r ¿HHHHSd » Page 6, Portland Observer, August 14, 1905 LAUBACH METHOD New book helps consumers locate records (ACM O M I «ACM O K í> .1; .3 5 iTl Each one teach one - ‘I . ♦ • f. Ü Laubech Tuior-iraining Workshop sponsored by Oregon Literacy, Inc., for persons interested in learning to be a volunteer tutor to teach American non-reading adults to read and write using the lauhach method, will be lx-ld August 19. 22, 26, 29, 7 • 10 p.m. each session. t all Oregon Literacy for further in ­ formation. Pre-registration is re­ quired and there is a registration fee. * k You don't have to speak the language to know that olal word of praise for this delicious Mexican fiesta, is the right Vital records ate just that. . vital. In this age o f bureaucratic docu­ mentation, everyone has need o f copies o f records o f birth, death, marriage or divorce. An application for benefits from the Veterans A d­ ministration or Social Security or for a passport or marriage license must have the inform ation contained in these records and sometimes copies of the records themselves. Under the alien amnesty program now in Congress it w ill be important to prove U.S. birth or residence in this country for the past few years. These records are stored perman­ ently by municipalities, counties, states and the f ederal government. The Consumer Education Research (. enter (CERC) found that there was little uniform ity on where the records were available. In some states birth records are kept by the city and some by the county. To further complicate matters, often older records are held in a different place than current ones. The non-profit consumer group found many people had great d iffic u l­ ty in locating the records they needed In many cases it was necessary to make expensive long distance tele­ phone calls just to find out where to write. For that reason CERC is pub­ lishing a book entitled Guide to L o ­ cating Vital Slalistics. This book contains a staie-by-state listing o f the addresses and telephone numbers o f where each record can be found, the cost o f a copy o f the document and sample form letters containing all the inform ation needed to get these and other vital documents. For those whose records are in for- eigh countries, there are instructions on where to write for birth and death records o f U.S. citizens as well as birth records for alien children adopt­ ed by U.S. citizens. To obtain a copy o f this useful Ixxik, send $4. including postage, to CERC-Documents, 429 Clark Street, South Orange, N. J 07079. It's Fiesta time •ó * *4 Bursting with color and excitment, Mexican food, like the country itself, reflects a love o f life and joy o f cele­ bration. And you don’ t have to speak the language to know that " o le ! " is the right word o f praise for this deli­ cious outdixir fiesta menu from south o f the border. A city terrace, your screened porch or backyard patio — any such place sets the scene for casual eating this summer. Here’s an exciting menu to make it happen M E X IC A N FIESTA Easy Beef Tacos Mexican Red Beans and Rice Fresh Melon with Lime . s Sangria Punch For Mexican fiestas and special occasions, tacos arc a favorite treat. Filled with meat, these family pleasers are easy to serve — just let everyone help themselves to their favorite top­ ping. Mexican Red Beans and Rice is tlie perfect companion. Then, for a delightful refreshing wine beverage, enjoy Sangria Punch. '7 T ;“ :u » * « 0 • •f / • .J •■ » •• . i ■ '.'t- ."7 * ’. -A p •’i* EASY BEEF TACOS >/i '/« I I cup chopped onion cup chopped green pepper tablespoon butter or margarine pound ground beet teaspoon chili powder cup barbecue sauce prepared taco shells Suggested toppings: grated Ched­ dar cheese, shredded lettuce, chopped tomatoes, chopped onion, sour cream, sliced ripe olives, avocado cubes Saute onion and green pepper in butter in skillet until tender. Add ground beet and chili and cook until meat is lightly browned. Stir in barbe­ cue sauce and heat. Fill each taco shell with beef mixture. Top with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and other toppings, as desired. Makes 2'« cups meat mixture or 6 servings. StarKist Chunk Tuna Star-Kíst M E X K /, N R ED BEANS and R K E 1 can (16 oz.) red kidney beans Tomato juice cup chopped onion tablespsxsns butter or margarine teasptxm salt teaspoon pepper cups instant rice 1 j cup grated cheddar cheese Save Up To 52c Ea. Can ICMUHK LIGHT Drain beans, measuring liquid; add tomato juice to make 2 cups. Saute onion in butter in saucepan or skillet until tender Add salt, pepper and the measured liquid. Bring to a boil; stir in rice. Cover, remove from heat and let stand 5 minutes. Add beans, heat thoroughly and stir in half o f the cheese Sprinkle with remaining cheese Makes 4 cups or 6 servings. . - t i> r • • • 1 9 -3 5 A M I U*> ? ■.< ó % - • ;x-db ?4 i i .■» . .„-¿j I > t II, i I ( Ml ( *♦;< i Pampers . usnon nasrxuu Ea. I 1 • 1 t B e S u re To Look In Your “THIS WEEK” M agazine For Your S afew ay S h o p p in g G uide For Even More S e le c tio n And V alue For Your S h o p p in g D ollar i q Supe» A b s o rb e n t l .»tye H a q A b s o rb e n t M»*d S u p e r A b s o rb e n t Met1 H rq A b s o rb e n t S m a il t o r N e w b o rn s A efe Jlfl Save Up S D 4 9 To $1.50 ■ ■ Ea. Pkg. WF DoxAte Elastic L c 57 Disposable Diapers r Students participate n summer research Tins summer several high school, , ollege and graduate students are nvolved in OHSU research and cdu ation programs investigating careers n the health sciences. Ten students are participating in lie M inority High School Student Research Apprentice Program ob erving. participating and assisting in labs, and often conducting their own ■esearch projects. I he Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board is sponsoring a six-week program lor high school and college age Native Americans interest ed in nursing careers. Six students are studying and working with a nurse in a clinical unit at the OHSU or in an other health cart setting. Nine college and graduate students are working with scientists on a vari­ ety o f heart related ..search projects through a program offered by the American Heart Association. At Safeway You Will Be Delighted With Our Summer Fun In The Sun Sale. We Can’t Begin To List All Of The Items Available So Come In And Enjoy The Selection Of Items. Oil Or Water Packed, 6.5-Ounce Can '/j 2 I I /8 I '/i Each im a m Prices Effective 8/14 Thru 8/20/85 In The Area Of Originating Publication. Limited To Retail Quantities. SAFEWAY f4 t- ; ;0 ■ . • ; «»■ ' *3 f 'L . 'i i .• * . • • ’ • . S •. ' s-*- • > »-• » • • • . •