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I % • • ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SECTION I INVITATION TO BID ADVERTISEMENT SUPLY A N D INSTALLATION OF A S t I HACK THERMOSTAT SYSTEM AT HILLSIDE MANOR FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SE CAUSEV AVENUE MEDIAN ISLAND REMOVAL PROJECT CLACKAMAS COUNTY OREGON The Housing Authority of the County of Clackamas will receive sealed written bids for Supply and mstallatKxi of a setbar k thermostat system for the 100 units at Htllsirle Manor The S.E Causey Avenue Median Island removal Pnaect (xxiaals of removing approximately 843 I f of existing curb and gutter ,90 s y of concrete pave merit removal, subgrade preparation and 913 s y of 'lew concrete pavement Drawings and Specrficatxjns, including bxkkng documents and cixxtitxxis of the agreenxxits may be exanixierl at the following o ffx w 1 Clackamas County Development Agency. 902 Abemethy Road Oregon City Oregon 92046 2 3 Wilsey h Ham. 521 S W 11th, Portland, Oregon 97206 Contractor's Managem ent Association 3933 N E Union Portland Oregon 97212 4 N W Plan Center, 901 S W Oak, Suite 208 Portland. Oregon 97214 5 Crxwtnictxxi Data Plan Center 926 N W 12th Avenue Pixtlarxl Oragrxi 97208 6 Natxxial Busmen League 0939 N E Grand Avenue »4 Portland Oregon 97211 7 Builders Exchange Coop . 1126 S W Madison Ave , Portland Oregon 97214 Contract documents including plans and specifKatxx« may be obtained at the office of the Clackamas County Development Agency 902 Alxmiethy Road Oregon City, Oregon 97046 Telephone 1503) 066 862, upon recent of a plan deposit fee of 425 00 for each set of documents All checks shall be made payable to the Clackamas County Development Agency The pten fee is re fundsble it bid documents are relum ed in good condition within ,0 dsys of the bid opening Each bidder must be prequalified in order for their bid to be considered No bids will be considered unless the bidder states that the provisions of ORS 279 360 shall be complied with Evidence of prequahfication shall be Mifxmtted Io Clackamas County Devekaxnent Agency pncx to or at tfxi txne of bid operxng A CERTIFIED CHECK OR BID BOND IN THE A M O U NT OF TEN 1101 PER CENT OF THE TOTAL BID W E S T ACCOMPANY EACH BID AND SHALL BE M ADE PAYABLE TO THE C LA C K A M A S C O U N T Y DEVELOPMENT AGENCY The Clackamas County Development Agency reserves the right to repe I any and or all bids and can waive any xregularrties not affecting substantial "Bhts f t Bid packages mey be picked up at 13930 S Gam Street Oregon City Sealed written bids must be received on or before 2 30 p m August 27 1986 at the above address at which time they will be ripened and publicly read aloud All bids must be on supplied form Outside of sealer] bxt should state Attention 0 Robert Miller sealer] bid for Hillsnle Manor Set Back Ther irx « a t System A« questxxis should be < Sow-ted to Mr MAer at HhbH267 The Housing Authority of the County of Clackamas reserves the right to refect any or all bids or to wa ve any informalities in the bidding No t»d shall be withdrawn for a period of 30 calendar days subsequent Io the opening of the bids without the consent of the Housing Authority of the County of Clackamas The protect is financed through the U S Department of Housing and Urban Development, and is subfect to regulations of the Departments of Labor and Housing Ef Urban Development A rient xin is called Io ferlerai provisions of Equal Employment Oppor tunity Affirmative Action. H U D Section 3 Requirements, and payment of not less than the minimum Davis Bacon salaries For aU construction and equipment contracts over »10 U»i the bidder shall be required to submit with the bid a bet guaranty not less than 5 percent of the amount of the bid Ttwi bid guaranty may tie a certifier! check hank draft U S Government Bonds at par value or a bid Ixiod secured by a surety company If the bid guaranty is not submitted with the bxt, the PHA shall re|ect the bid For all construction or equioment contracts over H O 000 the contractor shall be required to furnish a performance and payment bond, each for too percent of the contract price CHAIRPERSON DIVISION OF ARTS A SCIENCES Indiana U niversity N orth w est S p p l i r a l i u n , « n il n o m in a t io n « « ,,. | „ , ng «, , , , , i . i ,|. ..I s n . t s, , ,i„ t R o u t io n . . I i ............................I i h r I i n ¡•'h i'» 4 “ ' '* ’ I* * » » K . f j u i r r m r n t , m . l u d r 4 » h l» o r e q u iv a le n t I. -r m in a l t l r g r * . m 411 \ r t « 4 n 4 »«»lid. b a la n c e d r » p e rie n « <• in a« a d e n t id m m i»t r a t io n re se arc h a n d te a c h in g S a la r« A nd ra n k ar I'in in e n s u r a t e w it h q u a b fl« a t i o n * o f th e P e r t u n »ele. (e .I H e l p *> n » ib ilitie s «o lu d e a d m in is t r a t io n < u r r ic u lu r n b u d g e t p la n n in g , c o m m it t e e a s s ig n m e n ts a n d o th e r - d u t ie s a c a d e m ic u n it e n l i s t i n g o f a p p r « .w im a te |y .-,Kh t» fa . u l' tw e lv e d e g re e g r a n tin g d e p a r t m e n t s In d ia n a l n o r r . i l « \ n r l h w r s t o n . . . . . „ h l , a m p u a . , , , ......... ru lla n a n n r ix li ,, lu ll, a r r r r d i trd I ,, q „ y , . , lh I r n i r a l S a a rm ia b o n a n d „ „ „ o s " 7 , u ”. 7 T ' " • ' h' " .............. " d u d . n i , a n d II lu ll- tim e fa tu ity o n a n o n - r e s id e n t ia l > i... im p u s |o « a t e d a p p r o « m i a te i» t h i r t y m ile » th e a » t o f < hi< ago id le tte r of a p p lic a ti it a e r b e fo re S e p te m b e r 11 l» « M , /u s m a n (h a u of U S S e a rc h ( o m m i t t e r . N o r t h w e s t. .1 4 0 0 H m a d w a y , ( » a r y , | \ IH 4 0 N -In A 'iu u l f • - s ' ' ' i ' * ' ■* s< I »/ i m i i h i . n a m e » o f th r e |*r«»fe»»«»r M a r t » I n d ia n a I n i» r r « it» a n il 1, fi» ,„ / . »»«•* Saatod b . 6 M l !« rtxwvHd until Saptijmbw 6 1986 2 00 P M st the office of the Clackamas County D evelopm ent Agency 902 Abernathy Road. Orogcx, City Oreo»»' 9/046 and puMxly reed aloud 'rrwnedinttXv It'ornahnr for the Construction of trte work including grading streets sutewaiks wall and handrailing and storm sewers No tarts win be received or conadnrad after that time