Portland Observer, August 28, 1985, Page 11 Q * SPORT TALK * SPORT TALK • • YOUR WATER: IS THERE MORE THERE THAN MEETS THE EYE? FACT: M . '• i 1' »Air • «H«»r I h f U S f"« 1| ' *♦’ ............. '« MM FACT: ’ •• pai T h e fl'A > « * ( ’* a t’ ■ , »• M str .e ’ m • >\t un,» ( A FACT: FACT: a .»»••• M \ ' Thr » ta ’ e ” • r i j- ' s w ant .»• lA .fe -s j ii J . . e ” '»” r '> i nest I M M ‘A ' j ’ «" i '• • • " a n r s s 466 a ’ h M s c e U h tu n d tn %, ♦•>>,» » e .1,A "J JJ»'’IJ • n m e n l» • ' • 1 a ’ ) .» »» » » p o r t e d ’ H » ’ x* • . • .»• y iMi ’ ' . ' ' •' •• 1 a tb o n B ut •.» •'.» o rn i» » 'e m .n )«•' > I ■ . ’ 48. ” ‘ • S' • ’«, ” '* r» 1 JA»U •'•'»»•»» n»! | . • . . ' I ' Nr«V.i» »undwA’f le l'.'A 'e s A 'd i n o u Q » ' ’ ’t , e « r • ” »e na/ardOu» ctte"' i FACT: * »’ •• \ A fr ’ .v ’ -y •• »« i • • f • • " . 'A C ' • , I' . »rNrA» »A^r’r " 1 FACT: * J. ,»’••••» H T "Ms i-,. r'FAiin d e p a rtm e n t t e l le 1 f a s 46 T n e fP A M i ’ ” »•.»• M9 • ’ 9 8 0 »Hr J S G r " • e ItliliM I r '' r pai wen» .n’ 98’ ’ ’ »nt»m ” At •»»•»» M state» i ' »»> » i , • • ’ .»•” f r- 1 ti ■ 1 . s t r , .»> » r t r e wate> • a 's s . ••■» ' o n ta m .n a tro n m e »» ry 'A h e q e n e ra t......M o i le a n .to p , j .i ■ » « .«« r 1o.r»q a b ette r (o p m a n y I s " e tim r • ♦ m t h e • .1. <»e IS THERE ANYTHING YOU CANDO? YES! All-Americans from Oregon Ray P ittm a n , head coach ot the Peninsula W restling le a n t, look 33 young high school wrestlers to the Junior Nationals Wrestling lo u rn a ment in Cedar l alls, Iow a, and re ­ turned to Portland ssith the gold, and a large group o f A ll Americans GRECO R O M AN STYLE 1st Place — Eric Messner, Joe Rus sell, Jeff Seaney. 2nd Place — George Johnson. 3rd Place — Travis West. 4th Place — l int Jordan. 5th Place — H iag B row n, lack Vantress. FREESTYLE 1st Place — I t ic Messner, Joe Russell. 3rd Place — Joe Sloan 4th Place George Johnson 5m Place — I ravis West. 6th Place John Biclenberg 11Me lies toi the ( begun team were Roy Putman Peninsula I’aik Jack Vantress Tillamook II S Gordon Jarman St. Helens II S Jim Phillips — I ebanon I I S. Gary Seaney — l illamixtk H S FRONT ROW IL Rl Ro»» Aylett. Wendell Mestner. Trent Stewert. Tad McNeely. John Gellego. Broder ick Lee. Lawrence Hobaon Roy Pittm an. Bruce Glenn. SECOND ROW IL Rl Jim Jonea. Brian Put nam, George Johnaon, Travia Weat. Hiag Brown, Jack Vantreaa. Joe Gallego. Ryan Eaquival Brian TUI. Joe Ruaaell. Jack Vantreaa Sr THIRD ROW (L RL GOLF TO URNAM ENT CANCELLED I he Black Colleges Committee ol Oregon g o lf set amble scheduled tor \u g u s t 27, 19K5 in Salem, Oregon, was cancelled. I he to u rnam ent's celebrity guest, M i I ee I Ider, was forced to withdiaw Physical exhaustion and orders from his physician, l)r Vincent Roux, to rest was the reason for the cancella­ tion ol the fundraising tournament John Ybarra. Neal Ruaao. Steve Landera. Mike Sim m om , Reed A ylett. Joe Sloan, Shawn Critelli, Kevin Campbell. Jim Phillip». Neal Dorrow FOURTH ROW Gary Seaney. Craig Holliday, Tim Jordan. Eric Seaney. Eric Meaaner. John Bielenberg. Dan Rua sell. Brian Till. Jeff Seaney Hock Shop! FOR SALE ■ W leather coat*, t i t ) »20 Bikes, »15 »«) 6800 NE Union 287 S3» A pure and simple solution to improving water quality is the Amway* Water Treatment System Effectively removes Pesticides, Herbicides, Industrial Chemicals, Chlorine and THM s (suspected cancer causing agents at high concentrations), Giardia Lamblia, and a host of other contaminants. For specific information, call: 287 3296 Financing Available