Page 6, Portland Observer, July 31. 1985 Q x/r • In the but few weeks we have con­ centrated on sports on the local scene and much has happened on the na­ tional level that needs to be scruti­ nized. I'm sure you are aware that I haven’ t mentioned baseball at all this season, so let’ s begin there. M a jo r league baseball fans are once again faced with the possibility o f a strike by the players. August 6, 1985 is the deadline that the players have given the owners to settle this mailer. I f the players go ahead with tlie proposed strike they w ill be sink mg out. No matter what smoke screen the players pul before our eyes, the bottom line is once again the almighty big buck. Baseball Commissioner Peter Ue­ berroth vowed Sunday that he " w ill not allow our negotiations to fa il” in trying to reach a settlement before the Aug. 6 strike deadline My hat is o ff to the Commissioner for interven­ ing in the dispute and attempting to resolve this situation. I personally don't think that the game can a fford another strike and expect the Ians to forgive and forget once again. The players are well paid for their talents and the owners de serve whatever profits they make through their business dealings. Former Baltimore Orioles stand­ out, Paul Blair, is the Commissioner of a newly formed professional base­ ball league and Paul is probably just licking his chops waiting for the strike to happen. A Black Commissioner o f baseball in America, please strike! • SPO RT TALK • SPORT TALK • HO LM ES v*. SPINK S That almighty big buck is at it again. Michael Spinks can only have dollar signs in his eyes wanting to tangle with Larry Holmes. W hat­ ever his reason, the fight is on and set for Sept. 21, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Michael is the reigning Lightheavy- wctghl champion and needless to say, he must put on some beef before stepping into that square with "T h e fastern Assassin.” A win by the hea­ vyweight champ w ill tie him with Kocky Marciano. O ddly enough, the Kock attained his 49th victory with a win over the lightheavyweight champ at the time, the ageless Archie M ixire. The smart money says that history will repeat itself. Michael's older brother, Leon, tried to wrest the title from Holmes and had to be helped out o f the ring by brother Michael. The Spinks jin x didn't work (hen and it w on't work in September, either I f Michael doesn’ t come into the ring weighing at least 210 pounds, he w ill leave him ­ self open for some serious hurt. UNITED STATES BASKETBALL LEAGUE HALTS SEASO N USBI Commissioner Earl “ The Pearl" Monroe had to call a halt to season play for his league because there were too many players heading for the N BA training camps. Com- World Heavyweight Champion Larry Holme* prepared to defend hi* title against Michael Spinks at Caesars Palace in Las Vega*. Sept 21st missioner Monroe felt (hat bringing in replacements for the players would cause his league to lose credibility and chose to cut the season short to ac­ comodate the players and fns. The league only runs fo r approxi­ mately 90 days but an oversight in planning d idn't foresee the conflict in bumping heads with (he N B A training camps. Hopefully, next year this con­ flict w ill be resolved and the league will have an opportunity to do its thing. S A M BOWIE GETS HELP FROM THE LEGEND Hall o f Famer and former Boston Celtic great. Bill Kussell, has offered to give Sam Bowie the benefit o f his experiences in the trenches o f the NBA and has offered to help Sam realize his potential as a basketball player. Bill has offered his services in this manner only once before and Bob la m e r was the recipient then. Credit must be given to Jack Ramsey for accepting the generous o ile r and not feeling threatened by allowing Sam to proceed with the tutoring under Russell. Bill said that he was only attempt­ ing to show Sam how to realize his potential w ithin the framework of Jack Ramsey's system. To my amaze mem, Bill further stated that he thought very highly o f the Ramsey system. Although Bill was a great one, his is still only one opinion. I can see the help that Russell can offer on defense but I can't see where this w ill benefit Sam on the oltense. I followed Bill Russell’ s entire career at Boston and he was never a threat on the offensive end o f the court, Sam needs to learn how to play and score with his back to the basket down low and Bill Russell can't help with that. Someone should give VS tit a call for Sam. • BLAZER ROOKIES It's going to be interesting to see what the Blazers do with their back­ court for the coming season. Terry Porter, the No. I draft pick has shown that he w ill be a player in the NBA. The kid has defensive talent and he can fill the hole. For the job that he does and for the salary that he gets, Steve Colter w ill be here. Paxson has loo large a salary to be picked up for a decent trade and so it looks like adios for Darnell Valen­ tine. Clyde’s going to be here! Jerome Kersey has improved his defense considerably but I ’ m afraid that his natural instincts on the o f­ fensive end w ill suffer because the coaches want him to think more on the flix ir. Thinking is for practice — run for game situations. In a last jvaced game o f basketball, instinct and muscle memory are the tools that will get the job done. Ben Coleman has a lock on the power forward position. The first thing that any coach looks for in a big man is his hands and Ben has some hooks. Ben plays down low where he is most effective and that is a com nuxlily that the Blazers don’t liave in any other big forward. Mychal Thompson has hands but he doesn’t like it down low. Audie has the heart but not the hands to keep this big man o ff the roster. The Royal Esquire Club's Community Service Statement by A.D.S. Volume 1, — The most you can ever do is to HELP someone and HELP yourself. — The worst you can ever do is to HURT someone and HURT yourself. — The Royal Esquire Club's Charter is built upon benevolent principles of pride and good honest sociability. — This is our first article to openly communicate this noble principle through a public publication. — Join us and do the most you can ever do by helping someone. GiveFo^d SUNSHINE BARREL LOU BROCK IN D U C TED INTO HALL OF FAM E Former St. Louis Cardinal great, Lou Brock, was form ally inducted into the baseball Hall o f Fame Sun­ day in Cixipertow n, N Y Brock’s sterling career was highlighted by his record vetting base stealing perform ances. Brock holds the major league record for most stolen bases with 938. Inducted along with Br