Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 24, 1985, Page 10, Image 10

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    Page 10, Portland Observer, July 24, 1985
f( oniinued from / ‘age 2.
Cot. 3/
Portland. (barges o f police racism
arose during the public inquest and
was substantiated by the dispropor­
tionate number o f Blacks who were
subdued by the hold.
Page said analysis o f race and the
use o f force deserved a separate com­
mittee. Hut in this committee's report
suggesting a separate committee was
not one o f its recommendations.
John Mathis, conciliator for the
U S. Justice Department, said H a r­
rington asked that the committee
not examine race.
“ The reason given is that it would
be addressed in a different forum . I
would have liked to examine the cor­
relation between race and the use o f
force from an emperical perspective.
But we did not have the tim e ," M ath­
is added.
Harrington could have had another
motive to avoid the issue o f race and
the use o f force. She is among a group
of defendants charged in a 15 m illion
dollar lawsuit charging wrongful
death and violation o f civil rights in
Stevenson’s death,
Additional recommendations reit­
erated the need for more officers o f
color and cultural awareness training.
Harrington said new officers could
not be hired until 16 officers laid o ff
were hired back.
"W e have money in our budget for
training — not equipment or person­
nel," Harrington said. “ The C ity
Council has to take on the responsibil­
ity to give the potxx the tools it needs.”
The committee also suggested a new
line o f police airnament such as the
PR-24 baton, field testing the dcctnc
"stun gun," capture nets and stun gre­
“ In resolving those normally less than
lite threatening daily encounters, the
committee believes dial the police should
avail themselves o f a greater range of
less lethal weaponry than they now
have available to them,” niXcd the re­
l i e committee commended the bu
reau for its "Wellness Program," sched
ulcd to bed implemented in September.
“ Several studies conducted nationally
indicate tluit officers who arc physically
fit tend to use less force than officers
who arc nut."
While responding to a reporter's
question that officers might feel more a
pari of the community if d ry lived in
the city, Harrington said living in the
city was not necessary. 'I don't think
you have to live in the area to be a part
of the community. I haven't lived hi the
cits for quite some tm r and Portland
is my home," Harrington added Cur­
rently, all new officers must live in the
I huiingtoii plans to forward the com­
mittee recommendations to a police
cxxnmitter for review. In September, she
will make a final determination on the
status of the sleeper hold.
40266 7
6-stitch sewing machine
portable color televisions
Reg $219 99
Priced reg
Your choice
to $289 99
These convenient portable color sets make ideal second sets
tor any home Featuring a Super Chromix picture tube they
are 100% solid state
This Kenmore' sewing machine features 4 utility and 2
stretch stitches as well as a built-in buttonholer It also
includes sew-by-color teatures
Sale a n d * A ug 3
Sale ends Aug 3
Reg $104 99
Canister vac w ith Pow er M a te
This powerful-suction vac has a beater bar brush to clean
carpels deeply The active edge cleaner cleans to the walls
and in corners Also teatures a quick-release cord storage
Sale ends Aug 3
Reg $229 99
Reg $499 99
Upright vac w ith tools.
Dual tape stereo
VHS video cassette recorder
This strong suction vac adiusts to 4 carpet pile heights and
comes with 7 attachments tor all your cleaning needs
This compact stereo has dual cassette decks tor dubbing
tppes and an AM/FM stereo receiver turntable and speakers
This VCR has a wired 9-function remote with search Records
any one program for up to 9 days Features an easy one-
button record
San» ends A ug 3
San» ends A ug 3
Saie ends A ug 3
Reg $499 99
I he musicians are not paid for their
performances and arc booked on a
first come, first serve basis. Music
and workshops are presented on two
stages continuously each day from
12 noon to 6 p m. The festival also
features arts and crafts and food
“ The Oregon Folklife Festival
strongly contrasts with many other
summer festival events,” says Cafaz-
zo. "W e arc able to attract quality
performers and yet offer the con­
cert entirely free o f charge. That
makes it possible for everyone to
share in the spirit o f the magic o f
a tunc that everyone young
and old. rich and poor can dance to.
It's a celebration for all o f us who
live in Oregon."
Folk, ethnic and bluegrass musi­
cians from around the West w ill be in
Corvallis Saturday. August 3. and
Sunday, August 4, for the Sixth A n ­
nual Oregon Folklife Festival.
Hie festival, sponsored by music
lovers m Corvallis in conjunction with
the Corvallis Folklore Society, w ill be
held in Avery Park. Admission and
all events are free to the public except
the Saturday evening square dance.
According to Festival Director,
Tom Cafazzo, "th e spirit o f the festi­
val is to share our love o f music and
community with each other People
from around Corvallis donate time,
equipment and expertise to make the
festival fun and rewarding for every­
one who attends "
Color TV w ith remote
This 19 color TV com es with a 1I7 < h a n n e i rem ote TV
is cable com patible
Reg $549 99
Reg $?9 99
Remote console TV
The 25 diagonal m easure iok>r picture on this TV
features a sharpness control O ther features e x lude elec
trontc tunin g and a rem ote control
________________________ Saw »'•<*»
Reg $99 99
A M /F M stereo w ith headphones
P ortable stereo recorder
This su(>er < ompa< ’ AM FM stereo com es w ith head
phones for personal entertainm ent anyw here B atteries
not included
D ub your tapes w ith the dua l cassette decks featured on
this go anyw here portable stereo AM/F M stereo rev etver
is dua l pow ered (A C /D C l B a tteries e«tra
S a w a*vda July 21
S a w a n d a A ug
C leanm ore home
cleaning system
Heq »169 99
Reg $29 99
Meg $299 99
K-. H ’
D u a l-a la rm clock radio
Kenmore sewing machine
Aw ake to radio or alarm and press the bar on top of radio
for 9 m inutes of additional sleep C lock features a
59 m inute sleep tim er and a pow er failure alert
This m achine features 6 utility and 6 stretch stitches Also
includes both a built-m and a snap m buttonholer as well
as a sew by color dia' that m atches selected stitches to
their idea) length
S a w an d a July 11
S a w aorta Aug
This steam type rug cteaner
sprays hot solution in to your
carpet and pulls up dirt and
liquid Looks great and dries
fast' W hy bother to ra n t’
S a w arvda Aug
Reg $194 99
2*speed vac w ith tools
This u prig ht vac has eight heights and an act *e edge
cleaner to clean next to walls and m corners Com es with
a ttach m en ts for all your cle anin g needs
S a w I ' x l i Auo
■ WW..W...W -TK
Soars cordless
phon* Sw 6 9 ”
This ’ 0 0 h ranga cord
less pho ne features a
*ed a' and secur»ty
Pushbutton phone
ew»t * • • • r
Thia one piece phone with
base >s g reat for your b a s e
phone needs
Electric ty p e w rite r
R ag » 4 4 « W
This p«ca print typewriter
features power return and
This daisy wheel
typew riter features
ree lion memory and
(Lynnwood 771 2212)
7x50 binoculars bring you 10 the action See 356 feel at
1000 yards
(344 4830)
(491 4000)
Req S6 99
° 9
T h u liq u id c r y s ta l d is p la y c a lc u la t o r i t s o la r
p o w e re d —never requires b a tte rie s' Features a m em ory
and a u to m a te shutoff
SW ewe» Ae> I
Sat* anda Aug 1
(355 7070)
1852 2280)
Req S 4 9 9 9
S a w arvda Aug
Solar calculator
Quick focus binoculars
,64 t 1000)
(226 2323)
(Federal Way 941 10001
(489 11701
(364 9000)
,256 8333)
,620 1510)