Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 31, 1985, Page 5, Image 5

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    Portland Observer, July 31, 1985, Page 5
Pacific Po\ver & Light divides district, promotes managers
Pacific Power & Light Company
is dividing its northeast Portland serv­
ice area into two separate operating
districts in an e ffo rt to provide more
flexibility in meeting the needs o f
individual customers.
As a part o f the reorganization, the
company also announced the promo­
tion o f three managers to operate the
new districts.
"W e decided that opening a second
office would allow us to better pro­
vide for the diverse service needs o f
our 67,000 Portland area custom­
ers," said Jack Samper, vice president
for regional operations.
The company's Portland service
territory encompasses much o f north­
east Portland from the Willamette
River to NE 122nd Avenue. It in­
cludes the newly developing com­
mercial-industrial area around the air­
port and the Parkrose and Gateway
-uburban areas. Pacific Power also
serves about one-half o f the down­
town business area.
"G iven the diversity o f the cus­
tomers, as well as the inconvenience
to customers in the eastern portion
to reach the present office near the
IJoyd Center, it became apparent the
district should be divided,” said
Several office sites in the H o lly­
wood area are being evaluated for the
new office. The dividing line between
the two districts has been tentatively
sei along NE 33rd Avenue.
The western portion o f the existing
district w ill remain the Portland dis­
trict and include the commercial areas
in and around the Lloyd Center, A l
bina and downtown Portland.
The new district to the east w ill
become the Rose C ity district. Initial
staffing in the new office w ill be about
30employees, said Samper.
John Reed, who fo r the past two
years has held the dual role o f C olum ­
bia Division Manager and Portland
District Manager, w ill move to the
corporate staff as manager o f state
government relations.
Ron Fox. presently district manag
er in Madras, w ill replace Reed as
Columbia division manager. In addi­
tion to the two Portland districts, the
< A
division includes the Seaside and As­
toria districts as well.
Carl Talton, presently based in
Salem as a public affairs representa­
tive, w ill return to Portland and as­
sume the responsibilities o f Portland
district manager For the present the
Portland district w ill utilize existing
customer office facilities in the Lloyd
Building, Samper said.
Named district manager o f the new
Rose C ity district is Rich Cannon,
who presently is administrative assist­
ant to the vice president, Oregon
California region. Prior to his present
assignment. Cannon served as local
manager in Thermopolis, W yo., and
Shop Your Loc
Safeway Store
Great Values.
South Africa
The A l l -C IO condemns the South
African government’s declaration o f
a state o f emergency. The unleashing
o f what amounts to a state o f martial
law is the most extreme violation o f
all basic right o f the Black people
since the tragic days o f the Sharpeville
massacre o f I960.
The government's justification o f
this action in the name o f the present
laws o f South A frica amounts to the
introduction o f a state o f illegality in
the name o f alleged legality.
The arrests and detention o f hun­
dreds o f Blacks and the unleashing o f
assassination and violence by the
police forces is a great setback to all
(hose who are seeking to attain re­
form and change through peaceful,
non-violent means. Instead o f leading
to pacification, this latest action o f
the South A frican regime w ill pro­
voke increased violence.
The A F L -C IO calls upon our gov­
ernment to seek an agreement with
other democratic nations in order to
achieve a world-wide action o f an
economic and diplomatic nature to
bring about an immediate dialogue
between the government and those
democratic and peaceful forces seek­
ing to end the cruel, unjust and vio­
lent system o f apartheid.
If you're age 65 through 69 and
either you or your spouse are w o rk­
ing, there is a special Medicare rule
that may affect you. This rule says
that all employers with 20 or more
employees must offer to covered in­
dividuals, the same health insurance
protection that is availblc to younger
workers and their spouses. Individ­
uals covered under this provision are
workers age 65 through 69 and
spouses age 65 through 69 o f workers
any age under 70. The older workers
and covered spouses can keep Medi­
care as a supplement to their employ­
er plan coverage. O f course, the
worker and/or spouse must be en­
titled to Medicare for the rule to be
in effect.
If the employer plan does not pay
all o f the charges (i.e., has a deduct­
ible or coinsurance), Medicare may
pay secondary benefits for Medicare-
covered services. In other words.
Medicare can help pay some o f the
expenses not paid by the employer
Under this new rule. Medicare can
be your primary payer only i f you
drop your employer plan. I f you
make that choice, your employer plan
cannot pay supplemental benefits for
Medicare-covered services. I f you
want supplemental coverage, you
must buy it yourself. Your employer
can offer you health insurance pro­
tection for any services that are not
covered by Medicare such as prescrip­
tion drugs, hearing aids, or routine
dental care. Consult your personnel
office for more inform ation on this
new rule.
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Serve Chilled For
A Refresning Treat'
Fresh Turkeys
Grade A Turkeys,
Bake Or Barbecue
For A Terrific
Dinner Tonight!
10 to 14-lb. Hens,
16 to 24-Lb. Toms
Sweet Thompson
Seedless Grapes
Medium To Large
Size, Sweet. Long,
Conical Clusters.
Vineyard Fresh,
Pick A Bunch For
A Super Sweet Treat!
N o L im it!
3-Lb. Blue Half Gallon
Ice Cream
$ J69
2-Lb. Mild
3 5
Blue Bell
. ,n Se
J u ic e
L u ce rn e
Natural Or R eg.
99 99 79*
8 -0 *.
B ran d
N o L im it!
Sour Cream
$ |4 9
F lavors
Prices Effective 7/31 Thru 8/6/85
In Area Of Originating Publication.
Limited To Retail Quantities. No
Sales To Dealers
2 4 -2 5 -0 ,
B o ttle
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N o rth e rn
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Orange Juice
12-Ounce Can
Premium S &
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