— ................. - Advertisement for Bids INVITATION TO BID Request for Release of Funds SURLY A N O INSTALLATION OF A SET BACK THERMOSTAT SYSTEM AT HILLSIDE M A N O R The Housing Authority of the County of Clackamas will receive seeled written bids for Supply end mitelletKin of a setback thermostat system for the 100 units at Hillside Manor Bid packages may be picked up at 13330 S Gain Street Oregon City Sealed written bids must be received on or before 2 30 p m August 27 1986 at the above address at which time they will be opened and publicly read aloud CfTY OF PORTLAND BUREAU OF C O M M U N IT Y DEVELOPMENT 1120 S W 5th. Room 1120 PORTLAND, OR 97204 To All Interested Agencies. Groups, and Persons All bids must be on supplied form Outside of sealed bid should state Attention: D Robert Miller sealed bid for Hillside Manor Set Back Thar mostat System All questions should tie directed to Mr Miller at 6668267 The Housing Authority of the County of Clackamas reserves the right to reiect any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of 30 calendar days subsequent to the opening of the bids without the consent of the Housing Authority of the County of Clackamas The project is financed through the U S Department of Housing and Urban Development, and is sub|ect to regulations of the Departments of On Of about August 30 1986 the City will iw ju e il the U S Dept of Housing and Urban Devekifiment to release federal funds under Title I of the Housing and Community A Development Act of 1974 (P l 93 383) for the following protects 8 6 8 6 HCD Housing Programs Single Family and Multi family Rehab Loans in designated neighborhoods; Residential Hotel acquisition, and Local Homesteading Demonstration Labor and Housing ft Urban Development HCD Industrial Development loan program for 8 6 8 6 Attention is called to federal provisions of Equal Employment Oppor tunity Affirmative Action H U D Section 3 Requirements and payment of not less than the minimum Davis Bacon salaries An Environmental Review Record for these protects has been made by the Cfty which documents the environmental review of the project This Environmental Review Record is on file at the above address and is available for public e»amination and copying upon request at Room 1120 between the hours of 8 a m and 5 p m Monday F eday For all construction and equipment contracts over »10 000 the bidder shall be required to submit with the bid, a bid guaranty not less than 6 percent of the amount of the bid The bid guaranty may be a certified check, bank drat, U S Government Bonds at par value or a bid bond secured by a surety company I, the bid guaranty is not submitter, with the bid, the PH A shall reiect the bid For al, construction or equipment contracts over »10 000 the contractor shall be required to furnish a performance and payment bond each tor 100 percent of the contract price LETTERS OF INTEREST WANTED THE O R E G O N T R A F F IC SAFETY C O M M IS S IO N (OTSC) is seeking letters of interest from individuals and firms interested in compiling and analyzing information regarding the activities of eleven Driving Under the Influer, ce of Intoxicants ID U III community programs The study requires that a survey be conducted in eleven communities and two other comparison communities The individual or firm must be experienced in conducting evaluations of governmental or quasi governmental agen cies. The City of Portland will undertake the projects 'lest nbed above with Community Development Block Grant funds from the U S Dept of Housing and Urban Development under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 as amended The City is certifying to H UD that the Crty of Portland and J E Bud Clark in his official capacity as Mayor consent to accept the jurisdiction of the Federal courts if an action is brought to enforce responsibilities in relation to environmental reviews, decision making and action and that these responsibilities have been satisfied The legal effect of the certification is that upon its approval the City may use the Grant funds and H U D will have satisfied 'ts responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1989 H U D will accept an objection to its approval only if it is on one of the following tiases (aI that the certification was not in fact ewecuted by the certifying officer or other officer of applicant approved by H U D or (b) that applicant t environmental review record for the project indicates o m m iw o n of a required decision finding or step ajiplicabie to the project m the environ mental review process Object ions must tie prepared end submitted in accordance with the required procedure 124 CFR Part 58) and may be addressee! to HUD at 520 S W 8th Ave Portland OR 97204 Objections to the release of funds on tiases other than those stated above will not be considered by H U D No objection received after September 14 1986 will tie considered by HUD To receive more information, submit name and address to Oregon Traffic Safety Commission State Library Building, 4th Floor Salem, OR 97310 or call 1 800 922 2022 J E. Bud C lark. M ay o r City of Portland Bureau of C o m m u n ity D e ve lo p m en t 1120 S W Fifth. R oom 1120 Portland. OR 97204 T a1 796 5166 by August 28, 1986 JOBS Auaust21. 1985. Page 3