CITY OF PORTLAND PLANNING C o stu m e Shop C o o rd in ato r (Part time! $8 63 hr to start Assistant Planner Performs professional planning work Have knowledge of principles, practices and trends of public planning, legal con sidérations and provisions of planning law and zoning and subdivision régula tions; statistics and graphic présenta tion; engineering drawing, graphic illus tration and topographic mapping EM PLOVMENT S T A N D A R D S Degree in planning and one year experience in city or regional planning or master's degree and 6 months experience. SALARY $1,635 $1,988 plus excellent benefits City application form required by dead line, 8 16 86 Apply to: Electronics M a in te n a n c e Supervisor $32,837 annual salary Planning D irecto r $48,089 annual to start P ro g ram m e r A n alyst $2,297'm o to start Urban Projects C o o rd in a to r $2,792 mo to start Apply by August 16, 1986 All positions include City paid benefits RESUMES W ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED Apply to: P o r t la n d C iv il S e r v ic e 1220 S W Fifth Avenue, First Floor Portland, Oregon 97204 LANDSCAPE DESIGNER 3 $1741 - $2221 MONTHLY THE OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR­ T A T IO N , HIGHWAY D I V I S I O N , IS AC­ C E P TIN G A P P L IC A T IO N S FOR THE ABOVE P O S IT IO N WHICH IS LOCATED IN SALEM. YOU MUST HAVE EQ U IVALENT TO A BACH­ E L O R 'S DEGREE IN LANDSCAPE A R C H I­ TECTURE AND TWO YEARS LANDSCAPE DE­ S IG N E X P E R IE N C E ; OR A BACHELOR'S DtGREE IN LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION AND D ESIGN AND THREE YEARS OF LAND­ SCAPE DESIGN E X P E R IE N C E . FOR IN ­ FORMATION CONTACT ODOT PERSONNEL. 419 TRANSPORTATION B L D G ., SA LEM . OR 9 7 3 1 0 City of M ilw aukie (5 0 3 ) 3 7 3 -7 6 6 3 . FORE AUGUST 2 3 . 10722 SE Mam Milwaukie, OR 97222 APPLY BE­ 1985. The O e g o r D e p a rtm e n t of Transportation or k U rb a n L e a g u e 10 N Russell Portland, Oregon 97227 M AINTENANCE Building M a in te n a n c e T echnician W ash in g to n C o u n ty $1,406 to $1.707/m o Performs work m a variety of building trades in the repair, adjustment and maintenance of building systems and equipment Requires responsible experi ence in commercial or industrial building system maintenance, or in building con struction County application forms re­ quired, resumes NOT accepted Apply by August 16, 1986 to W ash in g to n C o u n ty Personnel 150 N First A ve , R o o m B 2 Hillsboro. OR 97124 Equal Opportunity Employer E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m plo yer COmiNICAIlONS TECHNICIAN (M aintenance t I n s t a l l a t i o n ) •¡«•. a » ïïv * .O’ * • . A " •' 'T- t r . ; f . »<-*' . . . F r r p lO y » ' JOB ANNOUNCEMENT American Friends Service Committee seeks Central America Program Director for a 3 year program, beginning October 1, 1986 Major focus on educational out reach to wide range of constituencies, mobilizing support for constructive rela TATION, HIGHWAY D IVIS IO N , ISACCFPT- tions with Central America and oppose ING APPUCA110NS FOR THE ABOVE tion to U S. interventionist policy. Em POSITION WHICH IS LOCATED IN SAIEM. phasis on inclusion of Hispanic and In­ YOU MUST HAVE THREE YEARS Of F U tl- digenous Peoples perspectives to broad TIME EXPERIENCE IN THE CONSTRUCTION en the Central America peace move RErAIR AND OPCRATTGe OF C u r HUNICA- ment. Qualifications. Knowledge of Cen I ION EQUIPMENT AND HAVE A F .C .C . tral America issues; experienced com ­ GENERAl OPERATOR S LICENSE. FOR munity organizer; experience in Hispanic INFORMATION CCNTACI 0001 PERSONNEL. and or Indigenous Peoples communi­ 419 TRANSPORTATION B1DG.. SAIEM, OR ties. speaking and reading knowledge of 9 7 3 1 0 , (5 0 3 ) 3 7 3 -7 6 6 3 . APPl Y Spanish preferred, oral and written com­ BEFORE AUGUST ??, 1985. munications skills; commitment to non­ violence and respect for infinite value of The O e g o r D e p a 'i’* '* '" each person Annual salary beginning at $7113 - $2336 M onthly o> T'Aniporfaron Page 4, JOBS, August 7. 1985 AA THE OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR­ BUILDING MATERIALS Fence Chain link at reduced prices W e have gates, posts, fitting dog runs in stock W e ship anywhere Fox Fence 4330 SE Division Portland, OR 97206 1 800 236 4188 IORI 1 800 237 4188 (outside ORi An FFO A 't r o A A ( ~ r »• 7C HOUSE FOR SALE If you can a ffo rd $192 00 a month, you can buy this house 2 bed rooms, 1 bath, large modern kitchen, basement ft garage Located at 1014 N E A lb erta Call 635 8284 or 287 4469 $20,000 Send resumes to: Ann Stever American Friends Committee 814 NE 40th St. Seattle. W A 98106 by August 31, 1986 For more informa tion, write or call the above at (206) 632 0600 or Bob Gould 2249 E Burnside Portland, OR 97214 (503)230 9427