tensive experience in public affairs, public administration and marketing He has worked as an advertising executive and production director for a number of marketing firms and for three federal agencies, ACTION, the U S Postal Service, and the Department of Health and Human Serv ices. Cooper was instrumental in developing the Museum of Black History and Culture in New York and served as its director from 1968 to 1970 Durng this period, h e also pro duced and was host of a weekly television series for W PIX TV in New York. Susan R Meisinger, deputy under secretary of labor for employment standards, has been acting director of OFCCP since December 1983 Public Announcement MULTNOMAH COUNTY Janitorial Contracts & Requirements Free Workshop for Minority Contractors Tuesday, August 27, 1966 9:00a.m. - 1:00p.m. OFCCP HEAD - Joseph N. Cooper has been ap pointed director of the U S Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs Cooper to Head Labor Department Contract Compliance Office W A SH IN G TO N - Secretary of Labor William E Brock has announced the appointment of Joseph N Cooper as director of the U S Labor Department's Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) As OFCCP director, Cooper will be respondible for ad ministering requirements that firms with federal contracts not discriminate and that they take affirmative action to as sure equal employment opportunity to minorities, wgnML’V Vietnam veterans and handcapped persons The office is a key part of the Employment Standards Administration In announcing Cooper's appointment. Secretary Brock said "I'm delighted to have a person of Joe's integrity, ex penence and broad management background in such a key post in the Department " Since March 1984 Cooper has been assistant director for resource development of the Commerce Department s Minority Business Development agency In that position he played a major role in helping state and local govern ments increase the amount of business they do with minor ity enterprises He also developed a national program to encourage major banks to assist minority owned banks, including helping them raise venture capital Cooper, 38, a native of Fort Lauderdale. Florida, at tended the New York Institute of Advertising and has ex Page 8, JOBS, August 14, 1985 ' 'i - ' Matt Dishman Center 77N.E. Knott Portland, OR 97212 How to fully understand government contracts ft requirements To Register - Call 248-5111 Ask for Linda McClain Between the hours of 1 4:00 p.m. August 12 -15,1966 ATTENTION The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSAI, as amend ed, requires that most employees in the U S be paid a min tmum hourly wage, and receive overtime pay after working a certain number of hours, according to a U S Labor De partment fact sheet Certain full time students, students in vocational educe tion programs, apprentices and handicapped workers may be paid les than the minimum wage if employers obtain spe cial certificates from the Department of labor, according to a U S Department of Labor fact sheet Ur. Jer the Fair Labor Standards Act, workers have a right to file suit in federal court to collect back wages, and em ployers who violate child labor laws may face penalties of up to $1,000. according to a U S Department of Labor fact sheet