Page 8, Portland Observer, August 21, 1985 e Happy Endings You’ll Love Ballot Measure # 1 ot so long ago. most Oregonians hail good jobs, heaJthx businesses, affordable homes, and " J M G O IN G TO BE I nder the Balanced lax System. property taxes were cut by an average o f J5%. Homeowners were happy. AB l E great schools for their children They patd for it mostly by taxing (and taxing and taxing ) their homes and paychecks, in a m e t i s j u s t one moke worker 's . that m e a n s „ e i lO fiO o dangerous, unbalanced way So. even though Oregon was only " I t EVERY OREOON BUSINESS M O R F 0 "JF W Í V A n T tO TO U TAX t o L I K I N t W T O A X l A i . w l D » ! U V /N O M M K CORK J O B S !' the Stith largest stale in Amenia, TO K t CP M T H O M C .fV C N IP M Y IN C O R f Goes D O W N 1" Meanwhile. local Oregon businesses were hiring And hiring And those companies outside Oregon, with all those jobs for Oregonians? They put " 1 CAN SURE Oregon back on their list inco m e USE P N people s property taxes were the TAX c u r, T O O '"* Kth highest. Their income taxes were 3rd highest! Ranking them llie Ridanced lax System also cut Income Taxes by an right up there with Sew York average of 10“., tiw>... But when tliex thought about lowering their high property taxes. Oregonians ran into a very lough problem "WE TOURISTS will B ut tix T books for EVERT XHCOLCKILD IN OREGON A N O PIT "W H O CAN HAKE A You see, their property taxes were being used Io fund D E C IS IO N As lor the kids "wc just WANT TO «Í»0 T° ., ( K X SCHO OL. '1 nobody thought to ask a year to Oregon s economy And .ill it ti h >k to balance Oregoiis tax EVERT classroom JUST FOR protecting their homes and a chillis education well, Sxstem tliex were contributing at least $ 26 million dollars A COMPUTER IN education That meant they had to choose between L IK I that ’ MT KO M I A CKILDS t Ü D C A TO H 1" And the tourists? Uell, under Measure I s Balanced lax STARTERS — s sxstem was a yes vote for Measure # I. And l i n t o f the money netted by the retail sales u \ went directly to education. Bx law A »V W them how this leit w e d o n ’ t h a v e to choose betw een our homesbusinesses " /v o w for exerybodx in Oregon, that meant AND one tiling D O N T G E T TA x EO O N ON BOV, I g r o c e r ie s large companies alike |usl like homeowners, small business owners were forced to pax the same high B ills , pro|x rt\ taxes whether tins made money or not And sometimes, they had to lax oil M IR E ! " a mu A ld i I N O A lftx T 1 “ lower incomes Most necessities are exempt from the retail sales tax. refund. And tl xou re a renier, you gel one ti n » ___ And some companies thinking ot mining to Oregonians, crossed Plus, most important ot a ll... the entire Balanced lax Plan was TAMPER PHtiOE It was actually written into Oregon's constitution so the politicians couldn't play Oregon oil their list with it. Oregon, and bringing thousands of |obs for " THE POLITICIANS CAN T CHANGE IT WITHOUT MT \V 0 T E '" I Ins could alwaxs lower the retail sales tax. but this states had a mon' balanced tax plan than Oregon i tr AND M O R E Bist of .ill Oregon s Balanced lax Sxstem is lair to Oregonians with And it xour household earns less than SI still, you qualify lor a sales tax workers to pax those taxi’s Because t3 out of 3(1 AS 70U»/STS,Wf p r e s c r ip t io n m iD ic iN e s G a s o l in e T t w HOMES AUTOMOBILE 'R A o e i n s h o u s e no lo U T IL IT IE S FUtlWOOO RENT A N D MORTGAGE PAYMENTS NTDICA l D ENTA L ,N O S R i TAL I nbalanced Uxes were costing Oregonians jobs In hurting small businesses and I CAN O U R C H IL D R E N 'S E D U C A T IO N * Jobs wen- another problem. '• t n c h ig h e r m v propcrtt ta xes , THE F t W f R P(OR l E "ITC U T S PROPERTY TAXES UP TO 1 5 % AND INCOME TAXES UP TO 1 0 % TO BALANCE A 5 % RETAIL. SALES TAX* couliln I raise it above 3"„ without a vote of all tile ¡veople The tourists were another problem. The tounsts used Oregon’s roads— our highwaxs our parks — our police protection— our tire departments All those lini everyone lixe happily ever after7 expensive things wen' being paid lor b\ Oregon 's taxpaxers \ohodv can guarantee that And the tounsts nexer had to pax their lair share But tl you're an Oregonian who has just about had it with unbalanced taxes, you Iranklx no one was suqtrised when the •W«ATX 5 0 G R E A T ABOUT MICH PROPERTV TA XES ,M l f A IN C O M E TAXES,UKEMAOTNINT, A FREE R i D f COA TOURISTS A N D A W E A K SCHOOL. S V f T I M T - can make a Balanced Tax Svslem lor Oregon a reality on September P , I9B3. ,ieople of Oregon began to get a little By voting “Yes” for Ballot Measure 1, and the Balanced Tax Plan. ulgx about all this As they saw it tliex had a right to the good things a balanced tax sxstem would bring It probablv won t make your hie a lain tale But at least the nightmare will be over But there were some folks who were so fnghtenid of any tix measure that tliex toughl against Balanced Taxes without ever actuallx understanding Measure # I But thinking Oregonians were saying. This couliln I think of one reason win this shouldn't balance their taxes and solxe those problems " A BALANCED TAX ST STEM WOULD M l AM HOAE JOBS, GOOD SCHOOL S , 5 f cuRE n o nes and healthy t w N f n t s A N O TOURISTS PATINO their p * ‘R s h a r e " r 1 Help us get the message to even more Oregonians. send: D $20 [ $10 □ $$ Ci Even $1 for Measure #1 to rt-uple h»r a Better Oregon • PO Box 23690 • Kirtland. Oregon 97223 Name " T m E BALA N C EO TAX S V S T ÍM S O L V IO OUR P R O B C tM ! " And so this did And after months of Address work. Measure I for a Balanced lax System was bom. And it worked like this Ofhce Phone: Home Company & Occupation N L l f u r M H n p l, fn r « K r llr r Drrgnu • PtL K m IS A M ! ■ K h r lh iM (>rrym> » '? ? l : « r;,’.-, -’Ô s’ . •r: • • a ’ *• > • . I-/ . ' J * * .• * • * «V1 . ’• • ¿ a X ‘ za**« / ’ jêi s 9 4 . , , - » «