ADVERTISEMENTS FOR BIDS MULTNOMAH COUNTY CALL FOR BIDS S W 49»h A vanua IS W Stephanaon Street to 760 feet eouthl B k N Due Septem ber W 1386 at 2 00 P M Btri N o B81 2BOOE33 Saatari »y* 1« 'w. wv»«l by the Deectt» of Putcheamy Muftt«»neh Coun ry Pun fioamy O rv *m 2M 6 S £ 11th Aw» Portland OH 97202 for R a w « fic tio n and overlay of an ««atmy aapbaft concrete kurfeced roadyyay ap pmirnatnfy ! •£ ferrt kmy Plain and Specification* am filed with the Purcheemy Director and m in e * may he (Ritanad from tfw atxrve » H a » for a K> 00 non mfondat*» fee PR E Q U A L IFIC A TIO N OF B ID D ER S Porauam to the Multnomah County PUbSc Contract H-vrrrw Hoard Ad" wnetralrw»* H.iW, I AH <1 (O DI Pmi)nalrfi m one <» more nt the tu * n w « iy «ubi ontract aree» and 0% of the total hid amount II» female Ruenea* fnteq»i*e (lartK manor- »> one or more of the foRowiny Mrhcontrart ama» N O N D IS C R IM IN A T IO N Bidrler* on the work wkl be required to comply with the proveaai* of federal Enecutnre Order 11246 The requvement* tor H»kkm, arvl Contractor* ate aquaamd n ttwi S(»v rfvet««« No tele wRI be rererytef or ria a » lewd unieae the te l contarne a *ta*ement by the tekler a* ivat of ha bet Rial the rerxeements of 279 360 279 362 279 366 er «I 279 366 tfia* tie met No proposal w II be cnnatdered unleea accompanied by a check payable to MAiwwnafi Cor« ty - edified try .1 ire*» »uute- tank or n keu ttiereof a virer» te»») tor an anyiunt equal to ten percent 110%) of the ayyreyate proposal lie- V« < «estui tarkler t a i turner. a bond kateta.n»y to the Board m the tu« amount ot the contract INSTRUCTOR In Landscape H orticulture (Em ergency pool) for one or more courses per term for the academic year beginning in September, 1985 BA, BS, [or BLA and 1 year teaching experience required. Salary: $1,500/course. Contact Bonnie Dasenko Dept. of Horticulture OSU Corvallis, OR 97331 or call 15031754 3695 OSU is an A ffirm a tive A ction/E qual Opportunity Employer and complies with Section 504 o f the Rehabilitation A ct o f 1973 MiAtyynafi County rteervee the nyht to taper any or a* twit. DON EICHMAN Purchaamy Director JOBS Magazine 1483 N.E Killlngsw orth Portland. OR 97211 (503)288 0033 Salem AreaTransit CHERRWTS Page 2, JOBS, August 28, 1985 LONG TERM CARE O m budsm an State of O regon Requires background and experience in the field of aging, healthcare, longterm care issues, w orking w ith healthcare providers and m anagem ent $26,640 $33,996 annual salary range. Based in Salem w ith statew ide travel. Contact [ Joan Maguren for application informa Hon. (503) 378 8344 Personnel Division 156 Cottage St. N.E. Salem. OR 97310 Equal Opportunity Employer