Page 8, Portland Observer, August 14, 1986 9 />► Roy I re Jerntgan V * " ! ' bdilor • • SPORT TALK • SPORTTALK• Program to eliminate abuse in youth sports Amp Elmore sells karate/kickboxing I he Electrifying Anthony " A m p ” Elmore it just what the new, exciting sports o f karate/kickboxing needs — a super salesman. " I 'm a fighter, promoter, com­ mentator and trainer — I 'll even set up the ring if that's what needs to be done," says the champ. Often called the "M uham m ed A ll o f Professional Karate,” because o f his non-stop comments and predictions, Elmore maintains such a style is necessary. " I talk a lot, but I do it to bring atten­ tion to the sp o rt." f lic A m p describes himself as "a former skinny kid who ran his mouth a lo t." He began training by learning from books and later studied with a friend who had learned karate in Vietnam. Elmore earned his black belt in 1974. There arc differences be­ tween his sport and the traditional Oriental art. "Karate, in its old, pure form , is an Eastern art o f self- defense. A decade ago, it was still regarded in this country as a mystical art. Karate/kickboxing takes (he art o f self-defense and modifies it into a form o f self-offense for competitive purposes." And although karate has been around for thousands o f years and Elmore held his black belt since 1975, a 1979 television broadcast kindled Elmore's interest in the new, professional sport. Bitten by the bug o f competition, he closed his retail carpet store and devoted full-tim e to a rigid training program. His first pro­ fessional bout was to follow later that year. Eull contact karate is very different from anything else. A fighter is re­ quired to throw at least eight kicks per round and there is no clinching al­ lowed. These rules make fo r a de­ manding and exciting spectator sport. " In karate/kickboxing, a fighter needs to run like a track star, have the grace o f a ballerina, the stamina o f a boxer and the flexability o f a gymnast in order to w in ," Elmore explains. The 6’4” , 215-pound Memphis na­ tive is known for his devastating kicks, and holds the world record for the most kicks thrown in a profession­ al championship bout — an impres­ sive 189. That records goes along with Elmore's strategy in the ring, which includes lots o f long kicks in order to keep his opponents away from him. Keeping competitors at bay is especially important to Elmore. “ There is no weight lim it in the Super Heavyweight division, and I've given up as many as .30 pounds to an op­ ponent.” His ring expertise and personality have done much to draw attention to himself and his sport. Operation Push bestowed Elmore with their Sports Award for 1984, he was fea­ tured as one o f Ebony magazine's 10 Most Eligible Bachelors for 1983, and a column on the front page o f the Memphis Commercial Appeal called Elmore a “ one man chamber o f com­ merce” for the city. “ I believe the work has paid o ff in calling attention to the sport. The Ebony article, for example, got the attention o f the ladies — and I want to attract every­ b o d y," he says. Elmore is as proud o f his sport's clean reputation as he is o f Ins 17 knockouts — and works toward bet tering both. Champions, to him, must set examples as good citizens as well as good sports. "T h e man must make the title, the title doesn’ t make the man ” The lessons young people learn from sports are often remembered the rest o f their live«. That is why volunteer coaches and youth administrators have a re- ponsibility to the kids with whom they work, according to Curt Gowdy, National Spokesman o f the National Youth Sports Coaches Association (NYSCA) and chairman o f the "M a kin g Youth Sports Fun For K ids" program. “ The irony o f youth sports to­ d a y," Gowdy said, "is that while many psychologists, reporters and educators denounce organized youth sports, millions o f parents still en­ courage their offspring to partici­ pate.” According to Fred Engh, founder and president o f NYSCA, “ Even though the elementary school-age population is decreasing, overall o r­ ganized youth league programs have increased to nearly 20 m illion partici­ pants throughout America. "T h a t indicates that youth league sport arc here to stay, but those who criticize youth sports make some good points, too. Although problems exist in a number o f areas, the state­ ment that 'no program is better than it's leader,' can best summarize the problem in youth league sport«,” Engh said. In nine out o f 10 cases, the leader is a parent o f one o f the team players. “ In most cases," Engh said, "th e parent probably has never been told that his or her responsibility extends beyond ensuring that the team wins the championship. Perhaps more importantly, that responsibility in ­ cludes the development o f the value systems o f the young people being coached, and it is just as important for parents and coaches to remember that youth sports should be a fun experience." “ No parent would let a 10-year- old take swimming lessons from a person who is not qualified to teach," Engh said. "W e ll, what about the young people who suffer emotionally, psychologically and sometimes physi­ cal abuse because the youth sports coach was never told that he had the responsibilities in these areas?" Engh believes the coach's volun­ teer status dix*s not exempt him (or her) from these responsibilities. To fill this training gap the NYSCA, a non­ profit organization formed in 1981, offers a basic certification program that can be completed by attending three-hour sessions on tw o consecu­ tive nights. “ The feedback we've received from leagues that have implemented the NYSCA certification indicated that by clearly stating minimum stan­ dards for volunteer coaches, the vast majority willingly com ply,” Engh said. "M o re importantly, the young­ sters benefit almost immediately from the more positive experience vouth sports wav intended to achieve in the first place " NYSCA doesn’ t stop at educating and certifying vol­ unteer coaches. They have also creat­ ed special programs to offer com­ prehensive guidelines fo r parents, youth league administrators, and game officials who arc involved in community youth sports programs. Certification o f an NYSC A volun teer docs not denote qualification to coach, per se, but moreso indicates a basic awareness o f the very important role that each volunteer has on the psychological well being, safety, and the need fo r basic sports instruction o f each child in his (or her) care. Atlanta, Lieorgia, County Comnns sinners make NYSCA certification program mandatory for over 1,500 coaches in leagues using municipal facilities. I angles , Virginia, U.S. A ir Force Tactical A ir Command bases with youth sports programs w ill require all coaches to be certified beginning tall I9K< Io obtain further inform ation on NYSL A and their programs, contact the NYSCA, 2611 Old Okeechobee Rd.. West Palm Beach, FT 33409. A u d ie N o rris , n ic k n a m e d " T h e A t o m ic D o g ." h as re m o v e d h im s e lf fro m J a c k R a m s e y 's d o g h o u s e a n d w ill ta k e his ta le n ts to E u ro p e N o r ­ ris, w h o has o n e y e a r re m a in in g o n his c o n tr a c t, fe e ls th e t th e E u ro ­ p e a n e x p e rie n c e w ill b e n e fit h im in th e lo n g ru n . T h a n k s fo r th e m e m ­ o ries. A u d is , a n d th e b e s t o f lu c k to y o u . The lo n g e st bicycle ever co n s tru c te d w as a te n d e m th e t co uld seat ten dl A ck COU€G€S coM M irreciN C WHAT GOLF SCRAMBLE (SHOTGUN) WITH NATIONAL PRO - MA. LM ELDER WHÉN TUESDflV AUGUST 27. 1985 WHERE McNAAV G O U COURSE INVITATIONAL SALEM O R E G O N 6 2 5 5 River Rood North Tel 3 9 3 4 6 5 3 $110 FEE INCLUDES CART GREEN FEE. . -T -0® 8 SOUVENIRS PRIZES AND DINNER . orts Irmted $100 6 » 't o first come first serve 9 * ' . a s «' INCLUOES RLL OF THE ABOVE WfTHOUT A CART $ 12 0 0 OTHER DINNER GUESTS (not porbupoOng r Scramble) 9 00 a m 1000 a m 4 00 p m TIME CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST TEE OFF DINNER ENTERTAINMENT AND AWARDS REGISTRATION FO R M PLEASE RETURN REGISTRATION FOAM TO AJNE A KEV 1148 NE FREMONT PORTLAND O R 97212 0V A U G 20. 1985 TEL (503 287 9669 CtTV CHECK BOXES STATE GOLF CART □ Ves □ No 2 8 7 -9 8 8 3 HOC ADORE SS NAME • ZIP PHONE NUMBER OF OWNER GUESTS □ «EASE ENCLOSE ENTRV FEE CHECK PRWBLE TO BLACK COLLEGES COMMITTEE I9C LUE LOOK FORWARD TO HAVING VOU JOIN US FOR A RJN-RLL© DRV AT McNAAV G O U COURSE * Ï • (Ch'ideare 'or Teen Parents children s«s'isbi< | i per child Xeservsiions Only 787 988J) . □ •V e . W r a Z j a A. 1