Page 6, Portland Observer, July 24, 1986 Q • SPORT TALK * SPORT TALK • • SLAM DUNK! Slam Dunk judges and contestants Clyde "The Glide" Drexler. as usual, rose to the occasion. Billy Ray soars in the attack position. 12.660 tans remembered their high flying scoring machine ’8 5 SUMMER EXPOSURE CLASSES oähcb / w ° «MB« The Slam Dunk winner, Billy Ray bates The Lee Graham Classic • • • • • BALLET STREET & BREAK DANCING ETHNIC MOVEMENT AFRICAN DANCE JAZZ • LUNCH STRETCH * SIGN UP NOW.................................. •»CLASSES NOW IN SESSION *** SPACE LIMITED!!!I! FOR MORf INFORMATION CONIACI 287-9883 1829 NE. Alberta p io d u c e d in entupí» bv ( le b o n iM p P io d u i In • V A iM -rtis m q C o m p o n » We arc a group o f professionals, educators and coaches from various schools throughout the city ssho hase joined together to form a collective planning unit. We are a non-profit o r­ ganization and our primary focus and goal is to recognize members o f our community ssho hase gisen o f them seises in a positive manner These individuals have been pillars o f strength and hase lacilitgated the development and self-sufficiency o f our youth for years; as model citizens, counselors and members o f parent groups. I his summer sve would like to recognize M r. I ce Graham, by organ­ izing a community-based track and field meet to be dedicated to him and held in his honor. The track meet w ill be tilled, "T h e Lee Graham Classic," and w ill feature the finest athletes throughout the city o f P ort­ land on (he high school and college levels. There w ill also be several events for "o p e n " and "m asters" age groups. A total o f 12 specialty events are being planned. The tenta­ tively scheduled dale is August IO, 1985 at Jefferson High School. Historically, only business leaders, members o f the legal profession, educators, and professional athletes have been honored by members o f our community. We feel that this pattern should be broken and a new one established and set into motion. I ee Graham has been unrecognized for n xi long by those with limited vision and little depth o f realism. M r. Graham was a bus driver for A l­ derman Farms for years and was directly responsible for getting hun­ dreds o f young people employed during the summer harvest season in the late 1950s and early I9«>s. He has been a major force in the movement to keep young people o ff "the streets" and out o f trouble. His love and dedi­ cation to the yourg people o f his community mandated that he adopt many important and difficu lt roles: counselor, father, teacher and em­ ployer to an ever-increasing extended family o f youth during the past JO years The young people loved him, were in awe o f him, and most im ­ portantly respected him because they knew that he was “ for real” and that he had their best interests at heart. Mr. Graham is a strong and com ­ mitted man who has never allowed his emotional love for youth to blind LEE G R A H A M him to their need for discipline and a positively structured environment. Since his retirement from Alderman Farms, M r. Graham has remained ac­ tively supportive and involved in his community. He is a member o f nu­ merous organizations that serve young people, in addition to being a member o f Jefferson High School’ s Dad's Club. He has become a permanent and welcome fixture in the grand stands and bleachers at city athletic events, and he has not missed a Jef- ferson ball game or track meet in over 20 years. We are asking fo r your support and participation so that we can make this event a celebration that appro­ priately honors an individual who has made such a significant contribution to our community. Leo Graham is a man who deserves to see our respect and admiration for the many years o f service that he has so unselfishly dedi­ cated himself to. Please help in our effort to make this community based event a success­ ful and meaningful celebration o f the spirit o f achievement that so appro­ priately honors M r. Lee Graham He has contributed so much to the youth o f Portland's northeast com­ munity. We are in need o f a variety o f items for the track meet. Articles such as t-shirts, shoes, trophies, gift certifi­ cates, medals, record albums and/or any other contributions that you might be able to donate would be very much appreciated by us as we prepare for this event. We are a non-profit organization and all financial and “ in -k in d " con­ tributions arc tax deductible We would o f course recognize your con­ tributions to people attending the event, or respect a desire to remain anonymous if that is your preference. Please contact me if you have any additional questions and if you would like to make arrangements to con­ tribute in some way to the success o f this community event. Thank you, ROSE ( I T Y P L A N N E R S I eon Lincoln John Mays Leon McKenzie Ernie Smith YonRay Johnson Grace McKenzie Carol Walden