Advertisement for Bids INVITATION FOR BIDS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS TREE T R IM M IN G SHAPING A N D S TU M P ROOT REMOVAL | Sealed bid* (of tree trimming shaping and tree removal at one property of the Housing Authority ol Portland Oregon IH A P I at 8810 N Woolaey ' Avenue Portland OR 97203 will be rereived until 2 00 POT September 18 1986 Following a short interval teds will be otiened publicly and read aloud Bidder* may be present during the bid opening Ba*» ally the work i ixisisls ol tree trimming shaping and tree removal Ito »elude stump and matoi rootsl as outlined in the Specifications Prospective bidders may obtain one set o( bidding docum ents at the Housing A u th o rity Maintenance Office 8910 N Woolsey Avenue tie tween 8 00 a m and 4 OOp m M onday through Friday upon deposit of 120 00 which is refundable Documents must be returned to H AP i good condition w ith » ten days after bid opening date in order to receive I refund of deposit Additional sets of docum ents may be acquired for $10 each which is not refundable Business firms outside the Portland area only may order documents by calling 283 4802 and making arrange I merit for deposit by mail No bid will tie considered unless accompanied by Bid Security in the form of certifier! check, cashier s check, or surety bond payable to the Housing Authority of Portland in an amount equal to 10% of the bid to be forfeited as fund and liquidated damages should bidder neglect or refuse to enter I into a contract or provide suitable bond for the faithful performance of the work m the event the contract is awarded No bidder may withdraw bid after the hour set for the opening thereof until after the lapse of sisty 1801 days from the led opening A minimum of 20% MBE participation in the esecutiori of this protect is a HAP requirement and the methods the tedder proposes in complying with this requirement is subiect to HAP review and approval prior to initiating the contract The Housing Authority of Portland, may retect any bid not in compliance with all prescribed bidding procedures and requirements and may reject any or all bids and waive all informalities if in the judgment of HAP it is » the public interest to do so Questions regarding the. protect should be directed to Dave Walter at 283 4802 H O U SIN G A UTHO RITY OF PORTLAND By W E Hunter Executive Director Date August 16 1986 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Physical Education Facility M id High Conversion Phase B M edford. Oregon Bid Date August 29. 1986 2 0 0 P M JOHN HYLAND CONST. INC. P O Box 7867 S e a le d tarts tor the construction of domestic water distribution system im |XI e le m e n ts for the Alder Creek Bartow Water Dwtnct ws< be rerwved by the Community Development Division of Clackamas County until 2 00 p m TTiursday September 12 1986 Bids shall be addressed to M i Pete Munroe Community Devetopment Division Marythurst College 0 Hara Halt P 0 Box 2. Marythurst Oregon 97036 At 3 00 p m tads will tie opened and read aloud » the conference room of the Community Development Divisam 0 Hara Hall Marythurst Oregon The protect consists of construction of water distribution system improve merits with ttie fotkiwiog appmxsnate quantities ff PVCMam ff PVC Maxi 4 PVC Mae, 425 Urinal Feel 2.600 Ljneal Fuel 1 900 I j r x w Trait Plans and specif«at van are available at the offices of CURRAN McLEOO. INC Consulting Engineers. 7480 S W Hunzrker Road, Suite D. Tigard. Oregon 97223 telephorui 6B4 3473 A forty dollar I $401 fee a required with eech application, half of which is refundable upon the prompt return of the plans ar x J s»»a rfxalx »is » g< « 1 condrtxxi Fear's ar vt specify atxins may be examined at the following locations Cay Ha« City of Sandy Sandy, Oregon Clackamas County Community Devetopment Division O'Hara Hall M acyttiurst O ie y o o Northwest Plan Center. 901 S E Oak Portland, Oregon Binders Exchange Cooperative 1125 S E Madison Portland, Oregon Construction Data Plan Center 925 N W 12th Portland. Oregon Bsfrters m utt be proqualified to bid on this protect Bidders not currently inxtuakfMd try ttie Oregon Drsiartmoot qf Tranaportatxxi or Ckx kamas Couo ty may atyily for prequalificatKxi no later than ten 1101 days poor to the bt<1 opening on forms availahle horn the Oregon Department of Transportation To be considered, bids must be completed on the bidding forms provided » the manner prescribed in the bidding documents, submitted intact, and acoomparxed by a 10% txd senility » lavix of Cla, le a n « County Fviancial assistan< e tor this protect a provided by the United States Depart moot of Housing and Urban Devetopment by a Community Development Bkx k Grant through Clackamas County, Oregon Attention is directed to the Ferteral and State requirements regarding Equal Employment Oppor tixxtv Dave Baicxi wage rales HUD Section 3 rixxxrements end OHS 279 The Clackenias County Board of County Ccxtsmsarooers reserves the right to retect any or all huts and to waive all infrxmelities No (udder may with draw or modify h it bid prior to the lapse of thirty 1301 days after the bid (XJemng © Port of Portland Eugene. Oregon 97401 (503) 345 8100 W e ire an equal opportunity empkiyer and request sub bet* from small An Equal Opportunity Employer business and small disadvantaged business sub contractors and women and minority business enterprises P.o. Box 7867 Eugene, Oregon 97401 page8, JOBS, August 28, 1985 Fo.r Information on current job openings, call our Employment Information Desk, 231 5000, Extension 700.