Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 07, 1985, Page 6, Image 6

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    Hage 6, Portland Observer, August 7,1966
Support for PCC levy
Three Pori land -are* businessmen
announced their support today for
the upcoming $3.5 m illion PCC levy,
set for a vote Tuesday, August 13.
Earl Wantland, President o f Tek­
tronix; Neil Kelly, Chairman o f the
Board o f Neil Kelly Designers and Re­
modelers; and Vern Ryles, President
o f Poppers Supply Company, out­
lined reasons fo r favoring the levy at
a news conference held at the P o rt­
land Private Industry Council.
“ To keep pace w ith new growth in
our industry, a trained workforce is
essential," said Earl Wantland. "P e o ­
ple cannot get jobs w ithout property
training I hat's why PCC ’ s ongoing
jo b training programs are so valuable
Roseburg D.A.
speaks out
on Guatemala
by Robert Lothian
several m inor maintenance projects
to cut operating costs. Repairs not
made may cost more in the future i f
left unattended
Vern Ryles outlined details o f the
levy itself. “ PCC operates at the low­
est cost per student o f any college in
Oregon. Even with passage o f this
levy, PCC w ill have the lowest tax
rate in the state,” Ryles said,
“ Passage o f the serial levy w ill add
14 cents per thousand dollars in as­
sessed property value for a total o f 71
cents (that's $K.40 per month on a
$60, (XX) home). This assessment
would be levied for three years only
and could not be increased without a
vote o f the people," Ryles said.
— to the community, to the general
public, to economic development.”
Wantland said.
Neil Kelly explained that PCC w ill
be forced to make immediate cuts in
educational and comm unity service
programs if the levy fails. These in­
-p a rt-tim e evening courses;
— basic educational services to
outlying communities;
—essential equipment fo r several
courses, such as microcomputers,
tools for mechanics, x-ray film for
dental hygienists;
— student counseling and job place­
— PCC may be forced to defer
Bong a district attorney from
Southern Oregon and a vocal critic o f
nght wing dictatorships would seem
an unlikely com bination.
But not fo r W illia m Lasswell,
Douglas County District Attorney
from Roseburg, l asswell has visited
Guatemala seven times, he has many
fnends there, and he has spoken out
repeatedly for the rights o f Guate­
malan refugees.
They are fugitives, he says, from
one o f the most bloodthirsty govern­
ments in the world.
Lasswell spoke at a noon forum on
Guatemala and refugees at the Cen­
tral Library sponsored by the Law­
yer's Committee on Central America.
Serious things are going on in
Guatemala, none o f which look good
for the country’ s large and oppressed
population o f Mayan Indians, said
Over a m illion Guatemalans, most­
ly Indians, have been displaced by
scorched-earth campaigns conducted
by the army. Over 250, (XX) now live
in Mexico, about 150, (XX) along the
border with Guatemala. Over fti.OOO
were killed.
The elections coming up in October
don't mean a thing to the lives o f poor
peasants, he was told on his last trip,
said lasswell We are likely to hear a
lot about the elections, especially if a
civilian president is elected, he said.
But one o f the most repressive Guate­
malan leades, Montenegro, was a
civilian when he was elected in 196k,
according to l asswell. Whether the
president is a general or a civilian, the
army still runs the country, he said.
" L ife is going to go on there the way
it has fo r many years and nothing w ill
The Guatemalan government does
want to clean up its image so it can
receive U S. m ilitary aid, he said. But
the refugees along the border are
tarnishing that image. That’s why
the government has been bombing
camps in Mexico and trying to lure
the refugees back into the country to
bvc in concentration camp-like model
villages “ They want the refugees
along the border to disappear because
they are a tangible reminder o f what
was going on in Guatemala."
The refugees along the Mexican
border have no friends other than
Catholic social workers, according
to Lasswell.
" I t seems to me that Guatemala is
ripe to explode. The guerilla move­
ment is on the rise again . a signifi­
cant part o f El Quiche province is
under their control, and the army
can’ t go in there."
David Brady, chairman o f the
Portland Sanctuary C oalition, report­
ed that even though several sanctuary-
workers were arrested recently, that
w on’t stop the movement to protect
Central American refugees. " I f the
Supreme Court decides that what
we’ re doing is totally illegal, then
we're still going to be doing some­
thing,” said Brady, Clackamas Coun­
ty Public Defender.
He reported conditions so bad in
illegal alien processing centers near
the U.S border that refugees went on
a hunger strike. They were beaten
down by im m igration police and
some were deported back to torture
and possible death.
The U.S. favors refugees from
communist countries, but discrim­
inates against those from t entral
America, according to Brady. Over 62
percent o f Afghan refugees were al­
lowed to stay last year, but only 2.4
percent o f Salvadorans and I.5 per­
cent o f the Guatemalans, he said. A c­
cording to one estimate, 30 percent o f
refugees deported to El Salvador
face torture and possible death, said
Ida Tyler of Alamogordo. N aw
Mexico, winner of a »26,000 achol
arahip In the Coca-Cola USA
Black History M o n th Scholar
ship Sweepstakes displays tha
»100.000 Sweepstakes check pre­
sented by Chuck Morrison. Direc­
tor. Black Consumer Markets.
Coca-Cola USA. to the United
Negro College Fund IUNCF). Ma.
Tyler Is joined by (Erl Eugene M e
Cullerà. M anager. C om m unity A f­
fairs. Coca-Cola USA; Morrison.
Dr. Oswald Sonrson. and Carlos
James. Manager. Black Consum
er M arkets. Coca-Cola USA
National Associatori for the
Advancement of Colored People
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