ADVERTISEMENTS FOR BIDS PORT OF PORTLAND INVITATION TO BID AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PUBLIC NOTICE DBE/MBE/WBE PROGRAM OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION It is the policy ol the Oregon Depirtm em ol Transpor tabon that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEl Minority Business Enterprises (M BE) and Women Business Enterprises (WBE) as defined in Title 49 Code ol Federal Regulations Pari 23 and as it may be amended shall have the mammum opportunity to participate m the performance of contracts To ensure the objectives of this policy the Department has established an overall statewide goal lor DBE/ MBE W B E in the amount o f ' 2 percent of contracting activities This goal is comprised of 10 percent to DBE/ MBE and 2 percent to WBE Documents concerning me goals and a description of how they were selected are available for review until September 1 1985 during normal business hours iMonday through Friday 8 a m to 5 p m I at these locations Federal Highway Administration Office of Civil Rights 424 Mohawk Building 222 S W Morri­ son Portland Federal Highway Administration Suite 100 Equitable Center 530 Center Street N E , Salem and these Oregon Departm ent of Transportation offices Civil Rights Section 412 Transportation Build mg Salem EEO. MBE and Labor Compliance group 1158C hem eketaSt N E Salem Region 1 office 9002 S E McLoughlm Blvd Milwaukie Region 2 office 205 East Salem Highway Building 2960 State Street Salem Region 3 office 15 23S E Cobb St Roseburg Region 4 office Norlh The Dalles California Highway Bend, and Region 5 office 2111 Adams Ave La Grande Tije public may submit written comments on the goals until September 17. 1965 These comments will be used for informational purposes only and can be sent to Dale E Wiiken Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration Suite 100 Equitable Center Salem OR 97301 or Vicki Nakashima Civil Rights Section Manager Oregon Department of Transporta lion Transportation Building Salem OR 97310 or Thomas Jones EEO MBE » Labor Compliance Man ager Oregon Stale Highway Division Transportation Building Salem OR 97310 The Oregon Department I ol Transportation I Sealed bids will be received by the Purchasing Manager of the Port of Portland. 700 N E M ultnom ah Street. Portland. Oregon . (mailing address P O Box 3529. Portland. OR 97208) tor items detailed herein until the individually specified dates and times indicated, and thereafter publicly opened and read Plans and specifications may be examined and/or obtained at the above address Contact the Purchasing Department at 231 5000, Ext 588 Bids must be on the bid form provided to prospective bidders and. when Bid Surety Is required, must be accom panied by a certified or cashier's check drawn on a United States bank, or a bid bond payable to the Port of Portland in an amount equal Io at least 10 percent of the total am ount bid W hen preq ualification Is required, the prequalificalion statem ents should be received at least 10 days prior to the tim e set tor bid opening Applications for prequalification may be subm ilted less than 10 days before bid opening, but consideration by the Port cannot be assured Attention is called to the provisions of the Oregon Revised Statutes 279 350. providing that workers be paid prevailing wage rates DESCRIPTION B ID O P E N IN G D A T E Portland Ship Re(>aii Yard Dry Dock 4 Module Loading Structure (MBE) Incentive Program August 27, 1986 2:00 p.m. *10 00 Depose Scope Construction of a pile supported ixet structure near Dry Dock 4 end a* aaeocieted sheet p4e structures, excavation, filling, pavement re pair and relocatmn of utilities Rrvargata Industrial District South Rivergate Industrial Yard IM BEI Incentive Program August 27, 1986 3 00 p m »10 00 Deposit Scope Grading and paving an approximate 16 acre site installation ol utilmea and lighting landscaping, fencing and construction of approx snatsfy 900 kneel feet of precast concrete panel wall ASSISTANT VICF PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Wentern Miclii|>aii , nit ro ily Kalamazoo, Mit higan Application* a re in v it e d f o r th e p o s itio n o f A s s is ta n t V i e r P re s id e n t f o r A c a d e m ic A f f a ir s T h e A s sis ta n t V ic e P re s id e n t w ill isum e a d m in is tr a tiv e r e s p o n s ib ilitie s in th e fo llo w in g a r ra s , d e p e n d in g o n b a c k g r o u n d a n d s tre n g th s a r a d e m i r s u p p o r t s e r­ vices. f a c u lt y d e v e lo p m e n t , s tu d e n t r e t e n t i o n , h o n o r s p r o g r a m s , a n d a r a d e m i r p r o g r a m d e v e lo p m e n t A ls o w i ll serve as O f f ic e lia is o n f o r a f f i r m a t i v e a c t io n , in i t i a t e a n d d e v e lo p s p e c ia l s tu d ie s a n d p r o » e e ts . a n d p a r t ic ip a t e as a m e m b e r o f th e A c a d e m ic A f fa ir s a d m in is tr a tiv e s t a f f A n e a rn e d d o c t o r a t e , fiv e years e s p e n e n c e as a u n iv e r s it y fa c u lt y m e m b e r , a n d d e m o n s t r a t e d a d m in is tr a tiv e , m a n a g e r ia l, a n d le a d e rs h ip a b ilitie s are r e q u ir e d P r o fe s s io n a l a c h ie v e m e n t in re s e a rc h , c o n s u ltin g , a n d o r r e le v a n t c o m m u n it y s erv ice is d e s ir a b le T h e a n tic ip a te d s ta r t in g d a te is J a n u a r y . 1 9R H I n te r e s te d a p p lic a n ts s h o u ld s u b m it a l e t t e r o f a p p lic a tio n a n d re s u m e b y S e p t e m b e r 1 5 . 1 9M 5 t o A s s is ta n t V ic e P r e s id e n t S e a r c h . A t t n P L ib e r a c k i, O f f i c e o f A c a d e m ic A f fa ir s . W e s te rn M ic h ig a n U n iv e r s it y , K a la m a z o o , M l A n A f f i r m a t i v e A c t i o n I-q u a !