Page 8. Portland Observer, July 17,1986 Honey recipe contest ilïïcbïïcm Send notte* ojyour church activities and events Io. Religion Editor. Portland Observer P O B o x ) IJ7 Portland OR 97208 Forestry Center holds classes Adults and youths, ages IS and up, can explore trees o f Northwestern Oregon in a Forestry Center class on Tuesday, August 6 and 13. The two- session evening class will provide in­ troductory, nontechnical information on local trees. The first session will cover the use o f tree classification keys, terminology for describing dis­ tinctive features o f trees, and a re­ view o f local trees. The second session will include a hike through adjacent Hoyt Arbore- turn to view trees and become fa­ miliar with variations in tree forum, leaf size, fruits, twig structure and bark texture. Participants should wear weather-wise clothing, bring illustrated field guides if desired, and a lunch. The class is scheduled for August 6 and 13, from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in Miller Hall classroom. Cost is $10 W FC members and $12 for oth­ ers. For information contact lise For­ estry Center, 4033 S.W . Canyon Rd., Portland, 228-1367. Forestry Center tours The Forestry center is offering a five-day tour to explore Northeastern Oregon on August 25 - 29. Based in cabins at Wallowa la k e camp, the tour group will travel by van to view natural resources and scenic and historic sites o f HelLs Can­ yon National Recreation Area, W a l­ lowa W hitm an National Forest and Eagle Cam p Wilderness. Tour high­ lights include a jet boat ride on the Snake River, a gondola ride to (he summit o f 8,250-foot M t. Howard, and an excursion with a Forest Serv­ ice representative into the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area which will include a spectacular view o f the HelLs Canyon. Cost o f the tour is $160 for W FC members, $175 for others. This cost includes transportation, accommoda­ tions, meals, and the jet boat ride. For more information, please con­ tact the Forestry Center at 4033 S.W . Canyon Rd., Portland, 228-1367. United Negro College Fund The United Negro College Fund was founded in 1944 with a campaign directed at the community to encour­ age (hem to give financial support to private Black colleges Now, 41 years later, the need for finances is still present. The importance o f Black colleges cannot be overstated. They are responsible for the education of over one-haJf o f our Black leaders to­ day. Dr. M artin Luther King, our Black leader, who through his life and death gave us the civil rights we enjoy today, was a 1948 Morehouse College graduate. It is with Dr. King's legacy that Black men and women strive to make a better world for all their brothers and sisters. Black col­ leges are a reminder to us that at one time in our Black history we did not have access to institutions o f higher learning, so we had to build our own. It was this profound reminder that prompted a small, but committed group o f people to meet on July I at the Sylvan l earning Center to dis­ cuss the reactivation o f Portland's U N C F ’s executive board. The group discussed various methods to imple­ “ People ere Beautiful“ ALLEN TE M P L E C M E C H U R C H C o rn er of 8th and S k id m o re Sunday School 9 30am Sunday Worship 11 00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6 00pm (second and fourth Sundays) r The “ People are Beautiful” chil­ dren's program (P A B ) will be cele­ brating 10 years of service to the north and northeast Portland area this sum­ mer. The Ecumenical Parish, spon­ sors o f “ People are Beautiful" for the past 10 years, will mark the day with a Block Party and a nb dinner in the Mallory Avenue Christian Church parking lot. 126 N .E Alberta, on Elonza J. E d w a rd s (P astor) BEREAN BAPTIST CHUR CH M 284-2334 Theolo gy • M Dtvmrty) Services: 9:30 a .m ., S u n d ay Sch o o l 11:00 a .m ., M o rn in g W o rsh ip 6:00 p .m .. Evening W o rsh ip The Barnetts ir Berean welcomes your family. A t B e re a n w e e m p h e s lie b u ild in g s tro n g fa m ilie s . Y o u 'll g e t so lid E x p o s ito ry B ib lic a l P re a c h in g b T e a c h in g . CO M E AND CELEBRATE with .Jo h n a n d V ivian P a rk e r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , A ’i t • HE 2 7 . Anniversary Tea Sutxlav. «July 2 1 .1 9 8 5 3 :0 0 — 5 :3 0 p.m. M u s ic by: T h e W a rr e n F a m ily , V ir g in ia S h e p h a rd . T h e N e w B e g in n in g s . G re g a n d Q e ru th a F e v o re l, H a s e l B r o w n a n d D o ro th y B u tle r. S p e a k e rs : S e n a to r W illia m M c C o y . C h a p la in H a rla n B is h o p A . A W e lle , w it h re m a rk s b y o th e rs . af M ARANATHA CHURCH 4 2 2 2 N.E. 12th R S V P 2 8 4 7563 The Fred Meyer Charitable Trust has awarded a grant in the amount ol $126,200 to fund a pilot project which will provide in-home services to the elderly by community volunteers. The new Portland area project called "Friends to the Elderly” will begin in early September, 1985, at no charge toils participants. This project is unique in that three social service agencies. Catholic Fam ­ ily Services, Jewish Family and Child Services and Lutheran Family Service began working together a year ago to develop and plan this program which will provide services within the greater Portland area The primary goaLs are to assist elderly individuals to remain in their homes with independence and dignity for as long as possible and to estab­ lish friendships between trained vol­ unteers and elderly people who meet the program’s criteria Persons requir­ ing these services will be cither self- referred or referred by community sources. Volunteers will be recruited from the community at large. They will be screened and trained by professionals and will provide a variety of services including advocacy, family respite, personal needs and transportation. Salvation Army pick-ups Prison Ministries, Inc. lO tli Oregon honey as well as cash prizes will be awarded to winning entrants. Prizes will be donated by members of THE M O U N T O L IV E T B A P T IS T C H U R C H b S c h u y le r • 284 N .E . F irs t N e ls o n , The Salvation Army has an im­ mediate need for reusable large appli­ ances and furniture. Portland area residents who have these reusable and repairable items can call the Salvation Army at 235-4192 for convenient, at-home pick-ups. Salvation Army trucks are in the Portland area M on­ day through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Items donated to the Salvation Army are sorted and repaired by persons with substance-abuse or emo­ tional problems who are receiving treatment at the organization's Adult Rehabilitation Center (A .R .C .), lo­ cated in Portland The A .R .C . provides physical, social, and spiritual assistance on a residential basis for a minimum of 90 days. Donated goods are sold in area Thrift Stores, the proceeds of which fund the A R.C. itself. 1964 M 0 Joh n H Jackson M inister M Ed 9 » A M C hurch S chool 11 00 A M C o n g reg atio n al W orship 5 00 P M 10 0 0 A M Vesper Service B apt'sm Fo u rth Sunday 11 0 0 C o m m u n io n Each First Sunday The American Baptist Convention. American Baptist Churches of Oregon: Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention National. Oregon, Po rtlan d Ecum enical M inistries, A m erican Bible S o c ie ty , M ErM Board Tuesday YOU ARE W ELCOM E TO W O R SH IP AT Thursday 84 N.E. K illin g s w o rth • 281 0499 a by _?5> « 4 , 7 30p m Bible Band "A warm spirit of fellowship always" C h ou Rehearsal 7 00p m S u n d ay S u n d ay S chool 9 15am M o rn in g The Ark of Safety Church o f God in Christ W o rsh ip 11 1 5 a m Y .P W .W 6 30p m Evangelistic 8 00pm . W o rs h ip •CiutCf* 9» «.In»«« N o o n D ev (Tuesday Friday Prayer Friday " T h e Pastor Speaks 7 30 p m • F o llo w peace w i t h a ll ro e n .k - h o lin e s s rd a y u ’ it b o u i u ’b tc h no S M a tu o rn in g invited. Bring own table service, beverage, main dish, A N D salad O R dessert ( 1'iiiact Doug W irt, 288-5173, or (ireg and Heather, Vancouver 69’ 9266 9 0 0 a m. Prayer shall sec Ibc m an to rà Q S W KAAR ’«AM LM r ( om m unity D irectory and profiles Ads O n This P age A rc O f L o td l B usiness«* T hat A rc H e lp in g B u ild A B e tte r C o m m u n ity AUTO BROAD > WAX BROADWAY M IS C E L L A N E O U S TOYOTA 307 N E B ro a d w a y P o rtla n d , O R 97232 15031 284 1105 K U R E N TA LS & 234-748® B ro ad w ay Exxon C n w v p ie t« C«< C « ’ « ( 10 »M 9 00 «-<>i lo e •» O m » *e««< h g n .. C h u t* * ' I ... • A M r W . 8* •• . . • ru INCLUDING suaosrs 1 M 1 I, 7 11 $«"44» Nathan Barnett, Pastor (B y Fred Meyer “ Friends to the Elderly“ 4822 N. V a n c o u v e r A ve. ment the board’s re-entrance into the community it was decided that a list should be compiled o f all the city's Black organizations to assist in se­ curing representatives to serve on the new board The need for more regular meetings to reiterate the importance o f keeping the 42 Black colleges open was identified as a high priority. Plans are in the making for the first weekend i t Spetember to be designat­ ed as L)NCF weekend. A kickoff breakfast will be held that Saturday, and Sunday will be dedicated to U N C F in all the community churches The Portland group is aiming to get more support throughout the entire year which will culminate in the an­ nual U N C F "Parade of Stars" tele thon to be telecast in late December. Anyone interested in helping Port­ land’s U N C F to meet its goal is invit­ ed to attend the next meeting on July 15, Monday at 7:30 p.m. The meet­ ing will be at (he Sylvan learning Center, 4300 N .E . Fremont Ave. All ideas and suggestions will be appre­ ciated. Attention: On July 20, a "potluck picnic" will honor children of inter racial families The picnic will be at Peninsula Park, beginning at 12:00 noon, lasting until 5 p.m. All interracial families are the Oregon Stale Beekeepers Asso­ ciation. Cooks may enter items in any of five categories (no more than one entry per category). Categories will include: I) Breads, 2) Desserts, 3) Main Dishes, 4) Snacks, 5) Other. Bring prepared entries to the W o ­ men's H all, Dundee, Oregon, by TOO p.m. July 20 along with a copy o f the recipe. Judging wil be at 2;00 p.m. The Oregon State Beekeepers As­ sociation has shcduled an Oregon Honey Recipe Contest July 20th to coincide with the Annual Oregon Honey Festival in Dundee, Oregon. This contest is to promote new and creative uses o f Oregon honey» Rent to o w n T V Stereo VCR video gam e» b m o*»ei ■ iidMt»»« S«a».o« Me «ye- 519 N E B io a d w a y 784 5050 Fran W h ite A ppliances b T V. • Leasing • Sales • Service • Parts BEAUTY Ol A L W A Y S A O O O D S E L L C T IO N O f NEW AND U S f D CARS AN D TRUCKS j a b e l l) BEAU TY b BARBER S E R V IC E D E P A R T M E N T H O U R S 7 30 AM 5 00 PM M O NDAY T H R U F R ID A Y ' .a« • Oe»e o» ■ a t» * N A » ■ .'a— «a « 7 m ..> 5001 N E U n io n (C o r n e r o f A lb e r ta ) 788 5303 2 8 4 -1 1 0 5 Sai 5834 N E U n io n A v e (5031 281 6393 MRS 307 N E BROADW AY PO RTLAND C S W lQ S M*1» Star »tl A Accetto' ai 707 N I F R E M O N T Al S6Ä F R ID A Y £ B E A U T Y S U P P L IE S W h o le s a le end Retail A a «_•"> pro d u cts that arr MW'’ in Jet and Ebony M a y a /m ? O pen 9 a m 8pm BARBS S to p A M l n l t M a r t 2 N K lllln g a w o r t h CLEANERS JEW ELRY ELK C L E A N E R S LAUNDRY PATON JEWELERS Mu« INK 1<»a • b D u m n n d v VS a h He* |e » e lrv E s ta b lis h e d n 191? an d st< p ro vid in g q u a lity dry . lean in g | W j l t h * le w e b v Repair at reasonable fates 1014 N K illin g s w o rth 500 N W 23rd A ven u e U tfc S I Sandx sa«t CtW'O* 71’ 281 9495 Rental ten an ts’ D o you fee« you are being unfairly treated? at B r o a d w a y ?B1 ■» • U. 9931 •OEmSRATIOHB’ CauruiA f te r v ic « n T R IO A Y S B E A U T Y S U P P L Y | A ' . aaean e-«i *av>- * a i * " i 4664 NE U n io n a z ik ? m .-••5Ì í 1 * . a t ? NE 16th ? rv 784 3332 N f)» Sm le d « « .v in e J y ' V. V l * ' EXECU TIVE C U S T O M Tailoring Intern ation al M an W o m en Children RESTAURANT IS • « OPEN 10 0 0 p m i 2 p * V e r e iM f R. »• H<»«rt M »« •»"J H h I ’1» S' » "»» •» N F- A s « * 4 e » i no r terry ÍM,. 28’ 8 1 9 Krfhngeworth S t 160312B B 9B 14 T H E O T H E R S ID E P w rfo rm a n « e U n io n Rev Mayes ,, W c ite i C R eynold» M D -r k v i Ifc-' , 281 9642 ’ * - j i Professional Services 8720 N E U N IO N 283 4123 W IN G S OF LOVE m Phone: 284 3979 P R M C C L IN IC PHARMACY »s • « • h- •' • Arm*«» a t i ,a-««raa If. N M o r n s St P o rtls n d O » s g u n 9 7 2 7 7 1bJ4 N E 7th NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO? HAVE A PROBLEM? CALL i 2 <«» e llt t p e E V IC T IO N S S T O P P E D W H Y BE B A L D ? U N IT Y O f L O V E Sai«»8ar /M l MAO* PHARMACY B ro a d w a t H a u w a a v e rt b D e sig n ers B e a u ty S a lo n h a t the solution BEA UTY SALON 11 CO p » trMav’ ODa« ! ! • • • '« M u itta » D ia m o n d settin g J b j ^ N t 1&th « ¿48 Q JM t Mw-taeaaa* B erortd •