I JOBS Classified RESEARCH STAFF ATTORNEY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT A ssistants The Department of Poultry Science at Oregon State University invites applica tions for tw o positions as Research As sistants in Poultry Science as Poultry Technician for the Poultry Extension and Training Subproject (PETS) in the Ye men Arab Republic Evergreen Legal Services C o lville C o n fe d e ra te Tribes Evergreen Legal Services and the Colville Indian Nation are seeking applications from experienced attorneys for the posi tion of a staff attorney providing individ ual representation on the Colville In­ dian Reservation The 8.S. degree is required and salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications. RESPONSIBILITIES The attorney will provide individual representation for In dian jieople on the Colville Reservation The case loan will include working with senior citizens and senior issues, em ployment discrimination and a variety of other impact cases The Central Office of the Colville Reservation is located in Nespelem, Washington. The attorney will also be responsible for doing out reach to offices on the Eastern and Western borders of the reservation Projects C o n s tru c tio n M anager $2.622 $3086 m o Coordinates Washington County CIP within the Engineering Survey Services Div to include major local state fed eral funded transportation, b local im provement district protects Et a Neigh borhood Services program Req in creasingly responsible exp. in the de sign/construction of transportation related CIPs PE registration (CE or traf F k : eng I req with valid state of Oregon PE license or within six months of em ployment The positions will be available February 1, 1986 Application deadline is October 1, 1985 Don H H elfer. D ire cto r Poultry Extension and and Training Subproject Department of Poultry Science Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 Oregon Stale University is an A ffirm a live A ctio n /E q u a l O pportunity I m ployer and complies with section StM o f the Rehabilitation A ct o f 1973. For information about the department the requirements for the position write the above. HIGHWAY ENGINEER 2 ( M e c h a n ic a l $ 1 /4 1 - E n g in e e r 2 ) $2221 MONTHLY THE OREGON DEPARTMENT OF IRANSPOR TAT IO N , HIGHWAY D IV IS I O N . IS AC­ C E PTIN G A P P L IC A T IO N S FOR THE ABOVE P O S IT IO N , LOCATED IN SALEM. TOO MUST HAVE ONE YEAR OF EXPERIENCE IN K C M A N IC A L OR K T A llU R G IC A l EN G IN EER IN G AND A BACHELOR'S D E G R lf IN C I V I L , G IC A l K C M A N IC A L OR K T A L 1 U R - ENG IN EER IN G OR THREE MORE YEARS OF Q U A L IF Y IN G EXPER IEN C E. PREFERENCE MAY b i G IVEN TO C A N D I­ DATES REGISTERED AS ENGINEER T R A IN IN G OR PROFESSIONAl CONTACT 0 0 0 T P E R SO N N El, IN EN G IN EER . 419 TRANS­ PORTATION B L D G .. SALEM . OR 9 / 3 1 0 (5 0 3 ) 3 7 3 -7 6 6 3 . AUGUST 2 6 . APPLY BEF0R1 1985. The O re t/o r Oep«» • i. M ULTNOM AH COUNTY M a n a g e m e n t A n a ly s t S h e riff's O ffic e $22 508 $29.252 Performs management analysis, policy research, budget preparation and re lated administrative support work; re quires one year of related experience in the criminal justice system, apply by Au gust 12, 1985 D ire cto r O ffice o f M a n a g e m e n t A nalysis and Finance D e p a rtm e n t o f H um an Services $31,717 $41,238 Manages the development and imple mentation of budget, management plans EMPLOYMENT SPECIALIST and financial policies; the department For n e w S treet Y o u th E m p lo ym e n t has about 570 employees and a $45 mil Program, experience with youth and job lion annual budget, requires four years development required, 30 hours at $7 50 of human services experience including jier hour Medical b Dental benefits two years of management experience Send resume to: and a degree in a related field; apply by O utside In August 30, 1985 WHERE TO APPLY: 1236 S W Salmon M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty C o u rth o u se Portland, OR 97205 1021 SW Fourth Ave , Room 134 Due Aug 23, 1985 ( Portland, Or 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer A > • 1 • • ». I . r. 1 • . L ii ■f. : $ • •r “ Cl t 4 *’ ■ I-. •/ • Equal Opportunity Employer JOBS, August 14, 1985, Page 7 .« »• <: .