Rage 4, Portland Observer, August 7, 1906 Juvenile Services moving METROPOLITAN Portland needs City Plan volunteers Fund-raising benefit for Leel* Light scheduled The City o f Portland is seeking approximately 150 volunteers to serve on citizens' committees which will help develop the Central C ity Plan (CCP) over the next two years. Donald J. Stastny, chairman o f the 15-member Citizen Steering C o m m it­ tee (CSC) which is overseeing devel­ opment o f the plan, said that about eight research advisory committees and six district committees w ill be formed by October. About 150 peo­ ple w ill be selected to serve on the various committees, he said. “ The research committees w ill be devoted to working with C ity Bu­ reaus on functional issues — such as housing, economic development or transportation — while the district committees w ill focus on the six plan­ ning areas w ithin the central city,” Stastny said. “ Most likely,” he said, “ the committees w ill function for about two years.” Plan Manager Dean S. Smith said that 3,000 application forms were mailed Tuesday to individuals and o r­ ganizations on (he CCP mailing list, additional application forms are available from the CCP office, 796-7270. Smith said that a subcommittee o f the Steering Committee w ill review all applications. Citizens may indicate an interest in one or more issue areas or districts in one application form . The CCP recently completed the largest public input campaign in the city's history, receiving comments from about 10,000 citizens in Design Event One. Smith said that about 2,500 o f those individuals had ex­ pressed a continuing interest in the Central City Plan. One o f the first tasks o f the c iti­ zens’ committees, he said, w ill be to review the findings from the massive public input effort and help in the initial study o f issues raised by the public. The committees w ill then help in the form ation o f goals and options to be reviewed by the public next spring in Design Event Two, Smith said. LOIS LEWIS (Photo: Kris Ahuchar) by Nalbaniel Scoli A fundraiser benefit has been scheduled to help I.e e l'L igh t cele­ brate its fourth anniversary at the King Neighborhood Facility, 4M 15 N.E. 7th Avenue. Friday, August 23, at 7 p.m. Floyd Cruse and his dark Star Kaggae Band will headline a host o f performers including pianist Janice Scroggins and rhythm and blues styl­ ish Mary Reynolds. In addition to the musical aspects o f the benefit, finger foods, and re­ freshments w ill be served and poetry will be read by Barbara I aMorticella, Lois Lewis, Linda Hunter and Na­ thaniel Scott. The artists are performing free and all donations are tax deductible Let P o rtla n d Observer classifieds w ork for you! call 283-0090 Roof Coating is my Business Let me make a new roof out of your old roof. As Low As 520°° a Sq. I also rebuild chimneys, repair gutters and downspouts. • 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE • • WORK GUARANTEED • Call 287-8474 Leel*Light, a non-profit orgamza tion, was founded four years ago by Lois Lewis, who also has authored four volumes o f poetry and two chap books o f children stories. The non­ profit organization teaches creative expression through writing and read­ ing poetry and fictional literature. In addition, Leel* Light also teaches Tac Kwon Do, a form of the martial arts. Lewis has been writing poetry since she was 12 years old and began train­ ing in the martial arts 14 years ago. She has been a black belt holder for the past nine years. Lewis said the purpose o f the bene­ fit is to let people know Lcel*Light exists and also to encourage people to get involved in whatever creativity they may have. Lewis believes any discipline can be carried over into all areas o f life. “ People who don’t write (often) dis­ cover they have other creative expres­ sions," she said. Lewis became interested in the martial arts because o f her joy o f learning. " I t ’s a gixxl physical con­ ditioning and a side benefit is disci­ pline,” she said. “ These combina­ tions create total confidence." Lewis holds a Bachelor’ s degree in business administration with a certif­ icate in teaching from Portland State University. She has taught in the Portland public school Isystem and has performed her poetry on radio, television, at colleges and universi­ ties and various other places. And le e l* Light productions has per­ formed at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, Cable Access T V , Old Wives Tales Restaurant and P ort­ land Community College's Cascade campus. In addition to the benefit on Au gust 23, Lecl*I.ight's Tae Kwon Do pupils w ill be tested for belts on M on­ day, August 19 a 5:30 p.m. at the King facility. The public is invited. The N orth Portland brunch o f the Adult and Family Services Division w ill move to a new location on Fri­ day, August 9. The office w ill move from the current location at 7201 N. Interstate to a new building at 814 N. Hayden Meadows D r , near East Delta Park The office w ill provide regular service for food stamp and welfare clients through August 8 but only emergency help on August 9. Branch manager Die Rova expects the office to be fully functioning at the new location on Monday, Aug. 12. The office, one o f six in Portland, provides food stamps, welfare and job-finding assistance to about 8, (XX) people in the north Portland area. Phone numbers and mailing ad­ dress for the office w ill remain the same after the move. The office can be reached on the Tn-M et number eight bus. Setty Ci&me Proprietor rw u n ^ i b . ISAOMI SUMS ANOftlOOUCCAS NATAM I COCI ft M IC M A II W H « S 1 1 — ' 1 Carm en AD61 T A R A N ow N ow $2595 Reg $36.00 $2495 Reg $34 95 M R S . C ’s W IG S 7 0 7 N .E. Frem ont 2 8 1 -6 5 2 5 Closed tun. A Mon. OFIN Tues. thru tat. 11:30 AM to 6:00 PM