Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 17, 1985, Page 17, Image 17

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Sealed bids lor the application ol exterior brushes will be
received by the Housing Authority ol Portland at 8910 N
Woolsey Avenue , Portland. Oregon 97203 until 2 00 p m POT.
Wednesday July 24 1985. and following a short duration,
publicly opened and read aloud Bidders may be present during
the bid opening
Basically, the work consists ol exterior construction which
includes, but is not limited to the following work
BASIC BID A Weatherizing, moisture sealing, caulking and
general painting at ten apartment complexes including pressure
washing exteriors
BASIC BID "B Metal siding construction including gutters and
downspouts, masonry repairs and sealing, pressure washing
and painting at three apartment complexes
Prospective bidders may obtain one set ol bidding documents at
the Housing Authority Maintenance Ollice. 8910 N Woolsey
Avenue between 8 00 a m and 4 00 p m . Monday through Friday
upon deposit of $20 which is refundable Documents must be
returned to HAP in good condition within ten days alter bid
opening date in order to receive refund ol deposit Additional
sets ol documents may be acquired lor $10 each which is not
refundable Business firms outside the Portland area only may
order documents by calling 283 4602 and making arrangements
lor deposit by mail
Sealed brde for the metellebon of security devicee will be received by
the Housing Authority of Portland Oregon I HAP) at 8B10 N Woolsey
Avenue. Portland, Oregon. 97203, untit 2 00 p m , POT, July 31 1986
and foflowtng a short duration, publicly opened and reed akiud Bidder«
may be present during the bid opening
Briefly, the work cpnetsta of installing twenty three 123) new light
standards with future« after removing axiating standard« and th e in
staiietion of deed bolt« end retrofit of axiating door knob« tor one hun
dred aixty two 1182) living unit« in six (81 HAP properties
Prospective btdders may obtain one set ot bidding dor umenta at the
Housing Authority ot Portland Maintenance Office 8810 N Woolaey
Avnue. between 8 00 a m and 4 00 p m Monday through Fndey A
»20 refundable depoen is required tor each set of document« Docu
menta must be returned to HAP in good condition within tan days
after bid opening date in order to receive refund of deposit Additional
seta of document« may be acquired tor »10 each which is not refund
stile Buemeee fume outside the Portland area may request document«
by calling 283 4802 end making arrangements foi deposit by mail
A HAP representative wiU conduct a tour of the |ob sue commencing
at 10 00 a m Thursday. July 26, 1986 and the attendance of all bidder«
is required Queetion« poeed as that time regarding the protect will be
answered by addenda and provided to all bidder» by mail
A minimum of 20% MBE pemcipetion in the execution of thia protect
is a HAP requirement end the method« the bidder propose« in comply
mg with thia requirement ie subiect to HAP review and approval prior
to initiating the contract
A HAP representative will conduct a tour ol the job sites
commencing at 10 00 a m Thursday, July 11. 1985 at 8910 N
Woolsey Ave and all bidders are requested to attend Questions
regarding the proiect will be answered by addenda and provided
to all bidders
A minimum ol 20% MBE participation in the execution of this
proiect is a HAP requirement and the methods the bidder
proposes in complying with this requirement is subiect to HAP
review and approval prior to initiating the contract
No bid will be considered unless accompanied by Bid Security in
the form ol certified check, cashier s check, or surety bond
payable to Housing Authority ol Portland in an amount equal Io
10% ol the bid to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages
should bidder neglect or refuse to enter into a contract or
provide suitable bond lor the faithful performance of the work in
the event the contract is awarded
No bid wM ba conaidered unlaae accompanied by Bid Security m the
form ot certified check or surety bond p ey eb ie to the Housing Author
ity of Portland in an amount equal to 10% of the bid to be forfeited as
fixed and liquidated damages ahould biddei neglect oi refuse to entei
into a contract and provide «unable bond for the leithful performance
of the work in the event the contract ie ewerded to the biddei
No biddei mey withdraw a bid « h e r the hour aet tor the opening theie
ot until aftei the lapse of aixty (801 day» from the bid oenmg
The Housing Authority of Portland may retact any bid not in compliance
with ell prescribed bidding procedures and requirement» and may re
tect any or all bid« and waive all informant»« if in the tudgment ot
HAP. it ia in the public interest to do so Gueetione regarding the protect
ahould be directed to Dave Walter at 283 4802
By Executive Director
No bidder may withdraw bid after the hour set for the opening
thereof until after the lapse of sixty (60) days from the bid
The Housing Authority of Portland may reiect any bid not in
compliance with all prescribed bidding procedures and
requirements and may reiect any or all bids, and waive all
inform alities if in the |udgment of HAP it is in the public interest
to do so Questions regarding this protect should be directed to
Dave Walter at 283 4602
Director of Maintenance
JOBS Magazine
»380 00
Beautiful Victorian home, 3 bedroom«
2 betha, modem kitchen, dining room,
utility room and garage Delightful I Dnve
by 3946 N. Bortwick, then call
Evenings ft Sundays Available for oc­
cupancy July 22, 1986 Section 8 per
ticipants welcome
M63N.E. Killingaworth
Portland. OR 97211
(503)288 0033
JOBS, July 17, 1985, Page 7