Portland Observer, August 7, 1985, Page 3 AFS office moves Metro explores waste management alternatives by Robert L o t hum Metro, the inter-government agcn cy in charge o f Portland’s garbage, must come up with a waste reduction plan by January 1st. The St. Johns Landfill is filling up, new landfills are unpopular these days, and so M etro is looking at alter­ natives such as mass incineration, fuel recovery, recycling, and com­ posting. Unfortunately, all methods o f dis­ posing o f the foul stuff seem to have their problems The agency is between a rock and a hard spot — whatever alternative it comes up with is likely to be unpopular with someone. And the memory o f Oregon City voters reject­ ing a Metro-backed garbage burner in 1982 is still fresh. Metro's decision w ill be made out in the open, first with a public process o f defining alternatives, and then gathering public input with hearings and surveys. As the first step, the agency spoil sored a conference August 2 - 3 at the M etro office near PSU. Representa­ tives o f over a dozen companies o u t­ lined their specialties — mass inciner­ ation and electrical generation, incin­ eration at sea, producing fuel cubes from organic waste, recycling, and cellulose conversion to ethanol. One or m or" o f these companies may be awarded a m ulti-m illion dollar con­ tract . Mass incineration was explained by Mark Hepp o f Signal Environmental Systems. First, he said, trucks dump the refuse into a huge covered pit. Cranes pick it up by the ton and drop it on a conveyor which takes it into a furnace. The heat from combustion drives a boiler which makes steam to drive a turbine-generator. Hepp showed slides of his compa­ ny's plants back east that generate 40 - 60 kilowatts o f electricity, helping to pay for themselves. Another ad­ vantage, he said, is that large non­ combustible items like refrigerators and engine blocks can go through the furnace. They come out the other end with the ash. But what to do with the hundreds o f tons o f ash? A market might be found for it, but until then, it ’ s an en­ vironmental hazard. A ir and water pollution are other possibilities. "T he bulk o f all products o f combustion are discharged into the atmosphere" — expensive scrubbers are needed to filter dangerous chemical pollutants, he said. Some screening system is also needed to separate hazardous matnals from the burned material Hepp downplayed the environ­ mental hazards o f burning. "T h e health effects o f resource recovery arc minimal. There arc plants all over the world, plants in operation for 30 years, and some o f them in residential neighborhoods." His slides, however, showed plants far from urban areas, necessitating transfer stations. According to tieorge Gaiver, o f C .A .G . partnership in Texas, transfer stations are unnecessary when gar­ bage is made into his company's spe­ cialty, fuel cubes. Gaiscr said a “ refuse-derived fuel fa cility” could be built in the back corner o f an existing dump close to urban areas. I he garbage is shredded and com pressed into fuel after large items, metal, glass, and things that could ex­ plode — such as propane tanks — are separated, he said. Hans van Steiger o f Combustion Engineering, Inc., Stamford, Conn., underlined his message that fuel cube plants are clean by showing a slide o f one near downtown Madison, Wise. He said a propane tank exploded in the shredder at the Madison plant re­ cently, causing a one-day shutdown. The shredder is built into a reinforced concrete bunker, he said. "W h ile the shredder is operating, no one is al­ lowed inside the room W hen explo­ sions occur, and they do occur, the building is isolated." Plants and equipment designed by Combustion Engineering, including nuclear power plants, generate 40 per cent o f the free world's electricity, said Von Steiger. ! ■ ■ « ■ ■ ■ « ■ ■ ■ ■ Special Coupon ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Waltl Stop I Don't beat that machinal Halp Juet arrived I W e at I . M. Murphy'« Appliance« have the answer* to your problem«! We have............................................... ing involved with the existing juvenile systems, the opportunity to effect change is at its greatest. The initial concept a child forms during the first encounter with the "a u th o ritie s " can be the most significant factor in de­ termining future criminal involve merit. A youthful offender who finds that by lying he or she can reduce the ex­ tent o f the expected punishment, has taken a step in acquiring a crim ­ inal thought process. Based upon col- ^OtLETIN Ars you tired of your hair being a part of a science project ? Does it look like a classroom expenment? I I I I s We also service washer« & dryer» IN HOME and IN SHOP at reasonable price« that fit your budget I. M . Murphy's Appliance« 4011 N.E. Union Tbs fo un der of O p eratio n P U S H . Rev Jesse Jackso n, recently p res en t­ ed th e o rg an izatio n 's Businessm an's C o m m u n ity C o n tribu tio n s A w a rd to Ford M o to r C o m p an y Louis E. Lataif. vice president In charge o f the co m p an y's sales o peratio ns th ro u g h o u t N orth A m erica, received the aw ard at th e O peratio n P U S H m e etin g in M em p h is. Tennessee M r Lataif an n ounced th at Black o w n e d Ford and Lincoln M e rc u ry dealer shios in th e U n ited S tates w o u ld surpass a billion dollars in sales this year M r Lataif also said th at during th e past three years, his co m p an y has m o re th an dou b led th e n u m b e r of its Black o w n ed dealerships, 248-1361 _____________ J fro m 28 to 69. ''C learly, our business has b eco m e a vital asset to the Black c o m m u n ity in te rm s of jobs and o p p o rtu n itie s." he said - brought to you every wwA bv Jewish Congress condemns South African policies I he American Jewish Congrcsv (A l l ) condemned the South African government lor stripping South A f- ncans " o f virtually any protection whatever from the arbitrary whim of a desperate and despotic govern­ ment.” In a statement issued by its previ- dent, I heodore K Mann, and its associate executive director, Phil Baum, AJL deviated that as "A m e r­ icans and Jews we cannot sit by silent­ ly while Ithis moral calamity is acted out on (he body o f a helpless popu latton." The text ol the statement follows: lectivc experience, U H U R U SA SA feels a Directional Therapy type pro­ gram would be effective in discourag­ ing future criminal involvement. By incorporating an incentive pro gram into existing probation policies, a juvenile offender could acquire needed stKial skills and, at the same time, complete the terms o f his or her probation W ith the addition ot a program designed to provide a means to reduce the time a child would stay on probation, probation officers would realize a reduction in their case loads. Incentives could be designed to provide a reduction in tune on proba lion for: successfully completing a G .F .D . program; maintaining a bank account; extended periods o f cm ployment, and successful completion o f a public speaking course. There ate numerous community based pro­ grams and agencies in existence which could provide the necessary facilities and structured environment without a great addition to the cost o f mam taming a child on probation. It is the position o f U H U R U SA SA that these suggestions would ci, hance the effectiveness o f programs which are in operation at this lime, while realizing the problems brought about because o f lack o f tunds and personnel. U H U R U SA SA feels juvenile crime should be the prim ary concern o f the community. By involving coni munity based organizations and pro­ grams, the problems can be more ef­ fectively dealt with. OIDI RADIO. IV E AtCDAD CO Northwest » Lorg«»’ C o tp « l B e c o rd A Top« A u t h o r is e d C\>!or < LASHAY'S PLACE I AM ERICAN STATE BANK ■ W i ll * ft M R A l OWMXIT MSUAAMCI C O R K .» *'» » « H e are appalled lhat the South African government has retreated even further into the dark night o f oppression and racial bigotry. I he latest edict strips South Africans o f virtually anv protection whatever fro m the arbitrary whim o f a des­ perate and despotic government and places their very lives in extreme jeop­ ardy. •Is Americans and as Jews we can not sit by silently while this moral calamity is acted out on the body of a helpless population, th e South African declaration o f a slate o f emergency demands an emergency response on the part o f our own gov­ ernment blow that "constructive en­ gagement” has produced this horren­ dous result it is time fo r more sen ous, stringent, and severe measures, /he South African government must not be allowed to doubt the condem ­ nation o f their acts b y the people o f the United States People whose parents suffer from high blood pres­ sure are more prone to it than those whose parents did not. • If the inside of the arteries b ecome stiff or clogged from fat or cholesterol deposits, the heart must pump harder and blood pressure then rises. • Weight loss, regular exercise, and reduction of dietary salt and smoking are the most common non­ drug steps taken to lower high blood pressure. W e do .lo t d o business w ith S o u th (By A ppointm ent Only) Africa A m erican S tate lia rik AN INDEPENDENT BANK Head O ffice 2737 N. I U ' hi P ort «rid, Oregon 9 7 2 1 2 dl A ck COll£G€S COMMITTEE. INC INVITATIONAL UJHRT GOLF SCRAMBLE (SHOTGUN) WITH NATIONAL PRO - MA. L K ELDER WHEN TUESDAY AUGUST 27. 1 9 8 5 WHERE Me NARY GOLT COURSE SALEM. OREGON 6255 River Rood North Tel 395 4 6 5 5 $110 FEE INCLUDES CART GREEN FEE. SOUVENIR5 PRIZES AND DINNER (nrts Irmted $100 first tome first serve INCLUDES ALL OF THE ABOVE LUfTHOUT R CRRT $ 1 2 0 0 OTHER DINNER GUESTS (not porbopoOng n Scramble) 9 00 Q m TIME 1000 am 4 00 p m CONTINENTAL SRERKFRST TEE OFF DINNER ENTERTAINMENT RND RLJJRRDS REGISTRATION FORM PIEPSE RETURN REGISTRATION KJHW TO JUNE R KEV 1 146 ME FREMONT PORTLAND O R 97212 HV A U G 20. 1986 TEL I SOL 287 9669 S e U c fto m Z e n it h an J cS tnict SAL IS « S U V IC I U N C I It S J w i n r j a c iio n s i Ow«»< C A l r A JAC «S O N Cart.fiat« T e c h « « '« * NAME ((TV CHECK BOIES HOC ADORE SS STATE GOLF CART □ Ves □ No ZIP PHONE NUMBER OE D * * * A GUESTS □ A S e r a i« M «n «g »' 3806 N. Williams Ave. • 281-3136 B I • » d a y W arranty* Well _ Lashay's has the answer to your problems. They have the best line of products to suit your needs, also a courteous professional staff that will take care of your hair care needs And if your hands are out of place, we have a manicurist at s ■ s Refrigerators LOW AS MS 00 Weehera. dryers LOW AS MO.00 Stoves LOW AS »78.00 Prisoner organization offers suggestions to lower number of youthful offenders The men o f U H U R U SA SA. a prison based organization, are pres­ ently in the process o f structuring an innovative Youth Crime Diversion Program. It is the organization’s position that the numbers represented in the nation's prisons are reflective o f the problems that have been un­ solved by the juvenile systems across the country. It is the belief o f the organization that the first time a juvenile is con fronted with the problems o f becom­ Alder, Room 608, Portland, Oregon 97205. The phone number remains the same: (503) 248 3565. A fter August I , the new address for Juvenile Sen ices Commission is: Oregon National Building, 610 SW 4823 N Vancouver Portland, OR 97217 O ffice 287 2042 PLEASE ENCLOSE ENTRV FEE CHECK PRVRfltE TO BIRCH COLLEGES COMMITTEE NC UJE LOOK FORUJARD TO HFMNG VOU O N US FOR A FUN RUED DRV RT MrNRRV GOLF COURSE I I I I I I