JOBS Classified WORD PROCESSING WATER TREATMENT PLANT H igh V o lu m e D e p a rtm e n t A major health insurance company has an opening for an information Process ing Analyst II. Qualified applicants must have the following expenence Previous machine transcnption and at least 6 months experience in the operation of word processing equipment, preferably IBM. in a centralized enfironment; dem ,onstrated knowledge of correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation; ability to follow complex written and verbal in structions and procedures; excellent organizational and communication skills; ability to work undor extreme pressure, typing of 66 W P M Other qualities help ful will be high school or equivalent de gree or courses in word processing technology O perato r T rain ee $11 73 $16 7 6 /H o u r Two years of college level coursework in water treatment, chemistry, hydrau lies, and microbiology /bacteriorfogy; or equivalent Valid dnvers license ' required TCI Cable Television Immediate openings on direct sales staff ‘ Straight commission plus company benefits. For information call 242 1208 CLOSING DATE CORRECTION M in o rity S tu d e n ts A d m ission C ounselor Western Oregon State College Respon sible to coordinate and implement pro grams to recruit minority students, in­ cluding career days, interviewing, coun­ seling, and advising BA degree re­ quired Tw elvem onth appointment, salary $12,000 $15,000 Send letter, resume and 3 letters of recommendation by August 9, 1986 to: D ire cto r of A d m ission s W O SC Monmouth, OR 97361 Western is an Affirmative Action, Euuat Opportunity Employer VENDING BUSINESS A ttra c tiv e cash p ro fit ft local expansion potential. Training, locations, top products available $1,980 . investment. W rite giving phone: ROUTES Box 413 Everett, W A 98206 0413 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex time work hours, and competitive salary Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O regon Personnel Department, 5th Floor 100 S W Market Portland. OR 97201 Equal ( )pportunitv Employer BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RECREATION LEADER II Book Shop for Sale Used books. Established 1937. Excellent location, Central Oregon Coast. $5,000. Lincoln B ook Shop 1804 NE Highway 101 Lincoln City, OR 97367 C ity o f S alem BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Shoe R epair Shop Established 1946, gross $24,000 plus per year Asking $16,500, includes inven tory $4 426 $6.377/hr 1) Part Time Seasonal 1) Part Time On Call Variable work hours, flexible evenings and available each weekend starting 9 /3 /8 6 Building and program super vision at Senior Center Experience and training in related field of gerontology/ recreation Closing date: 8 /1 6 8 6 SCHOOLS/INSTRUCTION N o rth w e s t N ann ies In s titu te First licensed voccational Nanny training school in Oregon Free placement/in credible demand Contact NNI i 710 N.E 21st Portland, OR 97232 Tel 234 4671. call collect T Equal Opportunity Employer DATA PROCESSING Senior P ro g ra m m e r/A n a ly s t New project development activities Requires senior programmer/analyst level staff addition Senior Programmer Analyst applicants must have successful project leadership, experience on 2 3 . person projects of 6 months duration or 1 longer Individuals must have a minimum of 4 years experience in a business applies tion systems environment and technical competence in COBOL, TSO, OSJCL. M V S or VS1 shop experience k required CICS and EASY TRIEVE PLUS oxpe nence is desirable Senior Programmer / Analyst will • Perform front end anlysis • Write user and DP specifications • Perform technical design • Perform project estimating and scheduling • Coordinate with multiple users across functional areas • Write project and operational docu mentation Senior Programmer/Analyst will tie ex pected to direct 1 2 people or perform the most technically difficult develop Apply C 3232 NE H ig h w a y 101 Lincoln City, OR 97367 (503)994 9833 Ckising date: August 14, 1986 Send resume to: Eugene W a te r ft Electric Board P 0 Box ,0148 Eugene, OR 9/440 Attn : Personnel Y OF SALEM, OREGON Personnel Department / Room 225 , 555 Liberty S E S alem , O R 97301 Equal Opportunity Employer JOBS Magazine 1463 N.E. K illin g s w o rth Portland, O R 97211 (503)288 0033 ment Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex time work hours, and competitive salary Please apply or send resume to. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O regon Personnel Department, 5th Floor 100 S. W Market Portland. OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer JOBS, August 7, 1985, Page 7