Advertisement for Bids INVITATION FOR BIDS SUB-BIDS REQUESTED National Forage Seed Production Research Center Corvallis. Oregon Bid Date: August 22. 1966 10 00 A M TREE T R IM M IN G 'S H A P IN G A N D S TU M P ROOT REMOVAL Seeled tiuls fcx bee trimming shaping »nd tree lemovel «I on« property a l the Housing Authority of Portland Oregon IH A PI at 8 9 ,0 N Woolsey Avenue Portland. OR 97203 will be received until 2 00 POT September ,8 ,966 Following » short intervtf bull will tie opened jiutM« ly end mwl Blood Hnlde's may tie present during the ted opening JOHN HYLAND CONST. INC. P O. Box 7867 Eugene, Oregon 97401 (503) 345-8100 Basically the w o rt i onsists of tree trimming shaping end tree removal Ito include stump and majoi roots) as outlined in the Specifications Prospective bidders m ay obtain one set of bidding do cu m ents al the Housing A u th o rity M aintenance Office, 8 9 ,0 N Woolsey Avenue be tw een 8 00 a m end f OOp m M onday through Friday upon deposit of *2 0 00 which is refunds,Me Documents must be returned to H AP in good condition within ten toys after ted o|ienirig ilate in nriler to receive refund of deposit Additional sets of docum ents may be acquired for *1 0 each which is not refundable Business firms outside the Portland a re a only may order documents by calling 281 *002 and mak'ng arrange W e are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub contractors and women and minority business enterprises SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Physical Education Facility M id H ig h Conversion Phase B M edford. Oregon Bid Date: August 29. 19P6 -2:00 P M ment for deposit by marl No bed will be considered unie«» a< companied by Bid Security m the form of certified check cashier s check or surety bond paya,Me to ttie Housing Authority of Portland in an amount equal to ,0 % of the bed to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages should tedder neglect or refuse to enter mto a connect or provide suitable bond for the faithful pertormence of the work m the event the contrai t is awarded JOHN HYLAND CONST. INC. P O Box 7867 Eugene. Oregon 97401 (503) 345-8100 No bidder may w ithdraw bid after the hour set for the opening thereof until after the la,iae of sisty 1001 days from the be) opening A minimum of 20% MBE participation in the esecution of this p ro je t is a HAP requirement and the methods the tedder proposes in complying with this requirement is subject to HAP review and approval prior to initiating W e are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub contractors and women and minority business enterprises the contract The Housing Authority of Portland may reier t any ted not in compliance with all prescribed bidding procedures and 'requirements and may reject any or all bids and waive ell informalities if in the judgment of H AP it is SUB-BIDS REQUESTED n the public interest to do so Questions regarding this project should be SR 90 SR 6 TO BUSH PLACE KINO COUNTY W A SH IN G TO N B ID O A TE A UGUST 28 1906 a , 10 00 A M Bid Date Subject to Change directed to Dave Walter at 283 4602 H O U SIN G A UTH O R ITY OF PORTLAND By W E Hunter Esecutive Director Date August 16 1966 DONALD M . DRAKE COMPANY 1740 N.W. Flanders Portland, Oregon 97209 (503) 226-3991 Public Announcement MULTNOMAH COUNTY H r j r r an ryual opportunity employer and request sub bids from small bust nets and small disadvantaged business subs -ontractors and women and minority business « nterpnses Janitorial Contracts & Requirements Free Workshop for Minority Contractors Tuesday. August 27,1986 9:00a.m. - 1:00p.m. Matt Dishman Center © 77N.E. Knott Portland, OR 97212 Port of Portland An Equal Opportunity Employer How to fully understand government contracts b requirements For Information on current job openings, call our Employment Information Desk, 231-5000, Extension 700. To Register - Call 248-6111 Ash tor Linda Mcr lam Between the hours of 1 4:00 p m August 12 -16,1986 Page 8, JOBS, August 14, 1985 ■ - '¿ ‘ • i S ■ - e « f .* * J »A " * ’ . . « • 6. , - . • 1 ' w •- / ’ « I - W •» 1 <