V v ;\-3 > T u -»C- * ■••.-• - TU»-____ JOBS Classified URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND Announces the opening of P IA Z A II 2404 N Vancouver 19 apartments Studios 2 Bedrooms Rents from $250 $369 includes all utilities EMPLOYMENT P o r t l a n d OPPORTUNITIES P u b lic ANNOUNCEMENT S c h o o ls Section 8 Welcome Children Welcome Excellent Security Low Move-In. Call Michelle Muckey 280 2621 8 5 Monday through Friday SUPPORT SERVICES Specialist SIGN LANGUAGE Interpreter Western Oregon State College Salary (25 hours per week I and hourly positions available as sign language interpreters; RID certification, classroom interpreting experience, and completion of Interpreter Training program required. Salary and benefits commensurate Send resume, 3 recommendations, RID certification copy by August 31, 1905 to Julia Smith, Coordinator Campus Services for Disabled Students WOSC Monmouth, OR 9Z361 TV PRODUCTION Portland Public Schools Television Services Dept Seeking individuals with television tram ings for 3 production jobs. All require pro ficient writing skills 2 positions require 4 yr. college degrees in Television Produc tion (or a similar field) and a demonstrat ed ability in script writing, % inch editing, EFP camera work, and all phases of stu dio production Production Assistant's position requires training in television pro duction, some graphics & layout work Excellent fringe benefits Applications re ceived thru 4 30 p.m ., Sept. 4, 1985 Inquiries 200 5838 Apply Personal Dept Portland Public Schools Blanchard Education Service Center 501 N Dixon Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Emp/oier retirement; social security; life and tlisatxl rty insurance The Support Services Specialist coordi nates staff development activities within the Special Education Department, co ordinatmg the development of distnct pol icies and procedures to conform with state and federal mandates The Coordi nator provides direct assistance to District and Regional Programs regarding im plementation of policies and procedures and is responsible to the Supervisor of Support Services A current resume providing related work experience and training MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bache lor's degree in Special Education or re lated field (Master's degree preferred) Three (31 current letters of reference which directly address the applicant's qualifications for the position Familiarity with distnct, state, and federal mandates in the areas of staff develop ment and development of policies and procedures regarding special education. Please submit application materials to Mrs Patricia Ryan Personnel Department Portland Public Schools Post Office Box 3107 Portland, OR 97200 3107 Telephone 1503)249 2000, Ext 538 Application forms may be obtained by writing or calling the Personnel Depart ment or from the administrative offices at 501 North Dixon Street, Portland Demonstrated ability to communicate clearly in writing; Administrative experience preferred SALARY AND BENEFITS Salary To be determined based on experience and preparation within the salary range from $26,128 to $32,806 for a 261 day work year with one month of annual paid vaca tion after the first year of employment. Benefits Paid hospital, medical, and dental insurance, cumulative sick leave, LOANS ft FINANCING Real Estate/Money to Lend Need Money? Equity loans on all types of real estate, easy qua lifyin g' Rapid fundingl We buy contracts, Call now 1 Toll free 1 800 537 5498 Oregon Land Mortgage District's professional application form (unless currently employed by Portland Public Schools), together with a lottor of application Current district employees should submit letter of application, noted try site administrator APPLICATION CLOSING DATE All application materials must be received in the Personnel Department by 5:00 p m , Friday, September 6, 1986 Equal Opportunity Employer VACATION RENTALS The Tides Inn, Newport Family owned Reasonable rates Near beach access Queen beds, some sin gles, some kitchens Color TVs 10% discount with this ad 15031266 7202 JOBS, August 28, 1985, Page 7