ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS JOBS Classified CITY o r PORTLAND S.W. Washington Hospitals INVITATION FOR PROPOSALS « pteaaed to announce the relocation ol it» Human Resources Office to PROPOSALS DUE 2 00 P M ON VARIOUS DATES Sort») Proposals Will be received al the Bureau ol Purchase* and Stures Room 412, City Hall Portland, OR 97204 lor the Commodttms amt Protects itoMert I «Sow unti 2 00 P M on the riete* »«I. eteri 8721 NE 5th St. Vancouver Washington Plan* and Specification* may be obtained at the above adrlre O ffic e hours 8 a m 5 p m V fo n p o y Friday for addi »rial riformai MX telaphivin Buyer at number hated General information 248-9851 ext 2097 1 " * « “ otherwise stated m the irvlnadual proposals leteil herein no proposal or tod will tie considered ,mie»» accompanmi! try a bid surely fie an amount rut Ina than ten percent 110% I of the aggmgatn amount of the proposal The City encourage* bidding by MBE * and f BE * and will assist such firms to urviaratand ami perticipatK m tormal ta k in g [—— iier Applications for em p loym en t w i/r o e a c c e p te d b e tw e e n th e hours o f 9 3 O am 1pm a n a lpm 3pm on M on day W ednesday a n a Friday NON D ISC RIM IN ATION No tvoposal or tod will bn neiaidered unless the tudder is certifier! as an EEO Affirmative Action Employer as prescribed by Chapter 3 100 of the Code of the City of Portland 24-hour job information line 246-9851. ext 2268 B ID N O D ESCR IPTIO N 6 I m 4 « v Material It Equpmenl to Construct 24 Mrs, RrSucat»! on N W 23 A w N W Thurman Ft NW Nicolai Streets M r r»w* Ackerman 2484,91 Prequakficatimi m Claes 11 Water Linas and MBE Use Required For additional em ploym ent opportunity information call 248 9651 est-226? O P EN IN G DATE 7 A BA »A 8 77 8b lu m ef, Arviual Su«Xy ot Office Suppkes IMsa Nun Pafierl , 0 1 8b ttwixjgh 9 3D 86 Ode Beker 248 44HB 8 77 8b 9 3 8b Eumafi Umtixms lor Perking Patrol 101 ah » n u g h 12 31 Bb MataSa Ackemian 24H4I91 CITY OF PORTLAND Pittock M an sio n Program Coordinator Recreational Leader/ Permanent Part time. $1,183 month to start Appty by Sept 9, 1986 by 5:00 p .n . All positions include City paid Iwnefits RESUMES W ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED Apply to Portland Civil Service 1220 S W Fifth Avenue. First Floor Portland OR 97204 or Urban League 10 N Russell Portland. Oregon 97227 P ane 4 J / lf tC SW Woihingtor> Mospitois hos on «■ ’qpsihed posey thol a* empioymenl d e e , non prochces and procedure» are b a ie d on meni and apety without reyard lo an mdivtduafs race c u o i 'esyvv jy « i© , nallonal anym phyvcoi or mentoi bari '•e o e or veteron statuì 8 29 flb Eumati Annual Supply ol Jamtonal Pap« Prod |»1* 10 1 ffc thru 9 3986 Daki Bakr« 246 44», fu m e t’ Arwiual Refuse HauSriq Snrwee ,0 1 H i Ihmugfi 9 3D 86 Pale Beker 248 44HL 1OA Equal Opportunity Fmpicyer Southyyest Washington Hospitals The Employment Cost Index increased 0.7 percent in the 3 months ending in June 1985, the U S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics reported. 9 5 8b STORE SPACE FOR RENT COORDINATOR Prim e Retail Store space. 2. 700 ft., on Main Street, next to U S Bank of Interpreting Services W estern O regon State College Individual to supervise and coordinate in terpreting services for college, includes scheduling, hiring, budgeting and in- M cM in n v ille 1503)472 5179 -------------—— ---------------------------------------- SCHOOLS/INSTRUCTION N o rth w e s t N annies In s titu te First state licensed vocational Nanny training school in Oregon. Free place m ent/incredible demand Contact NNI 710N E 21st Portland, OR 97232 service training RID certification, college degree required, classroom interpreting experience necessary, half time appoint ment Salary competitive Send resume. 3 recommendations and RID certification copy, by September 16, 1985 to Julia S m ith , Coordinator Campus Services for Disabled Students W OSC Monmouth, OR 977361