Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 07, 1985, Page 13, Image 13

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    Advertisem ent for Bids
S ealed bid proposals for construction of street improvements m Molalla
Oregon will be received by the Clackamas County Community Devel
opment Division on August 27, 1986 at 2 00 p m at 0 Hara Hall
Marythurst College Marythurst Oregon Bids will be publicly opened
and read aloud No bids will be ok eived or considered after that time
Needs minority sub contractors for
Metropolitan Service District remodel
at 1 Main Place
Plans available at plan center,
contact M ilt or Marty
Proposed work will consist of the paving of two streets with the com
bined length of approximately 3 060 lineal feet
Phone 220-1601
AJI tuda must be submitted on the forms furnished m the Contract Docu
ments and must be accompanied by a bid bond or certified check made
payable to Clackamas County Community Development Division m an
amount not less than ten percent (10% ) of the total amount of the bid
Bid proposals must be submitted to Doug Younysma Community De
velopment Specialist who can Im contacted at 666 8681 tor further
information on this project
Sealed bids will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Educe
tion in Administrative Services Building. B I 00. Oregon State University.
Corvallis. Oregon, until 2 00 p m , PDT August 27. 1986 tor the Parking
Improvements project located on the campus of Oregon State Umver
sity, Corvallis Oregon Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud in
the Administrative Services Building A
Room A 110 by the Under
signed or designated representative
The project consists of excavating grading filling, installing storm sewer
systems, asphaltic concrete surfacing. Portland cement surfacing curbs
driveways and all other items for completing the Parking Lot Im
Separate bids will be received for three groups of parking lots One set of
plans, specifications and forms of contract documents may be obtained
from the OSU Physical Plant 606 S W 15th Street Corvallis. Oregon
97331 (phone number 754 49211 by prime bidders only upon deposit of
$25 00 Additional sets may be obtained tor the cost of reproduction
Subcontractors and others may purchase a set of plans and spe< ifications
for 15 00
Deposits will be refunded for documents returned m good condition
actual bidders within tw o weeks after opening of bids
or by non
bidders by the bid opening date
• Drawings spec ifications and forms of contract documents may t *
examined at the O SU Physical Plant Builder« Exchange Cooperative.
Portland Eugene Builders Exchange Corporation Eugene Northwest
Plan Center. Portland. Salem Contractors Exchange Salem. Construe
tion Data Plan Center Portland. Impact Business Consultants Port
land National Business League Oregon Chapter c o C SS b Associates
Portland, and Central Oregon Builders Exchange Bend
Bidders for this general work are required to be prequalified in accordance
with OAR 580 50 030 Applications for prequahfication (or notice of
intent to bid if the Contractor has a current prequahfication application
on file with the Undersigned! must tie received at least ten 110» days
prior to the bid opening
All bidders must comply with the requirements of the prevailing wage law
in ORS 279 360
A pre bid walk through will be held on August 20
1986 at 1 30 PM
Bidders shall meet at the Physical Plant Office
No b«1 will tie considered unless fully < ompleted in the manner provided in
the Instructions to Bidders upon the Bid Form provided and accom
panted by Bid Security
By A E Mane I
Director of Campus and Building
Planning Eugene Oregon
Bidders must tie prequalified to bid on this project Bidders not currently
prequalified by Clackamas County or Oregon State Department of Trans
port at ion may apply for prequalification no later than ten 110) days prior
to the bid opening on forms available from the Community Development
Plans specifications and contract documents may be examined at the
following locations
Community Development Division O Hara Hall Marythurst OR
City of Molalla
Construction Data Plan Center 925 N W 12th. Portland OR
Northwest Plan Center 901 S E Oak Portland OR
Builders Exchange C o o p Plan Canter
1125 S E
Portland. OR
Copies of the t*d documents may tie obtained by prospective txtlders
from the County Community Development Division at Marythurst
<666 85811 or the City of Molalla at Molalla City Hall <829 6866*
This protect is being funded with Community Development Program
grant funds obtained from the U S Department of Housing and Urban
Development The successful tinkler will be rauuwed to comply with all
applicable Federal and State regulations Attention is tailed to ORS
Chapter 279 and state and fetter al provisions for tsjual employment oppor
tumty affirmative action H U D Section 3 requirements and payment
of not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the
The Clackamas County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to
reject any or all bids arid to waive all informalities
The University of Taxes Medical Branch at Galveston
A p p lic a t io n s a n d n o m i n a t i o n * ere in v it e d fo r th e p o s itio n o f
C h a ir p e r s o n o f th e D e p a r t m e n t o f P h y s io lo g y a n d B io p h y s ic s
C a n d i d a t e * m u s t be • h ig h ly q u a lif ie d in d iv id u a l w i t h n a t io n a lly
r e c o g n iz e d c r e d e n tia ls in r e s e a rc h a n d s e n io r a c a d e m ic a c c o m
p l u h m e n t a w it h a d m in is tr a tiv e e x p e n e n t e o r p o t e n t i a l T h e p oet-
l i o n o f f e r * e x c e lle n t o p p o r t u n i t y t o d e v e lo p an in t e r n a t io n a l l y
le a d in g a c a d e m ic d e p a r t m e n t d u e t o o u ts ta n d in g re s o u rc e s ,
s c ie n tific e n v ir o n m e n t a n d f a c u lt y p o s itio n *
A p p l i c a t i o n o r n o m i n a t i o n s h o u ld in c lu d e a c u r r ic u lu m
A d d re s s r o r r e d p o n d e n c e to
J a m e * C. T h o m p s o n . M D
v ita e
C h a ir m a n
D e p a r t m e n t o f .S u rg ery
T h e U n iv e r s ity o f T e x a s M e d ic a l B ra n c h
G a lv e s to n . T X 7 7 5 5 0
T h e I'n iv e r e i t y o f T e ia e
M e d ic a l H r a n c h
A c t i o n t- q u a l O p p o r t u n i t y E m p lo y e r
A ffir m a tiv e
JOBS, August 7, 1985, Page 5