JOBS Classified BIOLOGIST 2 FISH A N D WILDLIFE (Aquatic Biologist) •1575-91993 monthly This job is with the Department of Envir­ onmental Quality in Portland. TO QUALIFY you must have equivalent to a Bachelor's degree in aquatic biology, AND two years of aquatic biology or compara­ ble experience under professional super­ vision The Aquatic Biologist monitors ambient biology and water quality statewide, evaluates point sources of pollution and determines biological identification in the laboratory. Call DEQ Personnel at 229 5382 to obtain an application and announcement. The mailing address for returning applies bon a« Personnel Division 156 Cottage St. NE Salem, OR 97310 Your application must arrive at the Personnel Division by September 3, 1986 at 5 00 p.m. Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF M ILW A UKIE PERSONNEL ADM IN ISTRA TO R Immediate opening for a Personnel Ad mmistrator with a minimum of 3 years experience in all aspects of the personnel function. This is a newly established position, and duties will involve interviewing, enrolling, benefits administration, payroll, and record keeping. Knowledge of Federal and State regulations regarding E.E.O., Workers' Compensation, wage and hour and unemployment benefits is essential The successful candidate will be a creative individual, capable of designing training programs for in plant use W e are a division of a nationally known frozen bakery products manufacturer, and located approximately 30 miles south of Portland W e offer excellent benefits and growth potential Interested applicants should submit reeume, including work and salary hetory to: Personnel A d m in is trato r P .0 Box 397 Hazelwood, M O 63042 Equal Opportunity Employer M /F /H /V SCHOOLS & TR A IN IN G Clerk Typist II PSYCH IA TRIC AIDE General clerical work requiring mod erate typing skills and general know­ ledge of office procedures and prac­ tices Requires one year of general office experience involving typing, public contact, filing and record keep ing or equivalent combination education and experience Examine twn process will be used to establish eligibility lists for full time and part time positions. SALARY: Full time: »1062 1294/mo. plus excellent benefits Part time: »6 06-»7.27/hr. plus pro rated benefits CLOSING DATE City application and required supplemental questionnaire must be received by 5 p.m ., Friday, August 30, 1986 Apply to: C lackam as C o m m u n ity C ollege ■ recruiting students for a Certified Nursing Assistant (Psychiatnc Aide) Class to be held at Dammasch State Hospital in Wilsonville. Successful graduates eligible for employment at Dammasch on an on-call basis The class will start September 23 and run through November 14. The cost is •172 50 plus books. Applicants should have reliable transportation no physical limitations and no felony convictions For more information about the application procedure, call Donna Ford 957-9400. e x t. 296 City of Milwaukie 10722 SE Main Milwaukie, OR 97222 Equal Opportunity Employer Page 6, JOBS, August 21, 1985 FED ER A L JOBS FEDERAL G O V E R N M E N T IS H IR IN G $ 8 8 7 6 1 6 7 .7 0 0 Thouw ndl out t« ttt Research, in d r ia , VA o* im m td ill« opening» with For d « t*ilt, writ« W aih infto n Inc.. P O Box 1 1 * * 1 , Aiea 2 2 1 1 2 A.OA SOCIAL SERVICES Residential Counselor Opportunity to make a difference in the lives of behaviorally disturbed teenaged girls Chance to participate in program innovation. Excellent training offered High challenge, high responsibility Must be available for day, evening, weekend shifts in our residential treatment center Must have proven group management and treatm ent skills Full time and part tim e positions available Salary range »693 91,012 per m onth plus benefits Resume to: R osem ont 597 N Dekum Portland, OR 97217 283 2205 Equal Opportunity Employer HO M E VISITS RNs, LPNs Certified Home Aides Telep ho n e 287-3288 Leave your name and phone number P R O G RAM SPECIALIST FOR Shared H ousing P rogram Permanent position available September 16, 1985 currently p art-tim e 128 hours per week) May expand to full time posi tion with 6 months Program Specialist is responsible for m atching hom esharers, client intake, client counseling and providing outreach as well as coordinating and overseeing staff and volunteers Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S Demonstrable ex penence in client counseling, knowledge of com m unity resources, ability to or ganize, evaluate and interpret numerical/' statistical data High degree of reliability and self motivation needed Apply Monday Friday, 9:00 a.m . 4 45 p.m. at C enter fo r Urban Education 0245 S W Bancroft Portland, OR 97201 Deadline to return com pleted applica tion package is Thursday, August 29. 5:00 p.m. Annual salary range for full tim e (40 hours) »14,800 916,000 CUE it an .Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer