Advertisement for Bids JOBS Classified INVITATION TO BID Dick Gregory's — Slim-Safe SUPLY AND INSTALLATION OF A SET BACK THERMOSTAT SYSTEM AT HILLSIDE MANOR BAHAMIAN DIET The Houtmg Authority of the County of Clackamas will receiv« sealed written bids for Supply and installation of a setback thermostat system for the 100 units at Hillside Manor Bid packages may be picked up at 13930 S Gam S tree t Oregon City Sealed written Suis must tie re c e iv e d on or before 2 00 p m August 27 1986 at the above address at which time they will be opened and publicly read aloud All bids must be on supplied form Outside of sealed bid should state Attention D Robert Miller sealed bid for Hillside Manor Set Back Thar rnostat System AM questions should t * drected to Mr MAer at 6668267 Are you interested in m a kin g an ad d itio nal incom e? n il ! m ‘.. 1 io x iin t if k «(!,*■' «1» 'j» t i« u ,« r ii I hi M iK T iia . '« * 1 0 » m i n a n « , rt«o4 m coem AT 11« IM lM M I I » I ' .« mi 1 I I I 1 1 J»T«Kt| I I M I ' I,« o Port of Portland An Equal Opportunity Employer For Information on current job openings, call our Employment Information Desk, 231-5000, Extension 700. Salem AreaTransit CHERRWTS ax pn i f am « '.n ><>«, id » w , i lit» « »»» 1» s»w,|M, rt m i w iw T 'tit'.s x w . M t l' » „ ( I f , ■ : I » » IN 111 V, 1, I » » 10 I ; r 1 P O Box 11486 Portland. OR 97211 I603I284 3721 ‘ «M For all construction or equipment contracts over $10 000 the contractor i >« ai 11» . r , mi « ra n G reater M t C alvary C hurch of G od in Christ Attention is called to federal provisions of Equal Employment Oppor tunity. Affirmative Action, H U D Section 3 Requirements, and payment of not less than the minimum Davis Bacon salaries shall be required to furnish a performance and payment bond, each for 100 percent of the contract price If' « W ould you like to kn o w more . . . ? The project is financed through the U S Department of Housing anti Urban Development, and is subfect to regulations of the Departments of Labor and Housing b Urban Development For all construction and equipment contracts over $10.000 the bidder shall be required to submit with the bid. a bid guaranty not less than 5 percent of the amount of the bid The bid guaranty may be a certified check, bank draft. U S Government Bonds at par value or a bel bond secured by a surety company If the bid guaranty is not submitted with the bid, the PHA shall reject the bid in is «ur i n , a Ro««l«r< « c i H t A i i , 1 » « iv i’ in rnKi»™ « m » uh ra n (» i i m > tw n > « » » » , nt , , ' Ih i' The Housing Authority of the County of Clackamas re s e rv e s the right to refect any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of 30 calendar days subsequent to the opening of the bids without the consent of the Housing Authority of the County of Clackamas V. W l («1»« » M l *M’ »1 11« ,«N 1IW 105» «tIOKt « M i,, » » « v n n i i T fiiiw w No. All« |t. I « ! | . w,[ /IF te a I MM.C I l » l II I • MM 1» (P H T A C II, »IGAHPIM, 1 » ■*, ■ ,,,{ ,| PNOU-A« !NT( > 11 '■ I » , N » | * | » • «Hl 1 ■■ H".NAN Thank you in ad van ce for your support PSU Offers Prep Courses for Certified Manager Examinations For persons preparing for the Certified Manager examin ations, Portland State University and the Institute of Certi fieri Professional Managers offer three intensive study courses Personal Skills for the Manager, Interpersonal Skill# for the Manager, and Administrative Skills for the Manager Parts I, II, and III of the examination series will be given at Portland State on November 2, 1986 To reserve the series, contact Doug Stroh at (503)28/ 1112 Examination applica tions must be completed sixty (60) days prior to the exam mation date Administrative Skills for the Manager, will be given by Portland State on six Thursdays beginning September 26, from 6 00 to 9:00 p.m . For a brochure and registration in frxmation call (503)229 4620 in the PSU School of Business Administration, Department of Continuing Professional Education. JOBS, August 14, 1985, Page 3