Portland Observer, August 7, 1966, Page 5 E N TE R TA IN M E N T NETW ORK The Royal Esquire Club's Community Service Statement by A.D.S. Joe "Bean" Keller. Entertainment Editor Volume II V ictim s of Pity What'# wrong with those of us who complain and avoid putting fonh the necessary effort to become a productive person? I see strong, healthy young men and women standing on the streets and in doorways clouding their minds with alcohol and drugs and just plain idleness, wasting their youth away I see other young men and women, and also older men and women, working at St. Vincent de Paul, Goodwill Industries, nursing homes and mowing lawns — in other words performing useful services — while exhibiting apparent physical and mental def'cits. Even in youth, through these apparent deficits, there exists a sense of pride, inner peace and accomplishment. N ot pity. "Li*e doesn't come with any guarantees I know that as well as anyone: I became a victim of polio at the age of 26. "Nevertheless, I've refused to become a victim of pity. So I don’t bel.eve in special privileges. I do, however, believe in equal privileges." Com m unity picnic/concert On Saturday. August 10. peninsula Park will becom e the site to cele­ brate Com m unity Unity Day. The day will consist of plcnlcing, speak­ ers. games for all ages and entertainment. Com m unity Unity Day has been sponsored by the Black United Front for the past six years w ith entertainm ent being provided by Better Entertainment Attractions N etw ork (B E A N.) The intent of this event Is to unite the com m unity and build a better relationship among the people who are our neighbors Entertainm ent for the day w ill feature the Flirt Band, consisting of Randy Smith bass. John Sanders keyboard. Frank Redding - key­ board. Greg Fisher drums, w ith M sry Lou Anderson. Petra Rsher, Roailyn Johnson and Denarvel Brazzel - vocalists; Clean Cut, consist­ ing of Henry Cross guitar Bruca Tillman bass. Charles Cross -drums, Charles Hall Jr. keyboards. Ronnie Harris and Charles Rhythm Lewis - saxophones, and Ronee W alker. Richard Greer. M ary Turner and Joe (Bean) Keller vocalists. Disco will be provided by the Chaz along w ith some of the city's rappers and dancers. The public is being encouraged to bring the families out to take part in the festivities M ake this the day to share w ith friends and loved ones. food, happiness and a lot of fun. JAMES DePRElST, Director Portland Symphony Could it be that these strong, healthy, young men and young women expect special privileges as victims of pity? If so, then they will remain useless, pitiful people. Join the spirit of the Royal Esquire Club, and help reduce the number of victims of pity. J1 NOBTHWtSI r e s i AVI N u t • POStLANO O B tG O N • 221 W 1 9 »41W UN COUCH ANO SUBNSIOl IN MISIOtHC CX.D IOW N Aug. 2nd thru 8th Fri. A Sat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Billy Rancher, Flesh A Blood Sun....................................................................... El C om bo Caribe M on........................................Meridith Brooks. Angels o f M ercy Tues. A W e d ...................................................................... C razy 8s Thurs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert Crag Band F9919 Food and Drinks Royal Esquire Club 1708 N .E . A lb e rta presents M ajor concerts update Portland, after a long aw aited period. Is finally going to be enter­ tained by some of the country’s finest major R bB artists. A series of concerts have been scheduled to finish out the summer and continue into the fall season. Concerts will begin w ith Jeffery Osborn on August 23 at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. B B King on Sept. 8th at the Starry Night, The Tem ptations/Four Tops on Sept 20th at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. Miles Davis on Sept. 21st at the Schnitzer. W ith sites to be announced. Stacy Latashaw and Force M .D . will ap pear in early October, followed by Smokey Robinson in mid-October. There will also be other concerts coming later in the fall and going into the w inter season w ith such artists as Stanley Clark. Bill Withers, K en­ ny G w ith possibilities of the Fat Boys, Jesse Johnson Revue. Morris Day and many more Read the Portland Observer for future details. LES W IL L IA M S & Com pany featuring Edmon Orton Fri. & Sat. Aug. 9 ,10 9 p.m. until EDMON ORTON YM CA World Camp DOES YOUR HAIR LOOK LIKE A WIRELESS WIG? WELL, VALERIE HAS THE ANSWER TO YOUR PROBLEMSI SO - TAKE THAT BAG OFF YOUR HEAD, AND GIVE VAL A CALL TO D A Y ................................................................................ Val's Hair Designs 2736 N. Kllllngtworth (603) 286-7977 Back by Popular Demand iee Gee's Lounge 5700 N.E. Union 281-1178 presents Female Impersonator Wanda Kentucky Jackson Diana Rosa. Patti Labelle, Tina Turner, or Donna Sum m er Joseph Council from the North/ Inner Northeast Y M C A , son of M r and Mrs Bill Council. 416 N Jarrett. Portland, was among five youths selected by the Y M C A of Columbia W illam ette Association to participate in the Y M C A World Camp Program as a part of the celebration of the centennial of Y M C A camping The them e of this three part program is "In Search of Com m on Ground. As part of the world camp pro gram Joseph, like other members of the contingent, was paired w ith a foreign student so that the search for com m on ground could be on a one to one basis as well as in a broader scope. The young man that Joseph is paired w ith is Bertram Funk of Lelnfelden. West Germany. These tw o youngsters w ill par­ ticipate together in a w eek of camp at Camp Kwoneeaum near Washougal. Washington. When they return from camp on August 10th, the next week will be spent w ith Bertram sharing Joseph a family life at the Council’s home. On August 18 the boys, w ith the rest of the W orld Camp partici pants from this area, will head to Camp Seymour in Tecom a, Wash ington. where they will Join to­ gether w ith other World Campers from through the N orthw est for a week of grow th in understanding and fun Some of the themes of this week of ectivities w ill include Cultural Sharing and Apprecia tion, Values Discovery, Leader ship Developm ent, and The Earth a a Finite Planet Other World Camp participants from the Columbia W illam ette Aaaociation are Jecob Overby. Stephanie Burgess. Meredith Boatsmen and Justin Meier. Also featuring The Magic Man Better known as Mr. J the D. J. (from Florida) Frl. b Sat August 9th b 10th - 2 shows 11 p .m ., 1 2 » a m . The first cafeteria w e* opened in 1896 in Chicago on Adams Street between Clark and La Salle Streets by Ernest Kimball