Portland Observer. July 31,1906, Page 9 E N T E R T A IN M E N T NETW ORK It's Easy to Lose W e ig h t! SLIM-SAFE Joe "Bean" Keller, Entertainment Editor BAHAMIAN "The M o to w n Revue starring Sm okey Robinson.'" a contemporary music and com edy series, w ill have an early season premiere on NBC TV on Fridsy. August 9. 9:00-10:00 p.m . ET. The show marks the TV series debut of Sm okey Robinson, an enduring legend In contem porary music. Sm okey each week will host top music and comedy stars in a party like atm osphere reflecting th elatest happenings in entertainm ent. In launching the new series. NBC was inspired by the Emmy A w ard winning M o to w n 26 Yesterday. Today. Forever."' w hich broke all ratings records for a music and comedy special and. m ore recently, by the highly rated and critically acclaimed "M o to w n Returns to the A p o llo " NBC has selected "The M o to w n Revue starring Sm okey Robinson" as the lead in for its top rated Friday night hit. M iam i Vice." the Au gust 9 premiere w ill highlight special guest star Stevie W onder and will also star DeBarge. Tha Four Tops. Vanity, comsdlen Arsenlo Hall, and young actor Leo O'Brien. Stars booked for future shows include Diane Ross. The tem ptations. "W eird" Al Ysnkovic. The M ary Jane Girls, Ashford ft Simpson. Ray Charles and The N ew Edition The show will tape before a live audience at NBC's Burbank studios. According to Suzanne DePasse. president of M o to w n Productions and executive producer of the show. "In addition to S m oksy’s Integral role in shaping the M o to w n sound, he has had an endless list of hit records which have made him one of the world's m ost loved and re­ spected songwriters and performers This, coupled w ith his Innate, easy going personality, makes him the natural and perfect choice to host T h e M o to w n Revue " "The M o to w n Revue starring Sm okey Robinson" is a M o to w n / Schlatter Production produced by Robert Hies, James Stein and Steve Binder The show is directed by Binder and w ritten by Hies and Stein Supervising producers are Michael I . W eisbarth and Suzanne Costun Kimberly Alisha Swopes. 20, daughter of Frank and Elaine Swopes, recently w on the title of Miss Video Portland, at Flirts in the Wilsonville Holiday Inn. For the past several months, selected nightclubs around the United States have been conducting eliminations to choose a final let to represent their area in the Miss Video W orld contest On August i t d , Kim. along w ith 30 finalists, w ill be flow n to H ollyw ood for video screen testing, which w ill be combined on a single videocassette Cus tomers view ing this program on video replay at participating clubs w ill cast their votes on special ballots for their choice of the most excit­ ing girl for motion pictures, video, and television These votes will be tabulated on a television special for relese in September The finalist w ith the greatost num ber of votes nationally will be de eta red Miss Video USA. and will receive a screen contract in addition to $1,000 cash and other prizes. She will also advance to compete against the winners from foreign countries for the title of Miss Video World early next year. As Miss Video Portland. Kim w ill receive round trip air fare to Holly wood as well as free hotel accomodations, food, entertainm ent, and limousine service The four day trip is sponsored by Video W orld Pro ductions. an Alvin Lewis Fast presentation Dll’T A safe, scientific program for appetite control and cak>ne reduction Choose from two (»Ians Gradual or 7 Day Rapid Weight Loss JOB OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLEI You can earn money from selling this product. For more information. . . . 1234 N.E. Killingsworth St. (503)284-3721 BCy LdRG(T J1 NO SIM W tS, HBST AVI N ut • POBTLAND O BI O O H • Z 2JW 19 N T W ttN CO UC H ANO IUBNSIOI IN HISIOBtC O tO TOWN A u g . 2nd thru 8th Top of The Cosm o." located at 1030 N.E. Union Avenue, announces that Gene Diam ond w ill be performing there July 29 through August 31. 1986 The entertainm ent begins at 8 30 p .m .. six nights a week 18:30 p m -12 30 a m .. M onday through Thursday: 8:30 p .m .-1 3 0 a.m . Friday and Saturday). Fh. A S a t.......................................Hilly Rancher, Flesh A Blood $un........................................................................ El C om bo Caribe M on........................................Meridith Brooks, Angels o f Mercy Tues. A W e d ...................................................................... Crazy 8s Thurs................................................................... Robert Crag Band "A in 't Misbehavin' " opens the 13th 8R O Seeeon at Portland Civic Theatre, starring (left to right) Julienne Johnson. Preeton Smith. Alee cla Locke. Kevin Neil Cheatham and Joette Johnson Thia Portland premiere Is a jubilant musical tribute to America's jazz great. Thomas "Fata" Waller. June 28 - August 3. Thursdays through Sundays, call 226 3048 Food and Drinks 223-9919 8 5 SUMMER EXPOSURE CLASSES ISCHI Robert Crag Band On Thursday. August 8th. the Key Largo (31 N W First), one of Portland's hot live entertainm ent spots, will com e alive to the Blues and RfcrB sounds of the Robert Crag Band The Oregon based five-piece Robert Crag Band has just re­ leased their long aw aited second album LP. "Band Influence," and has received raves from and ea­ ger following of critics and blues and R ftB fanatics Their recent East Coast debut tour included a standout perform ance et Carne­ gie Hall, which w as hailed by the A/cw York Times, Hilltntard, and Edmon Orton, guitarist, w ill be perform ing along w ith Les Williams and Co. at the Royal Esquire Club on Friday and Saturday. Aug 9th and 10th Orton is also a vocalist and has perform ed in such places as Small's Paradise in N ew York City. UJ«t Wt *« » u»e ’ other,. M ors than 60 p lacai in tha Un Had S ta ta i hava bean ñamad in honor of C h riito p h ar C o lum bu i The Black United Front's 8th Annual Robert Bowden C om ­ m unity Unity Day will be held again at Peninaula Park. 6400 N. Albina. Saturday. August 10, 1986. from 12 noon until 6:00 p.m . Ro­ bert Bowden w as a dedicated m em ber of the Albina C om m un­ ity A graduate of Jefferfson High School. Robert was a positive role model for our com m unity. He represented the spirit of the Black struggle for equality In the state of Oregon C om m unity Unity Day is a Portland Black United Front thenk you to Its many supporters throughout the city and the state. There w ill be athletic events and other com pe­ tition for grade and high school students. Food w ill ba available for a small donation and live en­ tertainm ent w ill be provided. The Black United Front hopee to see you at this fam ily event. Bands perform ing will be the Flirt Band and CleanCut. 1708 N.E. Alberta LES W IL L IA M S & Com pany featuring Edmon Orton Fri. & S at. A u g . 9 ,1 0 EDMON ORTON • " • ’ t.— ” r ' • • .' • ’ - . BAUET STREET & BREAK DANCING ETHNIC MOVEMENT AFRICAN DANCE JAZZ • LUNCH STRETCH Unity Day Royal Esquire Club .• » V • • • • • . ’ 4 ’ " / . * . * SIGN UP NOW................................... • ’ CLASSES NOW IN SESSION * •* SPACE LIMITEDI1III FOR MORE INFORMAIlON CO NIACI 287-9883 1829 N E Alberta p ro d u c e d in entirety Dv O p tio n a le Productif >r»s M B H ’iv riq C o m p o r-v ; < • i > • i fcEALfll-V