ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Clackamas County Boaarri of County Commissioners, through its Community Development Division will re ceive sealed bids until 2 00 p m on August 6. 198b for cleaning sealing and painting the exterior of Hillside Manor, a 100 unit. 9 story concrete building located «it 2889 SE Hillside Milwaukie. OR Bids shall be addressed to Mr Peter Munroe. Clackamas County Com munity Development Division, P 0 Box 2. Marylhurst OR 97036 Bidders are invited to attend the bid opening in the Main Conference Room, Housing Authority of Clackamas County, 13930 S Gam Street C IT Y OF O A TES INVITATION TO BID S m w , twte tor ccxistructton of a Municipal Watar Treatment Plant « ’ll be received on befialf of the City of Gates by Weetech Engineering Inc 3421 26th Sheet S t Salem Oregon 97302. until 2 00 P M local time on the 13th of August 1 » P'opoeele shall be iteeny marked B«1 fo< • Municipal Water Treatment Plant showing .late and time of bid opening and aha« tie itehyered to Waste, h tnyineenny Inc . on or before the atmve bid openxig time The work to include the following construction Oregon City, Oregon 97045 No bids will tie receiver! or considered after that time A 260 ypm pressure titter treatment facility ’mused m a 8W) S con crate block building. chlorination facilities beckweah pond atectncal jn e woik and miscetlanenua appurtenant work All interested Bidders shall attend a mandatory on site Pre Bid Confer ence at 9 00 a m . July 31. 1985. at Hillside Manor 2889 SE Hillside Milwaukie. OR No bids shall tie accepted from B'drtors who fail to attend Estimated construction coat is 1150,000 1176,000 the Pre Bid Conference Plana and specifics tame may tie aaammed a, Bid security in the amount of ten percent (10% I is required m accordance with the Instruction to Bidders 1 City Hell Gates. Oregon 97346 2 Weetech Engineering. Inc 3421 26th St SE, Salem. Oregon 97302 3 Salem Contractors Exchange 2688 Judson SE Salem Oregon 97302 4 Construction Data Plan Canter 926 N W 12th Ave Pi intend Oregon This project requires prequalifications of bidders as descntied in the Instruction to Bidders Bidders not currently prequalified by Clackamas County or Oregon State Department of Transportation may apply for ^©qualification no later than ten (101 days prior to the bid opening on forms available from the County 5 6 97208 Northweet Plan Center 901 SE Oak. Portland. Oregon 97214 Northwest Minority C on t tect ora Association. ,826 NE KiHmgeworth Portland. Oregon 97211 The Contract Documents may be examined and obtained from the archi tect. Robert Miller Housing Authority of Clackamas County. 13930 S Gam Street. Oregon City, Oregon 97046 for a non refundable *ee of $15 00 for each set The Contract Documents may also tie examined at the following locations Copies ot the Contract Documents may tm oMemed from Wester n Engineering Inc upon deposit ot fifteen ikillers (»15 U0I fix each set ot documents The 'frexiert wi« not tie refunded » «M e n must be prequelifwd with the iiw u a se required by OHS Chapter 279 Only bxta horn prsquelitied txdrlera fix this proter t af’ail txr opened Community Development Division. Marylhurst, Oregon Builders Exchange Cooperative. Portland. Oregon Northwest Plan Center. Portland, Oregon Construction Data News Portland. Oregon Hiiklera must eieo comply with the minimum 'atne toi wages as iletix mined by the Secretary ot Labor m accordance with provision of the Devia Bacon A rt This project is financed through the Community Development Block Grant Program with funds obtained from the U S Department of Hous mg and Urban Development The contract will tie subject to regula tions of the Departments of Labor and Housing and Urban Develop All proposals shall be accompanied by a bid bond equal to ten percent 110%! of the total bid, lo be forfeited to the Owner m the event of failure of the Contractor to siecute the contract Ona hundred percent 1100% I performance and payment bonds will ba isquxsd to guarantee the faithful ment performance ot the contract Attention is called to ORS Chapter 279 and state and federal provisions for Equal Employment Opportunity. Affirmative Action. HUD Section 3 The Owner xerx.iw the light to isteit a n y or ell txde to [xwtpone the award for 30 deyi, to itruste certain items from tha proposal. end to sward ttie contract to ttw lowest meiinnaitile tmldei Requirements, and payment of not less than the minimum wages as set forth in the Documents Dated thia 17th day of July I 986 The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to refer.t any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding INCOME PROPERTY JOBS A partm ent Complex With 17 Spacious Units! All appliances. Laundry Room, Beautiful Grounds, Large Parking lot, Prime location, Top Hr »its Pnce $575,000 Own«» f»wfx;»tg McMinnville 15031434 6193 Magazine 288 0033 CITY OF GATES OREGON Jim Schuette City Engineer OREGON COAST Property/Condom inium Rentals Cannon Beach, Oregon Luxury ocean view Two bedroom, 2 bath, sleeps six Recreation center includes: pool, spa. sauna Oregon Coat Luxury! $95 night $560 week 1 (503)738 9022 JOBS, July 24, 198b, Page 3 . » -M < --• r w