JOBS Classified MULTNOMAH COUNTY A ccounts Payable Supervisor ♦ 10.78 $14.01 per hour, supervises the timely and accurate processing of pay merits, requires three years of related experience Contracts Specialist Aging Services Division ♦23,114 $28,251 annually; develops, negotiates, monitors and evaluates con tracts for srrrvices for the eklerfy, requires one year of related experience Dental Assistant /R eceptionist $6 77 $8 22 per hour; requires related education or experience and certificate of radioioQic proficiency Pathologist's Assistant $17,601 annually; prepares bodies for autopsy assists pathologist, maintains and labels tissue samples, cleans and maintains morgue, requires related expe nonce or training and ability to lift or nxive 150 average weights W H ER ETO APPLY: Atxdy for the above positxxis by Septemlier 6, 1986 at M u ltn o m a h C ounty C ourthouse 1021 S W Fourth Avenue, Room 134 Portland, OR 97204 Equal ( Epportumty Employer RESEARCH ASSOCIATE P art-Tim e 10 7 FTEI fixedd term faculty position for 6 months lor longer) in forest soils ecol ogy available September 16, 1965 PhD required with resoarch experience in ef fects of individual tree species on forest fkxir and soil chemistry Publications re quired Application closing date Septem ber 6, 1985 Send letter of application, complete resume, transcripts, and three letters of reference to Dr Logan A Norris Department of Forest Science College of Forestry Oregon State University Corvallis. OR 97331 •In E E O /A A Employer ( omphes Set 504 Kehab 1973. EXCELLENT INCOME For pari time home assembly work For information, can 312-741-MOO. Ext 1060 £5 m n r> a SCHOOLS & TRAINING PSYCHIATRIC AIDE C lackam as C o m m u n ity C ollage is recruiting students for a Certified Nursing Assistant (Psychiatric Aide) Class to be held at Darnmasch State Hospital in Wilsonville Successful graduates eligible for employment at Darnmasch on an on call basis The class will start September 23 and run through November 14 The cost is $172 50 plus books Applicants should have reliable transportation, no physical limitations and no felony convictions For more information about the application procedure, call Donna Ford 667 8400 ext 266 MONITOR/RECRUITER P erm anent Pert T im e DUTIES Recruit, enroll and train family day care providers for participation in the U S D A Child Care Food Program; Mrxiitor existing family (Jay care (xoviders who are participating in the U SD A Child Care Food Program, Review aixi prcx.ess monthly menus Q U A LIFIC A TIO N S High School Diplo ma or GED Must have a car and a valid drivers license Good benefits Clerical skills are a plus Close Sept. 5. 1965 SALARY AN D HOURS: $5 00 per hour, 4 hours a day (hours will vary) Monday Frxlay Apply at: A M A Fam ily D ay ft N ig ht Cere 1425 N E Dekum Portland, OR 97211 Attn Kay Stewart (503)2860493 CORRECTIONS OFFICER Trainee $1,471 /m o . Trains in basic concepts of corrections, learns and carries out pro cedures rules and regulations of the (ail, including Ixxiking. prisoner care, se curity and transportation County appli cation form s required, resumes NOT accepted Atn'ly by September 6, 1986 to W ashington C o u nty Pesonnel 150 N First Ave , Room B 2 Hillsboro. OR 97124 Equal ( tpportunitv Emplover MENTAL HEALTH V o lu n teer Coordinator For Crisis Intervention Center, w ith 130 volunteers Bachelors degree, 3 to 5 years experience required Competitive salary, excellent benefits. Send resume to P O Box 637 Portland, OR 97207 Elqual Opportunity Employer JOB OPPORTUNITIES Needed: Independent, experienced, energetic salespersons NE and SE Portland for unique advertising approach Resume Sales C L M Productions 2229 E Burnside #20 Gresham, OR 97030 VICE PRESIDENT - FINANCE Portland Private Industry Council, Inc Portland Private Industry Council, Inc. (PPIC) seeking qualified applicant to serve as chief financial officer in $6 million fed erally funded private, non profit corpora tion providing employment and training opportunities to economically disadvan taged residents of Portland Qualified applicants must have BA in ac counting, finance, economics or related field; kn ow ledge of governm ental ac counting, grants contract management arxi auditing, five years professional expe rience in financial administration, includ ing supervisory duties, experience with automated financial data systems, and must be bondable CPA desirable Salary $30 $35K Applications available from Portland Private Industry Council. Inc 1120SW Fifth, Room 400 Portland, OR 97204 (503)796 5208 Deadline to apply Noon, September 6, 1986 / ’/ '/ ( n an Equal ( )p po rtu m l\7 AJ firma toe Action E m ployer Q ualified women anti minorities encouraged to apply. PSYCHIATRIC AIDE Eight w e e k s of training offered at Darnmasch Hospital, through Clackamas Community College Successful graduates often hired on an on call basis by Darnmasch See ad under Schools and Training