Portland Observer, August 14, 1985, Page 3 Letters to the Editor The Observer welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be typed or neat­ ly printed and signed with the author’s name and address (addresses are not published). He reserve the right to edit fo r length. Mail to: Portland Observer. P.O. Bax 3137, Portland. OR 97208 To the Editor, To the Editor, I wanted to take this opportunity to let the people o f Distric' 18 know how well they were represented during the 63rd Legislative Assembly by Representative Margaret Carter. It is rare when you find a fresh­ man legislator with as many legislative victories as Margaret Carter accumu­ lated during this past session. She was the pnmary sponsor o f a measure that sets aside the third Monday in January as a legal holiday honoring the birthday o f M artin 1 uther King She led the fight fo r passage o f the South A frican Divestiture bill recent ly vetoed by Governor Atiyeh. As a member o f the Joint Trade and Eco­ nomic Development Committee, Margaret was a leader in pushing for economic development legislation that w ill put people back to work In short, one o f the primary rea­ sons for the success o f the 63rd I egis- lative Session was due to freshmen legislators like Margaret ta rte r. It was an honor to serve with her, and the people o f District 18 should be congratulated for selecting her to represent them in Salem. We are residents o f a city being run by a ‘ religious' group, and are under constant harassment by the Rajneesh Police Force and Rajneesh Security from Rajneeshpuram We are watched wherever we go, even if we just take a walk, they follow us in their vehicles. W e asked Raineesh Police Force to stop the Rajneesh Investment C orpor­ ation from making m i much dust on the hill above our home, and they said they were not going to do anything about it and left W’e must call the Oregon State Police for protection. If one is Rajneesh, the police force is helpful, protective and concerned. Conversely, when a NON Rajneesh told one o f the Rajneesh to put their garbage where it belonged, they were arrested and hauled 75 miles to The Dalles jail. W hen incidents such as these occur in a democratic country, something must be done in order to preserve our freedom. We have a “ Save Ante lope F u n d ," Box 66, Antelope. OR 97001. JIM A N D JEA N OPRA Y SHIRLEY G O LD House Majority Leader ______ annoi ■ Special Coupon r Waltl Stop I Don't boat that machinal i ■ Halp Juat arrived! i W e at I. M . Murphy's Appliances ■ have the answers to your problemsl ■ W e h a v e ................................................ ■ ! ! I I I I I W e also service washers b dryers IN HOME and I IN SHOP at reasonable prices that fit your budget. I I I. M . Murpny's Appliances a 4011 N.E. Union i a 248-1361 I Refrigerators LOW A 8 «44.00 Washers, dryers LOW A 8 «80.00 Stovea LOW AS «78.00 « •30-day Warranty* Black America, Il would appear that I have under­ stated my case. I have said that I am fix a better Black America. Know, that I meant that in all aspects. On the 4th o f July I was in Comp­ ton, C alifornia, handing out what remained o f U N ITIE S June letter when I happened to overhear a wo­ man explaining to her companion U N ITIE S objectives. It wav her opin­ ion that U N ITIE S prime concern is the education o f Black youth. I can only say vhe hav misunderstood me. For her misunderstanding I accept the blame. ?Ks the author o f U N ITIES letters I should have been clear and precise. It is true, the education o f Black America is an urgent concern o f U N ITIES , but so is employment, housing, crime, and the control o f our resources Yet, there must be priori- tin I hcietore, U N ITIE S number one priority is U N IT Y itself. W ith Black Unity and leadership, educa­ tion, employment and a better Black environment becomes a by-product o f that Unity. Then we as a people will have our share o f the American dream, and it w ill not have been giv­ en to us. 1 ct me say this o f U N I TIES objec­ tives for all o f Black America. T o day across America the m ajority o f us life in old run down neighborhoods. I can’ t accept this. The schools that most Black children attend are over 40 years old. I won't accept that. It is extremely d ifficu lt for Black men to find employment. This is not ac­ ceptable to me. The crime rate in our neighborhoods is rampant. I w ill not live with this. Our youth live with little or no knowledge o f the true history o f Black America This is un­ acceptable. The lew Blacks that have succeeded, for the most part feel that they are above us. I ittle do they know or understand that if one o f us is not free then none o f us are. I can say without hesitation or pause that all o f my life a better Black America has been utmost in my thoughts Only in recent years have I begun to understand that a better Black America is a better America for all Over the years I have heard Black men and women talk about the prob lems ol Black America. Not once have I heard any solutions. I have seen men and women hunger for d i­ rection and leadership I have seen it and understood, because I was one of the hungry . In my hunger for a better Black America the persistent question has always been, How What and When? How do we do it? What w ill it take and when? Ihe answers were long in coming. Ihe answer in two words: Unity and / eadership'. No Black organization in America can hope to succeed without Ihe sup­ port o f all Black Americans. No Black organization has evern come close to obtaining that support. Why? Ihe support that was asked lo r has always been in the form o f marches, demonstrations, prayer or money. A ll these things can reach segments o f Black America, but not one o f them all Black Americans. I can show you organizations that reach the middle and upper class Blacks. I can show you organizations that reach the religious segment of Black America There are organiza­ tions for children, for the working class, for women These orgamzatons do not reacli their constituents on a daily basis, let alone the rest o f Black America U N IT Y w ill! Not one of these Black organizations has had the wisdom to see beyond its own interest. No Black leader has ever said that in truth, we as a people must all succeed or none o f us succeeds. Why U N ITY ? Let me give a brief history lesson. It would have been impossible for our ancestors to have become slaves if we had had U N I TY It would have been impossible for Nat Turner to fail if he had had Black Unity. Booker T. Washington and W il­ liam E. B. DuBois: Two Black giants in our history. How much more could these men have accom pitched with Black Unity! Dr King and Malcom X. The two men had Black America in the palms o f their hands. Even with that control there wav no U nity or direc­ tion. As you can see U N ITY is not some­ thing that I thought o f in an instant. It took much soul searching. I knew that fix a Black organization to have a chance it had to reach all o f Black America. Not only did it have to reach all Blacks, it also had to meet with approval o f all Blacks. It could not be religious in its concept or lead­ ership That leaves out too many o f us. It could not be for a certain class. Again it would leave out too many o f us. There could no cost to anyone. We have had our hands out long enough More than any thing Black America had to be aware. That is why I say U N IT Y must manifest itself. U N ITY must reach into the hearts and minds o f every Black in the coun­ try on a daily basis. It w ill! How can U N IT Y do great things for Black America and not cost any­ one anything? W hen the day comes that I know that Black America is thinking U N IT Y , I will explain, the HOW Today my greatest fear is ignorance. I call for Black Unity. I have re­ ceived no response from the Black media Why? I have not asked for a handout. I never will. Give me Black Unity and it is all that I w ill ever ask o f von Give me U N IT Y and Black America will have paid the price, nothing is free Who among you in the Black media w ill stand up I need your help. I ask the Black media to assist me in this, the first true Black crusade for a belter Black America. Give me U N ITY and I w ill change the face o f Black America forever Give me unity ot w ill, unity o f spirit, o f desire and I will take it to the bank A Black bank Our future lies hi U N IT Y . U N IT Y , for jobs that we can create. U N IT Y , for homes that we can build. U N IT Y , for schools that our children will look forward to attending. U N IT Y , lor pride that all men need. U N IF Y , tor a better Black America. U N IT Y , tor a better America for all. I ct me end U N ITIE S letter with this statement o f truth. I have been asked why my letters made no reference to God. I say to you as honestly as I can. I am not o f strong religious convictions. I would ask that you give your soul and spirit to God and the Church. I ask from you your body, your sinew, and your brain for UNIT Y. Eor those o f you who hold the Bible close in your hearts I o ile r Isaiah, Chapter 40: 28) Hast thou not know? Hast thou not head, that the everlasting God, the Lord the creator o f the ends o f the earth, faintcth not, neither is weary? I here is no searching o f his understanding 29) He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he m- creaseth strength .30) Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall; 31) But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; They shall run, and not be weary , and they shall walk, and not faint. I say to you Black America, l et us mount up with U N I IY ! H TRAMMELL Standardbearer 7439 La Palma P. O. Bo x 244 Buena Park, ('A 9062(1 P S. For your social, civic, pro­ fessional, or church organization to get on U N IT IE S mailing list send name and address t o l l I rammell SIDEWALK SALE THUR-FRI.-SAT.-SUNDAY SOCKS TIES AT A PRICE YOU'LL LOVE STOCK UP NOW YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS PRICE BELTS A TABLE OF BARGIANS WE STOLE THESE NOW YOURS FORA STEAL GIVE AWAY PRICES INSIDE ITS COOL PRICES ARE HOT S M LLOYD CENTER BY THE RINK S upport our advertisers PORTLAND OBSER VER BACON FLETCHERS R S SAVI 30 MOZZARELLA CHEESE IN RANDOM CUTS KIENOW S CHIESI OF THE MONTH have a manicurist at LASHAY’S PLACE 3806 N. Williams Ave. • 281-3136 (By Appointment Only) s2 OREGON CHIEF EF •BOLOGNA •THÜRINGER •COOKED SALAME ' 2 990 WEINERS SAVI 30 12. oz. PKG 99* SLIM-SAFE BAHAMIAN DIET A safe, scientific program for appetite control and calorie reduction Choose from tw o plans Gradual or 7 Day Rapid Weight Loss JOB OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLEI You can earn money from selling this product. For more Inform ation.. . . 1234 N.E. Killingsworth St. (503)284-3721 A A LUMCH MEATS It's Easy to Lose Weight! Well — Lashay's has the answer to your problems. They have the best line of products to suit your needs, also a courteous professional staff that will take care of your hair care needs. And if your hands are out of place, we A POUND OREGON CHIEF Are you tired of your hair being a part of a science project ? Does rt look like a classroom expenment? $ ^3 9 12 ox. PKG l K r. SHOP lENO W ’S II FOR. B R A N D S yew k a a e V A B I I T I I S ye w Mfce S U C S ye w w e « * • • • • ARM « I M i l . e w b . a SS»* A « • • • » « '« « R e H I M A * I <>■■••* M O r c ia i • tate-f* «••««• ••«»« • I a» t I • I a*N • • )e « K e lir e I 1 I A M I M. I I I A A I a tefce Q- . . irgi • ■«mg CtVy • o « a 8 re » » 4 » » e« a <« wew*«8 ' « r x i e t •meab «taiaw fcwry*«lde « 4 M «