet d u rin g a meeting o f the Portland Board o f Ed­ ucation. An eatlmated 2,000 people turned out for the Third Annual World Music Festival held et the University of Portland, Saturday. El Rey — The King Tito Puente with his hard driving Latin percussion ended the day that was filled with good music, food and dance IPhoto Richard J Brown) W orld Music Festival held by Robert Lothian A special treat at the third annual World Music Festival at the University o f Portland Saturday, August 24. was a guest appearance by the man who invented the steel drum. E llie M ann e tte , o rig in a lly fro m Trinidad, is in Vancouver, B .C ., this summer constructing steel drums for musicians there. He dropped down to P o itla n d fo r an e n thusiastically- received festival workshop. The chrome-plated drums w ith the magical sound are gaining in popular ity almost daily, taken over by groups that play jazz, fusion, rock and fo lk. Mannette said the idea for his first drum “ just came to m e " in 1946. After other Caribbean musicians had tried the various sounds made by paint cans, he said he decided to try one o f the many o il drums that wash up on the beach. He cut the top o ff, and be­ gan to experim ent w ith the sounds made in different areas o f the surface. Mannette said he actually dreamed the intricate sound pattern which he etched and pounded in to that firs t drum, using a hall peen hammer and a punch. " I have absolutely no musi­ cal training," said Mannette. " A ll that I have created came from my musical visions.” Other patterns developed — he held up com plicated "b lu e p r in ts " o f the patterns for various drums, including a bass model. A n average drum takes about two months to make “ com pletely by hand," he said, and costs about $9(1) Mannette announced that he w ill be giving steel drum workshops in Can­ non Beach this fall. A n example o f how M arinette’ s handiwork has evolved was provider! later by Wyndam H ill recording artists Darol Anger, Barbara H igbie, ItxJd P h illip s , M ike M a rsh a ll and A ndy N a rcll. The group plays what some have described as “ quintessential yup­ pie music” — m ellow , m iddle class music fo r dream ing The audience danced enthusiastically to an earlier salsa band, but they swayed quietly while this group played. Some in the audience actually appeared to be medi­ tating. Yet N arell is a well know n steel drum im presario, and his sound is quietly incorporated into I he group's new age music. He has recorded wiih Aretha F ra n klin , the Pointer Sisters and others. Workshops at the festival featured the music o l "cultures in transition” —Ghana, I aos and I entral America A standout was the workshop ol At ri can drumming and dancing presented by the Seattle group, ( kheami. Other groups — from folk to jazz, Japanese, Indian, A ra b ia n , I a tin , Yiddish, Caribbean, Hungarian and African turned the day into a musi­ cal potpourri and a cultural treat Headling the '» g ra in Saturday night was the "k in g ol the tim bales" —T ito Puente and his I atm Jazz A ll Stars. I ito's hot I atm sound was ap­ propriate for the steamy night Supt. Prophet said officers o f the Police Bureau's new Juvenile Services Unit during school hours w ill Itxate, detain and transport truant Portland Public Schools students to a school d is tric t receiving center at to rm e r Monroe High School. I he center, located in the Portable buildings at 2508 N .E. Everett St., w ill be staffed between 9 a.m and 2 p.m. on school days by school district and juvenile services personnel and volunteers. T ru a n t students detained in the field by juvenile services officers w ill be txken in to custody and charged with a statutory offence called "B C C - Iru a n cy” (behavior circum stantial conditions) A fter the consultations, the center w ill select appropriate disposition o f a tru a n t's case — either by the stu­ dent's return to school, assignment to a resource center, release to parents or guardians, sell-release, re fe rra l to alternative schools or programs or to a youth service center for counseling Juvenile services officers w ill not take into custody truants from other schcxil districts or other youths cov­ ered by Oregon's compulsory-attend- ance laws, but not enrolled in schcxil. Officers instead w ill cite such youths for " B i t -tru a n cy," file custody re­ ports, and n otify parents and appro­ priate school d istricts and ju ve n ile courts. IPhoto Kris Altucher) Irving Park summer program a hit with kids by Hob Lothian Irving Park finishes up its active summer program this week. Attracted by fun and a safe at­ mosphere, hundreds o f children played in the park each day during the summer's hot weather, said park director Rufus Conner. Organizes) park activities include the ever -popular Reading Tree program, sports, arts and crafts, the wading psxil, and free lunches for low-income children. A new addition this summer was the Children's Peace Project, a pilot effort designed to help children learn how to resolve their conflicts peace­ fully through music, dance, acting and puppetry. “ We order 270 lunches and they go,’ ’ said Conner. During warm weather, he added, up to 70 children use the wading psxil at one time. A train o f admiring children followed the popular "park m an" as he set out a sign with "to d a y ’s puz- zJe " A chalked note said, "g im p sold after lunch.” Children use the m u lti­ colored plastic strands known as gimp to make belts, key chains and other do-dads "W e have a lot o f kids here and quite a few adults and they are all well-behaved, I see to th a t," said Conner, former Pacific University basketball forward During the school year, Conner coordinates Irvington Community School. Many children come for the Reading Tree program in the morning and stay for recreation activities a f­ terward. The Reading Tree leaches reading and writing with popular stories. Reading Tree director Bee Anderson and Conner are helped by a crew o f 10 to 15 volunteers, "ju s t parents helping o u t," said Conner. Each Wednesday at the park, bet ween 60 and 150 children participated in the Children's Peace Project, said Rachael Pruitt, director. On one o f the first cloudy Wed­ nesdays after a hot spell, children in the Peace Project formed a circle and danced to drum and autoharp music. Then one by one, they entered the c ir­ cle and pretended they were chickens, lions, hyenas, dogs and cats. They made animal sounds, too. Some were a little embarrassed. Then they sang "W e Are the W o rld ." "W e 're reallv teaching kids how to work together "without fig h tin g ," said Pruitt, a member o f Performers and Artists for Nuclear Disarmament In designing tire program, Pruitt said she was not motivated by fear o f the bomb. The emphasis is on teaching children techniques for getting along with their neighbors and learning about different cultures, she said. She picked Irving because o f its location in the inner city and because Conner supported the idea, Pruitt said Community groups, including the Urban I eague and the Urban In­ dian Council, offered support and advice, she added. Jennifer Williams, 12, wrote the script for a puppet show which children in the peace project perfor­ med for parents and othet children She has "bad kid ” puppets breaking into houses to find friends Other child puppets convicc the house­ breakers that they w ill only make enemies that way. The problem is resolved without calling the police, Jennifer explained, and all the children go out for pizza. Jennifer, from Baton Rouge, la ., was in Portland visiting her gran­ dmother who lives near the park. She enjoyed the activities at Irving and her new friends so much, she said, that she tried talking her mother into moving to Portland " I ’d be really bored" back home, she said. Pruitt is seeking funds to continue the peace project into the fall Her goal is the formation o f a children's performance group, she said. On Wednesday, August 7, 1985, the Portland C ity Council approved an ordinance ra tifyin g an agreement w ith the U.S. Depl. o f Housing and U rban D evelopm ent fo r an energy con se rva tio n w e a th e riza tio n loan program. Approxim ately $700, (XX) is available at 0*Y to make w eather­ ization loans to about 250 mixlerate income fam ilies in the C ity o f P o rt­ land. These loans can be financed over a period o f seven years and are available through the P ortland De­ velopment Commission (P IX '). Commissioner Mike I indberg indi­ cated, "T h is is a special program op­ p o rtu n ity , because while federal re­ sources are dwindling, the City is able to provide a much needed weatheriza­ tio n program fo r P ortla n d fam ilies who have not already been able to get their homes weatherized " Lindberg went on to say, "W e arc particularly proud that the Portland Development C om m ission came fo rw a rd and o f ­ fered to administer and help market this program without additional cost. The Commission and their sta ff has always had a com m itm ent to energy conservation and (heir long-standing re lationship w ith P o rtla n d lending institutions has enabled us to provide this pro g ra m . H U D funds w ill be used to subsidize the interest rates to ()•'« Loans w ill be made th ro u g h P IX ' to Portland’ s moderate income families.” Incom e lim its a p p ly to the p ro ­ gram. For example, to be eligible, a family o f four would need to have an income o f less than $31,700 to q ual­ ify. An energy audit is required to de­ termine eligible work. These are avail­ able free from energy suppliers. Tele­ phone numbers to arrange these are: O il Heat Institu te 231-7101; N o rth ­ west Natural lia s, 226-4211 ext. 5532; Portland General Electric 226-5822; or P a cific Power and L ig h t C o. 2 M 2886. ( all P D l at 796-6800 fo r further inform ation on the loan appli­ cation and qualification process. The I ity is able to o ffe r these loans only until the end o f the year. pORTLANDy c 0L l EGE F'T ° i LNÄAILABLE schedû J ^ Y s FOR A lte r receiving the truant and the custody report, center personnel w ill contact schools and ju ve n ile courts about records o f the truant students and notify their («rents or guardians. Portland Schtxil District w ill estab­ lish tw o student resource centers to involve parents in assessing education needs o f the schronic truant and plan­ ning fo r the student's eventual re­ turn to a regular school. It also w ill help middle and high schixils develop programs to assist returning truants. Children'* peace game* Lindberg outlines zero percent loan program Classes b e g i n Sept 23 BICYCLIST HIT & KILLED N.E. Union at Skidmore Saturday, Aug. 3rd About 4 P.M. Supl. Prophet said the joint truancy project as a byproduct o f efforts by a student atendance committee appoint­ ed by him in November 1984 The 19- member co m m itte e — mandated to recommend clarifications and changes to the school d is tric t's attendance policies, regulations and practices— comprises school a d m in istra tors, teachers, school police, other support staff, parents and representatives from the police bureau and city youth cent­ ers. Chaired by C a ro lyn Sheldon, a student services co o rd in a to r fo r the school d is tric t, the com m ittee held public hearings last M arch and also has involved attendance specialists from the Oregon Department o f Edu­ cation, Oregon State U niversity and the University o f Oregon. P rom pted by police bureau evi­ dence that most daytim e burglaries are committed by youths, the commit­ tee in June recommended establish­ ment o l a cooperative truancy-deter­ rent e ffo rt sim ilar to successful pro­ grams in California, Hawaii and Utah. Project Return then was refined by Supt. Prophet and his s ta ff, in con­ cert w ith representatives o f Portland Mayor Bud C lark, Multnom ah Coun­ ty Commission and Juvenile Services Commission, police bureau and youth service centers. The com m ittee’ s fu ll report on its o riginal mandate is expected in O c­ tober. Supt Prophet said he expects to respond and make his own recom­ mendations to the school board later this fall. Were You A Witness? Did you see this accxJent involving a young w om an, Safxina Sim mons, w ho was on her txeyefe and was hit by a van as she crossed N.E. Union at Skid­ more? The Sim m ons w ant to thank the public for their sympathetic help at the time of Sabrina s death, for she was alone The only voice that can speak for her now I* youl Please help. Call Ted at 6368804 (daytim e) or write 2539 N.E. 19th. Portland. OR 97211