Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 14, 1985, Page 13, Image 13

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    JOBS Classified
Advertisement for Bids
$2,547 $3.108/Mo
Minimum of two years in public account
ing or internal auditing plus two years in
system design and programming Grad
uate from a four year college, major in
accounting/finance or computer sci
ence, or eight years as a data processing
supervisor with emphasis on accounting
finance systems. Valid driver's license
Conduct EDP audits to review effec
tiveness of operational controls, docu
mentation and reporting; analyze audit
findings for economic improvements,
evidence of deficiencies in cor,trot, ex
posure to risk, improvements in quality
controls, etc.; recommend and monitor
corrected actions. Participate in the
annual verification of internal controls
Prepare and present written/oral reports
of audit findings and recommendations
to management Direct, counsel and
instruct audit staff and Information Serv
ices Department personnel on EDP au
diting software and methods
Ability to effectively communicate both
orally and in writing. Ability to organize
work and meet schedules with mini­
mum supervision Knowledge of pro­
gramming language, methods, quality
controls, and alternatives of systems
design Knowledge of accounting prin
ciples relative to an electronic data pro­
cessing audit function and program.
Thorough familiarity with IBM 3033/
4341 mainframes.
Closing date: August 30, 1985
Send resume to:
Eugene W ater ft E lectric Board
P.0 Box 10148
Eugene, OR 97440
Attn.: Personnel
Equal Opportunity Employer
Teaching E m p lo ym e n t
In Fine and Applied Art Requires ter
minal degree, teaching experience and
professional accomplishment Apply
D e p a rtm e nt o f A rt
P.0 Box 751
Portland, OR 97207
Clat kamas County through its Community Development Division wil.
receive sealed proposals tor residential selewalk improvement! on certain
streets until 2 0 0 p m on August 29. 198b and thereafter proposals will
1 * publicly opened anti read No bids will tie received or considered
after that time
The proposed work consists of furnishing all labor materials anti equip
rnent tor the construction of approximately 18 914 square feet of con
crete sidewalk 2 894 square teet of concrete driveway and 18 concrete
wheelchair ramps »n the M cloughlin neighborhood of Oregon City,
Bids should be addressed to Dale Query. Community Development Di
vision P O Bow 2. Marylhurst. OR 9AJ36
Bidders are invited to attend the bid opening in the Mam Conference
Room, Community Development Division O Hara Hall Marylhurst Col
lege Marylhurst Oregon at the above stated time
Contract documents including plans and specifications may tie examined
Clackamas County Community Development Division O Hara Hal'
Marylhurst College Marylhurst Oregon
Oregon City, City Hall, 320 Warner Milne Road Oregon City Oregon
Northwest Plan Center 901 SE Oak Portland, Oregon
Construction Data ft News 925 N W 12th Portland Oregon
Builders Exchange Co op 1125 SE Madison Portland. Oregon
Bidders may obtain a copy of the Contrac’ Documents from Clackamas
County Community Development Division O Hara Ha« Marylhurst Col
lege Marylhurst Oregon upon payment of a non refundable lee of
ten dollars 1110 001 made payable to Clackamas County
This protect is financed through the Community Development Block
Grant Program with funds obtained from the U S Department of Hous
mg and Urban Development The contract will be sutiject to regulations of
the Departments of Labor and Housing and Urban Development
No bid will be considered unless fully completed in the manner provided in
the Instruction to Bidder« upon the txd form provided by the engineer
and accompanied by a ’ 0% be! security executed in favor of Clat kamas
County as more U v , »tailed m the Instruction to Bidders
is t ailed to ORS Chapter 279 and State and Federal provisions for equal
employment opportj ;ty. affirmative action. H U D Section 3 Require
merits and Minimum Salaries and W age Rates
This project requires prequalifx.ations of bidders as dest nbed m the
Instruction to Bidders Bidders not currently prequaltficJ by Clackamas
County or Oregon State Department of Transportation may spfWy for
prequefcficetion no later than ten (10) days prior to the txd opening on
forma avaiiatMe from the county or engineer
Materials supplied under this contract must tie as specified or equal In all
ases equivalency must tie estabfcshed ten (10) days m advance of the
date of the txd upon written approval by the engineer
The Clackamas County Board of County Commissioners reserves the
right to reject any or all txds and to waive all informalities
JOBS, August 14, 1985 Page 5
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