Page 8, Portland Observer, July 31, 1986 ALLEN T E M P L E C M E C H U R C H C o rn er of 8th and S k id m o re Sunday School 9 30am Sunday Worship 11 00am Christian youth Fellowship 6 00pm (second and fourth Sundaysl ? Elonza J E d w a rd s (P as to rl Send notice o j your church activities and events to. Religion Editor. Portland Observer P O B o x ili? Portland OP 9720« Red Cross class on parenting — Promoting family health, and — Preventing the conditons of child abuse and neglect. This two-session class will be held lucsdays. August 13 and 20, at H o l­ laday Park Hospital, 1225 N .E . 2nd Ave., first floor conference room, from 9:00 a.m . to 4:30 p.m. The cost for the class is $10. To pre-register, call Red Cross, 243-5272. Tired o f attending classes? Why not teach one? The Red Cross is o f­ fering a class, "Instructor in Parent­ ing: Your Child Prom One to Six," tliat will prepare instructor candi­ dates to provide educational pro­ grams that assist parents in increasing their ability and self reliance in: — Promoting the health, safety and growth and development of children, A P u blic S e rv ic e o f th e N Portland Observer \ A lb in a M in is t e r ia l A llia n c e 284 6023 THE M O U N T O LIVET B A P T IS T C H U R C H N E Fir«tJ9 S ch u yler • 284 1964 M Jackson John M inister M M M D 9 30 A W C h urch S chool 11 00 A M C o n g reg atio n al W o rs h ip 5 00 P M 10 0 0 A M Vesper S ervice B aptism f o u r th S u n d ay 1 1 00 C o m m u n io n Each First S u n d ay The American Baptist Convention, American Baptist Churches of Oregon Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention National. Oregon, P o rtlan d E cum enical M inistries, A m erican Bible S o c ie ty , M EtM Board Tuesday YO U ARE W ELC O M E TO W O R SH IP AT 84 N E. K illin g s w o rth • 281 0499 "A w arm spirit of fellowship always" tA . ff B ible Band 7 30p m Thursday Choir Hetioersei 7 00 p m S u n d ay , Sunday School ' M o rn in g tv The A rk of Safe ( 'hurch o f God in C hrist ■obrere «k**»«» A w *» - •aaoauyhw s»» 9 15a m 11 1 5 a m W o rs h ip 6 30 p y pw w m Evangelistic 8 (X )p m W o rs h ip |T u e s d e y Friday N o o n Day Prayer the BtWc a a i|a - Friday fo llo w peace with TMP" ,o,3pe% pm oil men f. holiness u’ilboul which n o ^ X p ,.^ 9 00. m mon shall sec Ihe MHSA M bO1*d «stales ’ A PAAR LM RELIGION UPDA TE by lire Armstrong FREE FOOD FOR THE NEEDY Religion Under Attack - Part I Are churches under attack? is a question that has crossed the minds of near ly every U.S. citizen who is old enough to read and comprehend the voice o f the news media today. With Part I o f "Religion Under Attack," we will introduce the church, it’s leaders and their current or past positions with the church and the government. " I t is becoming increasingly evident that we are experiencing an alarming anti-religious sentimeni in America today. It is being mosi vividly reflecied in the activities and abuses by government agencies such as the IRS, but aLso in the courts and legislatures. It is taking many forms: churches are being forced to spend large portions o f their precious church assets to defend themselves in costly litigation with government; massive intrusions into the internal affairs of churches are taking place in the name of proving exemptions; churches are being excluded from redevelopment plans in major cities; there are countless ef­ forts to remove all vestiges o f religious images such as " In God W e Trust” ; churches are now being forced to pay Social Security employment tax; religious groups arc denied the opportunity to use public buildings in a manner equal to other community groups; churches are being padlocked because the state does not agree with their ministry; and, worst o f all, ministers are being jailed for carrying out the good faith beliefs of thetr church.” The Church o f Scientology was taken to court for $39 million to defend it’s religion from a fraud judgment accused by Portland woman, Julie Christoffer- son Titchbourne. The suit originated 10 years ago when Julie filed and won a $2,067,000.20 judgment agaiasl the Church and I Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology and its religious philosophy. However, the judgment was over­ turned. The Rev. Sun Myung M oon, founder o f the Unification Church was sen tenced to 18 months in a federal prison for tax evasion and released Thursday, July 4, Independence Day, to a halfway house in Brooklyn after serving I I months o f his 18-month sentence. Faith Baptist Church in Louisville, Nebraska, was raided by the city police, removing more Ihan 60 members o f Ihe congregation from their early-morning service Oct. 18, 1982. Haith Christian School was said to be illegal due lo non- LOCATION CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 4237 N MISSISSIPPI PHONE 233-1400 EVERY WED 4 -3 PM certified teachers and non-certification o f the school. State certification is a requirement o f all primary and sec­ ondary schools in the stale o f Ne­ braska. Res. Everett Sileven, pastor of Faith Baptist, and members were ordered to be imprisoned. N E W P O R T , Utah, June 22 — About 140 state police officers and social service workers raided 30 homes and took into custody 112 children o f the Norlheast Kingdom Commun ity Church because members had re­ fused to answer complaints about child a^use and neglect. “Religion Under Attack" Purl II next week m s rrtrtg t «R j A M Harvest M in istrie s' n e w p rogram BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH • Harvest lim e Ministries proudly presents a new television program added to it's television network. The program originates out o f I.os Ange les, California. The program, Jesus Is the Answer is an outreach ministry of young people headed and pastured by Res. Ernest Johnson. Pastor John­ son is a young (21 years o f age), excit­ ing, vibrant. Holy Ghost-filled preacher lhai is winning young people for Christ nationwide. Pastor John­ son is also winning young telesision and movie stars for Christ that ap­ pear on his nation-wide television show through the Harvest Time M in ­ istries Television Network weekly. This week on the premiere of Jesus Is the Answer, Pastor Johnson's special guests are Klin Fields of the Las ts of lif e program and her mother Mrs. Chip Fields. Pastor Johnson is the pastor o f the Wilderness Table Apos­ tolic Mission in Compton. California. Watch this exciting premiere on Rog­ er’s Cablevision, Aug. 9, 1985 at 9:00 p.m. Channel 5, and on Aug I I , 1985 at 6:30 p.m. Channel 7. For additional times and inform a­ tion, please call Res. Smith at 281-1862 in Portland 7 4822 N. V a n c o u v e r A ve. 284-2334 Nathan Barnett, Pastor IB Theolo gy • M Divinity) Services: rwr ' r a 9 30 a m .. S u n d ay School 11:00 a m .. M o rn in g W o rsh ip 6:00 p .m .. Evening W o rsh ip The Bametts & Berean welcomes your family A t Berean w e em ph asize building strong fam ilies Y o u ’ll g et solid Expository Biblical Preaching Er T each in g. Berean Baptist Church 4822 N. Vancouver Ave. PRESENTS FILM SERIES Em m anuel T em ple Y o u th C hoir to p e rfo rm W IIA I W IV E S W IS H T H E IR H U S B A N D S K N EW A B O U T W O M E N : TH E L O N E LY H O U S E W IE E W H A I W IV E S W IS H T H E IR H U S B A N D S K N E W A B O U T W O M E N : M O N E Y , SEX A N D C H IL D R E N Materialism a root cnusc The maior sexual dif­ ference .Menstrual and psychological problems 14 min Ldilding Up Your Family b BARBER S U P P L IE S "•'•a b *■*»•••••• H a ts - S c a r v e s b- A c ce ssories - S ty lin g . a 707 NE Freemont 281-6525 M«» c s wios m Scat «ei A A c c e t io '* e i N f FREM ONT 211 1W 5 * ii W F R ID A Y & B E A U T Y S U P P L IE S W ho lesale and Reta.i We ptoduc ta that a n seen .n J e t and Ebut'v M ag a zin e O pen 9 i m 8 p fit Lt'ry, »1J Nt 15th • C LEA N ER S JEW ELRY ELK C L E A N E R S 8 LAUNDRY PATON JEWELERS ( s t a b i l i s e d in 191? a n d » ti!1 pn v l " q 't* 1 ' y ( leaning at »easof’atile rales W j t t h A Iraaelr* Rt-patt 1014(9 K illin g s w o rth 500 N W 23rd A v e n u e S a r v K M • In r>ue»-»M •<>< ■ • On® o f tb « rv xx i an,riti * W * J ta x b riK ie n « 5001 N E U n ion (C o rn ar of A lb e rta ) 288 5303 »*<9 I ? k A .S « i 5834 N E U n io n A va 1503)281 8393 '•••»• b BARB S S to p A M ln it M a r t 2 N K lllln g a w o rth M ua Teet I ® . « | ) t j m » n d M ttiriK lb lb S I Sand* II ® e « E n « * 78 » U ® » ’ Saiwrea* » ® » • U ® « » S««tfa*la « n <®P • P h o n e. 284-3979 ?Ht NNtf ¿4» QJM E V IC T IO N S S T O P P E D PHARMACY W H Y BE B A LD ? Rental tenants' D o you feel you are tMtrtg unfairly treated > P R M C C U N lC PHARMACY '«’-sa • • «•»»«• B r o a d * « * H iirw e e v e ri b D e s ig n e r ! B r t u t * S a lo n h a t the »olubon « » 'W ’* ' ’«• • • ' lbJ4 N E 7th If» N M o r n « St P o rtla n d O re g o n » i m i at B ro a d w a y %T121 281 9496 » - u. Gaea » « a <««i tavwa CaraM» Janaaa B Professional Services O K ir a R A T IO N S ' l 'Aterine Sarvin« PHIL R E Y N O L D S M E D IC A L C L IN IC H im D a ta a a ? B2M a T im a K 1 7 N E 15th 15 N M o r r i* St 28? 4532 4 00PM - Aug 4 Aug 11 The Emmanuel Temple Youth Choir presents “ A Musical Explo­ sion!” on Saturday, August 17, 1985 at 7:00 p.m. This event will be held at the Em­ manuel Temple Full Gospel Pente­ costal Church, 1032 N. Sumner, Port­ land For more information, phone 7-2223. 1 U N IT Y O F LO VE BEAUTY SALON W ettei C Reynold» M D Kalpana H R a id e * M D Ph yitcian» b S u rg eo n » S o u r e r * nt d c p r r x M o n in w o m e n . I veil esteem A b s e n c e o f ro m a n tic lin e in m a rria g e 4 9 m in I M 7 BEAUTY F R ID A Y S B E A U T Y S U P P L Y ntfw< ta aa and IB©''» NE U n io n i Candid, S e n sitiv e .. .4 Life-Changing 1 1- speriens i l or Families Xationu'tde. I M 6 ja 'Hell’s 8720 N E U N IO N 2834123 FOCUS ON THE F A M IL Y M RS. C's W IGS BEAUTY Fran W h ite Appliances & T V. 4U4 J«0K J 0 A N N B W IT T E A tto rn e y at Law G E N E R A TIO N S ' 5316 N Vancouszar Ava HaWwl 97217 4624 N .E 9th OD3Ö89-06E6 281 1838 NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO? HAVE A PROBLEM? CALL 1 A V A IA Pm for 11 tanca Control Auto Service Cantar »SINE U n io n RESTAURANT 1 t IN K (5031 2» 981 4 EXEC U TIVE C U S T O M Tailoring Intern ation al M an W o m a n Children Stt.i«) M k I k . latoi ra Bar B» Qw< 8»« So«iB«ta 1% NOW OPEN C eititte Haa»« M<»4» TBartda* 11 00 a * lOODpw h t « Na I I O O i a I) p « Saada* ' ® p • tn o p * W IN G S OF LOVE 281 9642 Rev Mayes T H E O T H E R S ID E S A t t Ml IT A t tt H • 1 9 K M n g a w o rth S t Hoxxa iOQa m «acto 284 3932 < arry Oat - M ’ ’* * • 838 N . K lllln g a w o rth 573 N K illingsw ort P o n la n d O R S7711