Page 8, Portland Observer, July 24,1906 YOU ARE W ELCOM E TO W O R S H IP AT SABIA to perform Love Works S A B IA will perform traditional and new songs from I Jilin A m enta at the O ld Church. 1422 S .W . 11th, Portland, on Friday, July 26 at 8 p.m. as a benefit for the Corinto Sister City Project. The members of S A B IA play tra­ ditional and new songs from Mexico, Central, and South A m enta on a large variety o f indigenous and classi­ cal instruments. Their versatile reper­ toire is enhanced by a unique collec­ tion o f songs about women, and their own original compositions. Ener­ getic in their performances, they have received an overwhelming response from audiences throughout the U nit­ ed States, Canada, and latin Amenta. The group S A B IA takes its name from a South American bird whose sting announces springtime. Its mem bers bring us a message o f cross- cultural understanding, political free­ dom, and human rights, expressed with beauty, strength and humor. The power o f the music stems from their superb vocal and instrumental talent and from the sincere, unpre­ tentious belief in what they sing. S A B IA in concert is an exciting and moving experience and should not be missed. For more inform a­ tion please call 234-7080 or 295-7783. M etro Farmer's M a rk e t opens Below market prices for fresh pro­ duce, meat, fish, eggs, etc., are the rule for the " M e tro Farmer's Market lixated on Union Avenue between Cook and Fargo streets which opened Friday, July 19, 1985. The Northeast Com m unity Devel­ opment Corporation (N E C D C ) which received a $12,000 grant from the Portland Development Commissin for this project, will operate the market in the Northeast community. Kay la g lin has been hired as the market manager. The market offers a place for shoppers to make purchases of quality produce with "right o ff the farm freshness,” without the cost of a middle man or high overhead. The Metro M arket will be open each weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) through September 29, 1985, from 8:30 a.m . to 6:30 p.m. A grand opening celebration will be held on the market grounds Saturday, July 28, with M ayor Bud Clark highlight­ ing the activities. UP With Kids summer program One hundred seventy-eight Port land grade school children spent the past three weeks discovering that learning doesn't have to stop once summer begins. These students were part o f " U P W ith Kids," a University o f Portland summer learning program held at Holy Cross School June 24 - July 11. University students working toward special education degrees recaved credit for teaching courses to children from different ethnic and economic backgrounds. This unique program encouraged interaction by bringing students of all ages and skill levels together in one classroom. The program's theme was “ O n to Oregon." Students learned dances and music native to Oregon, studied ecology first-hand, and wrote and produced their own Oregon-based play on videotape. Students also tried thar hands at creative writing and computers, and worked on reading and math skills. “ U P W ith Kids” was launched last year by U. o f P.'s School of Educa­ tion under the guidance of Dvenna Duncan, coordinator o f special edu­ cation. According to Duncan, the program has “ grown far beyond all expectations." The Portland program almost doubled its number of stu­ dents this year and a new " U P W ith Kids" began classes in Redmond, Oregon, July 15. Life Center receives food On July 10, 1985, Life Center was the recipient of a ton of food. This was a gilt from Christ Community Church of Dundee, Oregon, Dr. R B. Pamplin, Jr., Pastor. Since 1968, Life Center has served the Tri-County area at the rate of 30,000 people a year with food, clothing, furniture, cooking utensils, dishes and all types o f needed items that are useful to people. Life Center is a non-profit charit­ able agency and their major source of income is from United W ay, which is spent in total for salaries, food, utili­ ties. taxes, insurance, office equip­ ment and printing. The entire com- munities in and around Portland are recipients o f Life Center’s emer­ gency basic services whether they be individuals and/or families who arc in need o f emergency services. “A warm spirit of fellowship always" W e all agree that we want to love ourselves and others unconditionally, but how do we do this in a realistic way that works all the tune? The W orld Peace University is sponsor­ ing a workshop with Ken Keyes en­ titled, “ Love W orks” to resolve this basic issue. The workshop is enter­ taining and informative It offers answers and methods that enormous­ ly increase energy, insight, love and inner peace. The techniques learned in this workshop can be used immedi­ ately to effectively and consistently enhance the quality o f life. Ken Keyes has written 12 books in­ cluding The Hundredth Monkey and Handbook to Higher Con­ sciousness with over two million copies in print. Founder o f the Ken Keyes Center in Coos Bay. Oregon, he has traveled coast to coas’ doing weekend workshops which have been attended by over 10,000 people. Paperdrive A paper drive to benefit Sickle Cell Anemia will be held on July 25, 6 - 9 p.m ., and on July 26 and 27, 9 a m. - 9 p.m ., at Fred Meyers, Union and Killingsworth. For paper pickup, call 249-1366 or 249-0023. W o r t h ip Z oo cam p Zoo Camp for four and five year- olds will be held at Washington Park Zoo, in one-week sessions, after­ noons. Pre-schoolers will learn about the animals through songs, crafts and games. Call the zoo education divi­ sion at the Washington Park Zoo for more information, 226-1561. Child abuse booklet EVERY WED 4 -8 PM r ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH C o rn e r jif 8th and S kid m o re Sunday School 9 30am Sundav Worship 11 00am Christian Youth Fellows4h> 6 00pm (second and fourth Sundaysl Elonza J E d w a rd * (P astor) THE M O U N T OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH __ N E First b S ch u yler • 284 3964 John H Jackson 9 » A M 11 0 0 A M 5 00 P M 10 0 0 A M M in is te r M Ed . M D C h u rc h S ch o o l C o n g r e g a tio n a l W o r s h ip V m q * S e rv ic e B a p tis m F o u r th S u n d a y 11 0 0 C o m m u n io n E a c h F iret S u n d e y The American Baptist Convention. American Baptist Churches of Oregon Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention National. Oregon, Po rtlan d E cum enical M inistries. A m erican Bible S o ciety. M b M Board 11 1 5 * m 8 30pm « 00 P "». Noon Day Pr.yw tke Bütc Follow ’ peace u’ilh ™ p“,o' SpT 30pm all men. c holiness w ithout ivhicb nos,,u "1*v Prayer 9 Mornmg 00 • I e K H»A M (A M W M M Q a BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH 4822 N. Vancouver Ave. Song of People, Songs of Life 284-2334 Nathan Barnett, Pastor (B Theotogy • M. Omvutyl “ Songs o f the People. . Songs of Life” benefit concert will be held on August 25, 1985 , 6:00 p.m ., at the Pine Street Theatre, Pine and 9th, in Portland. Tickets for the concert are $5.00 at the door. Featured will be Jim Page, the ThunderBird Sisters, Tribal Voice with poet John Trudell. The event is sponsored by Butler Support G ro u p / Indigenous W omen’s Network. Services: 9:30 a .m ., Sunday School 11:00a.m ., M orning Worship 6:00 p .m .. Evening Worship The Barnetts b Bereen welcomes your family. A t Bereen w e emphasize building strong families. You'll get solid Expository Biblical Preaching b Teaching. BROAD TO YO TA -n /M a rt: t bT RENTALS i ' ' 307 N E B ro a d w a y Portland. OR 97232 (5031284 1106 234-7466 1 I , R e n t to o w n VCR A new publication designed to educate parents about child sexual abuse is now available from Gov. Vic Atiyeh's Office of the Citizen's Rep­ resentative. "The Parent's Handbook" pro­ vides parents with useful information about talking with children about sexual abuse, according to Jeffrey Lewis, Citizen's Representative. The book also describes signs that may alert parents to possible instances of sexual abuse and makes sugges­ tions about what to do if a child says he or she has been sexually assaulted. Tips on selecting pre-school or child care centers are also included. The handbook was prepared with the assistance o f child abuse experts from throughout Oregon. Materials were reviewed before publication by Julie Allen of Salem, Tina Frost of Portland, M olly Reed of Cottage Grove, Diana Roberts of Salem and Faye I.indemann-Tayler of Portland. “ The Parent's Handbook” is avail­ able by writing the Office of Citizens’ Representative, Governor’s Office, Room 160, State Capitol Building, Salem, O R 97310 Questions concern­ ing the publication, which is free, may be addressed to the Office of the Citi­ zens’ Representative, 378-4582. S ta r*.« b m oves F ra n W h it e Appliances MRS. C 'sW IG S BEAUTY j a T V v d e o gam e» 519 N E B ro a d w a y 284 5050 b T V. ’b e l l ’i BEAUTY b BARBER S U P P L IE S A «.*, a M - . w Hats - Scarves b A c ­ cessories - Styling. b Se»ee So»»- ee • in to* 6» * SB'S • One of world * moef 'ete* ted iaxhn<.«n« a, 5001 N.E. U n io n (C o rn er of A lb e rta ) 288 5303 M a u i, » r Mm- Sai 4 2 3 7 N MISSISSIPPI PHONE 2 8 8 -1 4 0 0 9 15 a m Life Center's purpose is to provide families and/or individuals with items they are in need of. The Center oper­ ates on a self-help basis, which en­ ables low-income citizens to come into the Center and do volunteer work in exchange for the items they need. All items are donated to the Center by citizens; citizen participation is an integral part of f i l e Center; the whole existence of the program is dependent on this factor. But the success of volunteer pro­ gram does not lessen the respoasibility of government. Today the poverty cycle is a social and public problem and government must do its share otherwise poverty will exact terrible penalties in higher health care cost, a higher death rate and millions of poorly nourished youngsters growing into poorly functioning adults. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 LOCATION CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 7 00 p TV YPW W Evangaliatic Worship | Tuaaday Friday • >ed M o n i » ta t.o n M an e g e * FREE FOOD FOR THE NEEDY 1 » P S Baa* Band Thursday Chou Rahaaraal Sunday Sunday School Morning 84 N.E. killingsw orth • 281 0499 5634 N E U n io n A va 1503)261 6393 -Tf a 707 NE Freem ont 281-6525 c I w io i CLEANERS A c c e tto ' •» II» N I FREM ONT a i «628 ELK C L E A N E R S Et L A U N D R Y F R ID A Y 5 B E A U T Y S U P P L IE S W h o ^ iu le a n d R e u .l E s ta b lis h e d 1912 and st>i PATON JEWELERS f nOey 7 OD a • I ) » j i t t o n d * V S .itih « -» | r w « 'l r s SensraeySODe |)ijm * n d p r o v id in g q u a lit y d r y c le a n in g < W . c a rry p r o d u c t , th a t err s e e n in J e t e n d E b o n y M a g a z in e O pen 9 1 m m I»,t». S I S jn d s IJ O O e » m UOOe W aaeySO D e« m flin g JM I » ilO D p « Phone: 284-3979 W .iti h JL I« «eri* * R« a t r e a s o n a b le r a te s 1014 N K illin g s w o rth 500 N W 23rd A v e n u e 8pm BARB'S S to p -A -M In lt M a rt 2 N. K illingsw orth M.» Tkw T O O , « I I ® , » JEWELRY MH«’ E V IC T IO N S S TO PPED •s W H Y BE BALD? B ro a d w a y H a ir w a e v a r s b D é s i g n a i , B e a u ty S a lo n h a , th e s o lu tio n 1634 N E 7th a t B ro a d w a y 281 9495 U N ITY o F love BEAUTY SALON 6 7 » n T u N ION a C * PHARMACY WlO* ■ te n a n ts ’ D o you f**M y o u a re b e in g u n fa irly tr e a te d ? P R M C C L IN IC sc—; » PHARM ACY- •a«BLP«<'*>ne • C om *” «' e~uo*we AzhgAB • * » -ne'er .-Bee e.eeetx» If» N M o r n e S t A C C « **« “ * * * i,' R e n ta l -8 » ’ -L '.’i ï 0 ’" P o r tla n d O re g o n 97227 2>1 9931 » ¿ » T l » f - c_ P r o fe s s io n a l S e r v ic e s 263-4123 Q IM M À T IO O T ’ PHIL R E Y N O L D S M E D IC A L C L IN IC C a la rm i Bervioe F R ID A Y S B E A U T Y S U P P L Y | W a lte r C <*»' *eeow end »ate - W e p'oew< te ee eew * end iNo*'» R e y n o ld s K a lp a n a H R a id e v M D M D P hys iC ta n s b S u r g e o n s N E U n io n 15 N M o rris St 287 4532 a? « 2 M » 1 2 NE IS lh 2 0 0353 A N N B. W ITTE O E N E R A T IO N S ' Attorney at Law ( 4trr,r.