JOBS Classified M ULTN O M AH COUNTY C o n stru ctio n SpAcialist $11.07 per hour; responsible for over seeing remodeling and construction projects; requires 2 years of training and/or experience in construction, con tract administration and wage laws, and drafting, apply by August 16. 1986 Where to apply M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty Courthouse 1021 S W Fourth Ave , Room 134 Portland. OR 97204 Equal Opportunity Employe^ FINANCIAL SYSTEMS Analyst (Senior B u d get Analyst) W ash in g to n C o u nty $2.075 to $2.522/m o Coordinates the implementation of fi nancial management information system and indirect cost allocation plan Re quires experience with financial system design or implementation; experience in cost allocation, fiscal analysis and budg et work and college level training in bust ness administration or a related field County application forms required, resu mes NOT accepted Apply by Aug 13, 1986 to W ash in g to n C o u n ty Personnel 150 N First Ave., Room B 2 Hillsboro, OR 97124 WASTEWATER T re a tm e n t Plant Entry O p e ra to r C ity of Salem $8 867 $10 794/hr Entry level in the operation of waste water treatment plant Graduation from high school or equivalent combination of education and experience Some know! edge of the purpose and methods of op­ eration of a wastewater treatment plant, fundamental operation of mechanical and electrical equipment, read meters and charts, maintain records, do math computations, comprehend technical written materials Able to pass an exam within 18 months from date of hire in order to qualify as a W TP Operator and an increase in pay. Failure to pass exam will result in termination Able to meet city driving standards W ork days and shifts to be assigned This selection process will be used to establish an eli gibility list in effect until approximately August 1, 1986 Closing date 8 /2 3 85 State specific job title when applying: CTY OF SALEM. OREGON Personnel Department I Room 225 566 Liberty S.E., Salem, Oregon 97301 Equal Opportunity Employer Equal Opportunity Employer SECRETARY A d m in is trativ e. Level 4 C enter for Sex Equity Division of M u ltic u ltu ra l Education Q UALIFICATIONS: Three years sue cessful secretarial experience with similar responsibilities, ability to type 60 wpm with accuracy, experience in using word processor (W A N G preferred), experi ence in manuscript/report formatting and final production typing, excellent spelling, grammar and punctuation skills, experience in establishing and maintaining filing systems, ability to organize work and set priorities with multiple assignments, good interper sonal skills, ability to work well under pressure and with minimal supervision, ability to maintain confidentiality SALARY: $13,344 $13,500, depending on background and experience. TERM OF EM PLOYM ENT: August 19, 1986, and thereafter, subject to satisfac tory performance of duties and/or con­ tinuation of current planned work and/ or availability of funds APPLICATIONS: Applications and/or resumes must be received in the Per sonnel Office by 5.00 p.m on Monday, August 12, 1985 In letter of application, indicate the jjosition for which you are applying Apply to: Personnel O ffic e HIGHWAY ENGINEER 3 (S o ils COOK 2 W ash ing to n C ounty $1,046 $1.268/ m o. Prepares meals, bakes, maintains and cleans kitchen equipment Requires at least two years of experience in volume cooking within an institution, school or commercial firm; or completion of a commercial food preparation training program and at least one year of expen ence County application forms required, resumes NOT accepted Apply by August 16. 1985 to W a sh in g to n C o u n ty Personnel 150 N First Ave , Room 8 2 Hillsboro. OR 97124 Equal Opportunity E mplover $1920 S p e c ia lis t - THE OREGON DEI’ A R IH E N I OF TRANSPOR- T A IIO N , HIGHWAY D I V I S I O N , C E P TIN G A P P L IC A T IO N S P O S IT IO N WHICH IS I0 R YOU RUST HAVE EQUIVALENT E L O R 'S DEGREE N IC A L IN C I V I L AC­ TO A BACH­ E X P E R I­ E N G IN E E R IN G . FOR INFORM ATION CONTACT ODOT PER­ SONAL, 419 TRANSPORTATION B I D G . , SA LEM , OR 9 Z 3 1 O (5 0 3 ) E qual (Epportunilv I mplover IN SALEM. EN G IN E E R IN G AND TWO YEARS OF IN GEOTECHNICAL 300 S W Sixth Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204 OR GEOTECH­ PROGRESSIVELY RESPONSIBLE ENCE IS THE ABOVE LOCATED 3 7 3 -7 6 6 3 . APPLY BEIORE AUGUST 2 1 , th e Oregon Oeoarfmenf or Tranypo'tat'on Page 6, JOBS, August 7, 1985 3) J 2 4 5 0 MONTHLY 1985. CASE MANAGER For th e C o u ncil for P ro stitu tio n A ltern a tiv es Primary Responsibilities: assisting prosti tutes through a transitional period by helping develop, implement, and mom tor complex and changing step by step plan of action Salary $7 50 hr 20 hr week Starting Approximately Sept 3rd Call M a rth a 281 6833