Page 4, Portland Observer, August 21, 1906 METROPOLITAN IFCC Ethnic dance festival by Hob L o t bum Il was a hot day in Patton Park Saturday and the sparks were Dying. They were sparks o f cultural variety, fanned by the old firehouse next door. The occasion was the third annual Neighborhood Ethnic Dance Festival sponsored by the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center (IFC C ). Several hundred culture-minded Portlanders took refuge from the heat under the park’s shady trees and were treated to one o f Portland’s premier inter-cultural experiences. IFCC director Sue Busby said the annual festival is a way to promote and share Portland's ethnic heritage Six dance troupes from different parts o f Portland each took a half-hour, showing o ff their unique dance steps and traditional costumes. Members o f the audience were often pulled up to help. The dancers, accompanied by tra­ ditional music, included the South Pacific Samoan Folk Dancers, the Bow and A rro w Club, a group o f Native American drummers and dancers. Ballet Fiesta, the Japanese Bon O don, O bo Addy and African dancers, and the Korinor Middle Eastern Troupe. Children enjoyed face painting, the crowd sat on blankets and picnicked. Some sought relief from the heat by slurping up large pieces o f melon sold to benefit the IFCC. The IFCC stu­ dent production company in red T- shirts served as everyone's enthusias­ tic fan club. As usual, O bo Addy had the crowd swaying to his infectious drumming. In a mellow voice, he explained the background o f his drum ming and singing with roots in Liberia and Ghana, in West A frica. His first song, over two thousand yeais old, was about a hunter possessed by a giant diamond he found while lost in the forest A shaman dances to bring the hunter and the diamond home. A t one point, drummers Addy and Anno rose and circled on their feet, Anno playing a bass-sounding drum and Addy holding a higher-pitched adjustable drum under his arm. They 1 LA K*. - y _ Yolanda Penn, 6 year» old, dances w ith belly dancer during Interstate Firehouse C ultural C enter's Third Annual Ethnic Dance festival The festival was held Saturday at Patton Park (Photo Richard J Brown) hit the drums with curved sticks, crealing a rare and beautiful sound, la te r, Addy had a good part o f the audience on their feet swinging and chanting his trademark, "A n y a i'o ” (thank you), and "> < /« ■ " (you're welcome), call a.,d response The Middle Eastern dancers finished the day's entertainment with a nourish o f silk scarves and scum tars. They weren't embarrassed about exposing then belly buttons as they gyrated to Middle I astern music One turbaned fellow made eves at the women in the audience as he danced with Dowers clutched in his teeth He drew one o f the IFCC students into his dance She matched him move for move to the delight ol her friends I he student production company announced performances this week­ end o f their jazzed-up version o f "Snow White and the Seven Dwar­ ves.” Black grads Garden plots available Life Flight adds back-up helicopter Life Flight has added a back-up helicopter for its busiest service times from 10 a m. to 10 p.m. Thursday through Sunday. The emergency helicopter service has 24 hours a day one blue and white Bolkow helicopter. Beginning July 25, a second red-and-while Bolkow helicopter has been chartered and waits for a call on the hospital's sec­ ond helicoptor pad. Life Flight already chartered the second helicoptor for holiday week ends Because o f the new state trauma guidelines coupled with more calls during the summer months, a second helicoptor was needed, says David Long, Life Flight director. Life Flight is available 24 hours a day for critically ill patients. Il is also used to transfer patients between hospital facilities or pick up a patient at the scene o f an accident or illness. It has fuel capacity to Dy 260 air miles round trip from Portland. Fixed wing service is available for longer Rights. Because Life Flight delivers ap proximatcly .15 percent o f its patients to hospitals other than Emanuel, area hospitals have agreed to help pick up costs for the helicoptor serv­ ice. Those hospitals are Meridian Park, Mount Hood Medical Center, Providence, Portland Adventist, Willamette Falls, Oregon Health Sciences University, St. Joseph, St. Vincent, and G ixxl Samaritan Death from traumatic injuries is the third leading cause o f death behind heart disease and cancer. It is the leading cause o f death for people under age 44 And while heart disease and cancer deaths are decreasing, death from trauma is on the increase. (C o m . from Page J, Co/uznzi I) Coninbutions for the fund raising project should be made payable to the respective institution, earmarked Payback '85, and mailed to the school’s Office o f A lum ni Affairs. Non-alumni gifts are acceptable and may be mailed to the historically Black institution o f the donor’s choice. C'NAA will have a national tele­ phone hook-up on September X) to keep tabs on funds reported to each campus, and w ill announce the indi­ vidual totals and grand total at the annual Black College Day Rally in Washington, D.C. The Park Bureau's Co nmunity Garden Program has plots icallable for $5.00 — half the fee o f $10.00 for a year-round plot. Plots are available at comm cnity gardens throughout the city, and fall garden­ ers who want to keep their root crops in the ground during the winter months w ill have use o f the plots through February. At that time the annual fee o f $10.00 w ill be due for the following year. For more in fo r­ mation call Leslie Pohl-Kosbau, Community Garden Coordinator, 248-4777. A p a rtm e n ts fo r R e n t Urban League of Portland announces the opening o f Plaza II 2404 N. Vancouver 19 Apartments: Studios - 2 Bedrooms Rents from $250.00 - $369.00 includes all utilities Section 8 W elcom e, Children W elcom e Excellent Security. Low M ove-in Call: Michelle Muckey 8 - 5 Monday through Friday National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 284 7722 280-2621 A Public S»rvi< • ot the P ortland O b strv tr 1879 N F A lh e n a Street Portland O te g > n 9 /7 1 1 (5 0 3 )2 8 /9 8 8 3 I itness C ('iisri' us Individuals •. 1 "■ ■' ........ Pail la n d O e g i >n 9 /? 11 < 5 0 3 ) 2 8 /9 8 8 3 ( V’ i if fitness ( i ns< i< >us Individuals Ihn C’lyn i ni ' ht n s ( e n t e i s w ild like t g ive y< >u a $35 0 0 GIFT CHECK Sign this THF ( K hung It m a n d ivn j, IS ( h I n a year ■ f fitness'" I ke this CHECK tow ntds an y o f the O ly m p ia n fitness ( nnteis 1 year m e m b e tsh ip plans R o o f Coating The O ly m p ia n fitn e s s C e n te rs O ffe rs . . . OLYMP A THON FITNESS Program s is m y Business Let me make a new ro >f out of your old roof. t • Indulge Yourself In • ’ ’ Al R( )()l( S f »f IV ISf * * ’ At A P I CO GAME S I O l 'NGF • • • / / FlINfSSt IASSESWEFKI 1 • • ’ LAWES SWEATSHOP ••*C O I D SHAMS f»SA"NAS '"O IY M P IC FREE WEIGHT EQUIPMEN! • ” IA( '//IS DANCE AS FIINFSS CIASSES •••(. rIM P' HE R l/f I ) Ni 'RIIIO N PROGRAMS •" S IR I SS MANAGE ME NI CONS' I IAN I e y As Low As ’ •SINGH "S IN G IF SHARE “ COUPIF ’ ’ FAMIIY ft «»iTit <*»shtj' j J- i fx t hm 1 " 1«». 1 in ffor $ ... 20°° a Sq. A / h GIFT CHECK' f iy' Ro g, .<1t y ursplf Make a SOI ID INST SIMEN I Hi my c< ill 78 / 988 3 and si hedule you' tout Ash fot Ofy OLYM PIAN FITNCSS CCNTCRS itv. a " , ( uh r, is I also rebuild chimneys, repair gutters and downspouts. • 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE • • WORK GUARANTEED • )f fTTCt tit 'Ctshlp pi it » ' Jf O F ( GIFT CHECK f iti ipss i >ns< h 'i is Individi inis . n i H e i"' b e e t Pi inland O reqi -n 9 /7 1 1 78 /9 8 8 3 Pay ro the order of OLYMP I AN FITN E SS CENTERS t l i i t t y - f i ve d o l l a r s a n d n o / o n e h u n d r e d t h s For Call 287-8474 a».}» • ■ 11 ( M iy 1 $ 3 5 .0 0 Dollars 1 Y e a r M e m b e r s h ip 1 G U I O < ( . K p**» ni<*»T'ho'sh«p F tChildc«-» '0 ' chtldrxn »1 p»r child R m n i l i o r i Only J it