Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 28, 1985, Page 3, Image 3

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    Portland Observer, August 28, 1986, Page 3
A photographer’s journal o f Nicaragua
Richard J tiro »n, photographer fo r
the P ortlan d O b se r v e r . spen t seven
weeks in Nicaragua learning about ami
meeting its peopie
[ 25% OFF
of any Perm, Haircut, J
New Relaxers or Mani- i
cure services, PLUS j
one FREE 8-oz. bottle J
of Professional S ham - 1
poo with any services. J
Daniel Ortega. President of Nice
ragua. usually serious and "even
stiff at tim e s ." w arm s to young
stars as they gather in his presence
waiting for a chance to shake his
hand, receive a pat on the head, or
even a hug.
(Photo Richard J Brown)
La______________— — — — J
Call Darlene Loving or Gwen Hutton
at 282 8110 for an appointment todayl
Looking Good Salon
(Incorporated with the Electric Shaver Shop)
925 Lloyd Center
(Across from Rubensteins Furniture)
Portland Women's
Crisis Line
For Sale
826 N Killingsworth
286 2564
A Public S s n n ce o i th e P o r i la n J O b s e r v e r
Donated shoes stolen
by Jerry Garner
I asi M onday tw o thieves stole Kt)
pairs o f donated shoes Irom the Ma
nah taylor Pediatric Clime at 5311 N.
Vancouver, the shoes were a portion
ol 300 pairs o f shoes donated by the
Nike Company which were intended
lo be distributed to low-incom e resi­
A ccording to the ow ner, M ariah
la y lo r, a man and a woman came to
the c lin ic seeking shoes. They were
told by la y lo r they could have a pair
each and were directed to a room
downstairs. Taylor was talking on the
phone fo r several minutes when she
heard tjie back d o o r open, la y lo r
went to investigate and observed bolti
the man and wom an ru n n in g away
from ihe building with boxes ot the do­
nated shoes in their possession, laylor
followed the two suspects lo an apart­
ment house at Ihe corner ol W illiams
and I merson. A t that po in t she re
turned to the clinic and took a police
man back to the house in which this
man and woman lied, Taylor said the
door was locked and the manager re­
fused to open it fo r the o tfic e r At
that point, the officer left the scene
Taylor said neither o f the two sus
peels were arrested, nor were the stolen
shoes recovered. In tact, la y lo r said
the two thieves were selling the shoes to
residents in the community ( futside ot
the police ta kin g dow n the re p o it,
la y lo r has no knowledge o f anything
eLse being done about the incident
You’ve come a long way, baby.
\IK t.N x
s ( lM s
M argaret Carter enjoys a laugh during VIP day at Camp Rosenbaum,
where 97 young girls and boys spent a week on the Oregon coast
(Photo Richard J Brown)
Summer youth camp completed
Menthol and
Lights Menthol
by Jerry Garner
The Housing Authority ol Portland
(H A P ) and the Oregon A ir National
Guard have just completed sponsoring
their 15th summer yo u th camp at
Camp Rilea in Warrenton on the Ore
gon C oast near Astoria Ninety seven
low income girls and boys ranging
Irom 10 to 12 years old. coming from
mostly one parent families, attended
(he camp.
S taff fro m the Housing A u th o rity
donated one week o f their lim e to
live at the camp as counselors. Mem
bers o f the A ir N ational G uard w ill
continue to stay in contact w ith the
youths after they return home helping
io supplement parental support
Besides ta kin g part in recreation
activities, the youth arc taught how to
deal w ith problems they w ill lace in
life and to make them more aware o f
the power they have to take charge o f
their own lives. C am p D ire cto r I I.
C ol. A rn o ld I eppert said, " I f these
youngsters are to continue their inter­
personal skills gained at the cam p,
they’ ll need to recognize the lessons
learned here arc only stepping stones
towards greater self im provem ent."
W ith the newly acquired mental and
physical stam ina, the camp offers a
d iffe re n t side o f the m ilita ry to the
children, such as potential educational
and job opportunities.
Over 1,4411) youngsters have attend
ed the camp since 1969 The parents ot
applicants must apply for admission to
the camp thro u g h the H ousing
Authority . The camp has won several
prestigous awards, among them are the
Freedom's Foundation at Valley Forge
A w a rd , and the M in u te m a n M ike
A w ard fro m the A d ju ta n ts General
Association o f the United Slates.
la st Wednesday was VIP Day at the
camp. Members o f the press and vari­
ous dignitaries were invited to attend
(I k renaming o f the camp from I amp
Rilea to C amp Rosenbaum in honor
o f Fred Rosenbaum, who started the
camp 15 years ago Rosenbaum was
chairman ol the Board ot Directors o f
the H ousing A u th o rity u n til his re
tirem ent in 1984). Those attending
V IP Day included Governor o f Orc
gon, Vic A tiv e h ; D is tric t IK Repre­
sentative, Margaret Carter; Executive
E ditor o f the Oregonian, W illiam A
H illia rd ; Director o f Portland Hous­
ing Authority, John Hunter
P h .lip M o r n * Irv
Warning The Surgeon General Has Determined
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health
Menthol 14
tar 0 h mg ■